Tag: ek Politics


The Panama Papers Could Lead to Capitalism’s Great Crisis Rana Foroohar, Time April 4, 2016 Mossack Fonseca was working with big name financial groups like UBS, HSBC, Société Générale, and many others to help elites from the Communist Party leadership of China, to soccer star Lionel Messi, to global financiers hide cash in offshore havens …

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The Panama Papers

If you paid attention to anything besides College Basketball and Major League Baseball this weekend, well, I pity you for one thing. In Sports at least you can usually tell what the score is. In other news is the biggest leak in history, measured by volume, not necessarily by impact. Like a majority of ‘breaking’ …

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A Consultation With Dr. Stein

A Sick Society

Debate: Trump v. Sanders

April Fools!

Seeds of Revolution

Paul Ryan Sorry for Calling Americans “Takers.” Let’s Talk About the Real Takers. By Lynn Parramore, Naked Capitalism Posted on March 31, 2016 “There was a time when I would talk about a difference between ‘makers’ and ‘takers’ in our country, referring to people who accepted government benefits,” said the speaker. “But as I spent …

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Puny Gods

The Unifying Theory Of Political Everything By Mike Lux, Crooks and Liars 3/31/16 8:00pm The conventional wisdom punditry’s predictive power has never been sterling, but this year their prediction machine went straight over the cliff, being spectacularly wrong on pretty much all things. If there was a unifying theory of everything about political pundits, it …

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Debbie Wasserman Schultz Must Go!

Well, she’s not the only one. Rahm Emanuel, Steve Israel, they have to go too. Not only are they Corporatist Neolib DLC Third Way sellouts who have abandoned the philosophy and policies of FDR that made the Democratic Party great and provided benefits for the average citizen and not just the “Donor Class”, they are …

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I haven’t forgotten you…

As Larry Wilmore says frequently about Bill Cosby, I haven’t forgotten. The United States tortures. It has tortured non-combatants and innocents without scruple or a break (yeah, that means YOU Mr. Obama) since at least 9/11. The reason that the remaining Guantanamo detainees can not be released from indefinite detention, a lifetime behind barbed wire …

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TPP is the New Smoot Hawley

In the continuing effort of Neoliberals to undo the legacy of FDR and the New Deal (you know, things like repealing Glass Steagall) they are now seeking to reinstate Smoot Hawley style tariffs in the form of the outlandish Intellectual Property provisions of TPP and TTIP. As Dean Baker, an Economist of some repute, points …

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The Tyranny of Tactical Thinking

We must smash the Clinton machine: Democratic elites and the media sold out to Hillary this time, but change is coming by Bill Curry, Salon Tuesday, Mar 29, 2016 06:00 AM EST (A) question that the elites who rig rules, stifle debate and call on Sanders to withdraw must answer: Who do you think you …

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