Tag: ek Politics

Be careful what you wish for.

So the Parliamentary Labour Party has enforced its Voter Suppression Edict. How, exactly, has that worked out for them? Labour sees huge surge in membership The Telegraph 7/21/16 4:25 pm BT The huge surge in new members signing up to join Labour ahead of the party’s leadership election has stunned Westminster. In the space of …

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With Cheese

That would be revenge of course. Chris Cillizza (who is an out-of-touch Billionaire bootlicking idiot as almost all of the Villagers are) illuminates the Beltway consensus in Pravda– Sen. Ted Cruz risked his political career Wednesday night when he pointedly decided against endorsing Donald Trump from the stage of the Republican National Convention in Cleveland. …

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New Labour

Just as the British Labour Party (in so far as you consider the Labour Party to be composed of its members and not its Quisling Tory-lite Neoliberal Blairite Parliamentarians) has turned decisively away (again, depending if you think a 22 point margin even among the voter suppressed for sure electorate is decisive) against its mis-Leadership …

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What IS The Matter With Our Elites?

That I choose to highlight pieces like this shouldn’t be taken as an endorsement of a particular candidate. Instead they’re an indictment of an arrogant and unwarranted by performance attitude of privilidge that is pervasive among our political and media class. The world is taking its revenge against elites. When will America’s wake up? by …

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Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.

You can’t help but chuckle.

While I have a real life of quiet notoriety (I’m not kidding when I say there are certain rooms where people are obligated to stand when I enter) I suppose most of my readers are familiar with me through my internet presence under the pseudonym ek hornbeck and involvement in Daily Kos. Not that it …

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The Ghost of Adolph

I come here not to praise Godwin, but to bury him. Misusing German History to Scare Up Votes for Hillary Clinton By Louis Proyect, Naked Capitalism July 16, 2016 Hitler is invoked as a kind of bogeyman to frighten liberals. He serves the same purpose as a warning from your parents when you were six …

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28 Pages

I wish I could include the 60 Minutes report from April 19th this year, but while the full episode is available on YouTube (in 3D no less, you have to change the settings to 2D or haul out your Star Wars glasses) the individual clip is hidden behind a registration wall at CBS and I …

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No Accountability

What do we know about the murder of Alton Sterling by Officers Blane Salamoni and Howie Lake in Baton Rouge, Louisiana? We know that on July 5th he was peacefully and with permission on private property selling CDs as he had for years. We are told by Police officials that he had a gun, which …

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Sore Losers, But Losers Nevertheless

Jeremy Corbyn Wins Right to Defend His Leadership of Labour Party Jeremy Corbyn won overwhelmingly a year ago, the leadership of the party. So he is a Social Democrat by you might say unnatural selection. The Labour Party’s parliamentarians were neoliberals. So he came to control a party whose members supported him strongly and supported …

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