Tag: ek Politics

The Emperor’s New Clothes

I’ll assume you’re familiar with the tale of the vain and foppish Emperor who gets conned by a peasant into believing he has the finest suit in the land when in fact he’s entirely naked. The political point of the story is that none of his courtiers or even the regular folk dare tell him …

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Say… Cheese

I’m still trying to unpack Bill Black’s 3 part (of two) criticism of Mankiw, but fortunately I studied Samuelson and Nordhaus who at least pay lip service to the seminal macroeconomic insights of Keynes. One of the concepts Keynes explores is that what is rational and logical behavior from a micro-economic standpoint can be profoundly …

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Yeah, They Did This

What you need to understand about the CIA is that they occasionally leak things to prove that they’re spooky and incredibly dangerous instead of merely incompetent moron mediocrities. The CIA’s mysterious role in the arrest of Nelson Mandela By Adam Taylor, Washington Post May 16 at 12:35 PM This weekend, that speculation was reignited by …

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The Blogging Thing

I’ve only been doing it since 2005 which is 3 years less (in Muggle time) than Atrios and translates into something like the Jurassic Period of the Mesozoic Era (roughly 56 Million Blog Years) and even I, as insanely envious and dismissive as I am, must admit that occasionally, in certain rare moments when he’s …

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Meanwhile, in France and Canada

Hollande Continues to Prove that a Fake Left-Winger Is Worse than Most Right-Wingers by Ian Welsh 2016 May 11 Hollande is a far more loathsome individual than, say, British PM David Cameron. Cameron ran as a right-wing pig-fucker who intended to destroy the social state. There are other options than neoliberalism, but people like Hollande …

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Risky Business

Now normally it wouldn’t be significant that an 80 year old finance minister chose to resign, but Saudi Arabia is not a normal place and the replacement of Ali al-Naimi by Khalid al-Falih marks a take over of the Oil Ministry by militant Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (referenced in the article as MbS) and …

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What could possibly go wrong?

So, you have this fertilizer plant that hasn’t been inspected in years and years in Texas where regulation is lax at best and in this case absolutely non-existant. You store hundreds of tons of chemicals, all legitimate components of fertilizer mind you despite that fact that in many combinations they are highly explosive. As in …

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Tub Rings

Does anyone take baths anymore? I do when I have to (when I visit with my Aunt for instance) but I much prefer showers. If you don’t or haven’t in a while you may have forgotten a little phenomena called ‘Tub Ring’. This is a thin ring of grime that forms where the surface of …

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The Difference Between Science And… uh… Not Science

I try not to work blue where it can be picked up in the search engines. As you know I’m a big fan of science and I’m well aware of the difference between science and not science. One type of science is observational, think of the work James Audubon did with the birds of North …

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Trade Deals Gut United States Jobs To Transfer More Wealth To The Wealthy

You know, there is a whole group of Neoliberal Economists turtle shell rattling Shamen and corrupt con artists who say in calm, soothing tones- “Yes, the U.S. has lost manufacturing jobs, but that’s because our economy has transitioned to global, post industrial knowlege based industries like Computers and Pharamceuticals and Finance.” No mention of course …

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