I am still processing the enormity. Here’s some video from Democracy Now. U.K. Iraq Inquiry Confirms the War Was Based on a Lie Tony Blair is a War Criminal for Pushing Us into Illegal War Iraq War Waged for U.S. Economic Interests Has Destabilized All of Middle East
Tag: ek Politics
Jul 05 2016
So you want a nice rant do you?
The Tory leadership election is a sort of X Factor for choosing the antichrist by Frankie Boyle, The Guardian Tuesday 5 July 2016 07.50 EDT Sadly, it seems that the only people in Britain who truly have more that unites them than divides them are the parliamentary Labour and Conservative parties. The PLP wants rid …
Jul 05 2016
Security Theater
If you were traveling this weekend I hope you made it to your destination safely. The overwheming likelihood is that you did. I prefer mass transit fot the most part. It’s really not that big a deal to hop on Metro North or the T and slump in your seat reading a book or newspaper …
Jul 04 2016
I find your lack of faith… disturbing.
Fellow-citizens, pardon me, allow me to ask, why am I called upon to speak here to-day? What have I, or those I represent, to do with your national independence? Are the great principles of political freedom and of natural justice, embodied in that Declaration of Independence, extended to us? And am I, therefore, called upon …
Jul 02 2016
Privatizing Infrastructure Is A Really Bad Idea
This happens to be about Canada and I must admit I’ve been there several times recently and it really is a better place. Much more like the U.S. I remember from when if you ignore the terrible burnt tasting Tim Horton’s coffee (Starbucks is not an example to emulate unless you adulterate your brew with …
Jul 01 2016
The Neoliberal Impulse
In this interview with Economist Richard D. Wolff he reminds us there is a World Wide revolt against the monopolistic crony capitalism of Neoliberalism and the dictatorship of the 1%. French Labor Law, Brexit, and Greek Austerity: Class War Against European Workers Here’s the basic story. A government, voted in by the French working class, …
Jun 30 2016
A Kodak Moment
So it was 1945, in the summer, and Eastman Kodak started getting some strange complaints. You see, in addition to Kodachrome and mass market films used by amateur and professional photographers, they also did work in Medicine, inventing and producing X-Ray plates (not that it’s the only market, they’re also used in in manufacturing to …
Jun 30 2016
The Worst Case Scenario!
As defined by Andrew Ross Sorkin. Note: this really has very little to do with Brexit at all. I suspect Bill Black who’s been writing about it a lot these last few days (I’m planning an extended summary soon) just put his fingers on automatic. The EU’s Failed Neo-Liberal Policies and BREXIT by William Black, …
Jun 29 2016
New York Stories
I’ve been past the park Eric Garner was murdered in. It’s not much really, just a dinky little triangle between 3 streets across from a convenience store with a few trees, some benches, and grass that has seen too many feet. New York’s police secrecy law: de Blasio fights to keep NYPD abuse records from …
Jun 29 2016
Two Takes on Europe
The twilight of the elites due to their incompetence and arrogance is something I’ve highlighted for years. The first take is from our old friend David Dayen (we knew him back when as dday). The second is from Pravda, the company paper of D.C., if anything a bastion of the Center-Right Village. Who’s to Blame …
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