Tag: ek Politics

Addition by Subtraction

Have I mentioned I was capo di tutti? Oh yeah, right. Well, one of the things you learn in an organization of volunteers is that some of them are not worth having. I’m not talking about the merely clueless, normally you can put them in charge of something that seems important but really isn’t and …

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Rahm Emmanuel Must Go!

He’s an accessory to murder, after the fact. That he is now throwing Garry F. McCarthy under the bus to save his own cowardly ass is not enough, Rahm Emmanuel has personally known the facts of the case for OVER A YEAR and cravenly participated in a conspiracy to cover them up. Cover-Up in Chicago …

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Radicalized Terrorists

Pottery Barn Terrorists: You Broke ‘Im, You Bought ‘Im By Juanita Jean, Crooks and Liars 11/30/15 1:00pm So, here’s what we know about Robert L. Dear, the Planned Parenthood terrorist, so far: old, white, southern, male, Christian (read his bible “cover-to-cover-to-cover” per his ex), conservative, gun owner, conspiracy theorist (cover your roof in metal to …

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Sure, Let’s Just Start Another War!

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Despite a notable lack of success in the 4 or 5 wars we already have going in the Middle East (I might be missing some) it seems there is an endless amount of enthusiasm within the D.C. Beltway and especially among the …

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Zeno’s Paradox

If at every instant in it’s flight an arrow has a distinct and measurable position, when does it move? The answer is, of course, that it’s an object in motion and so has a quality of change that you are ignoring when you merely measure the position. This is why God, Liebniz, and Newton invented …

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Just Shut It Down.

You may not know this, but the Brussels Metro Area is a full third of Belgium and has 1.8 Million inhabitants. The other two regions are divided by language, the French speaking Walloons and the Dutch speaking Flemish. Brussels is commonly thought to be (only) the 21st most friendly city in Europe for ex-pats and …

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We Fite Gud

You see the thing that gets me is not that institutions and individuals are corrupt and evil, evil is my go to position whenever Atrios asks whether it’s that or stupidity because I assume basic levels of competency at least in being evil. But some things just make me shake my head. Why ISIS Has …

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Why Russia and China are winning.

Let’s assume for the sake of argument that a hegemonic United States global empire is a good thing. Now it’s not really for many reasons, lots of them economic but some military. Anyone else notice we are 1 for whatever since Vietnam? Yup, unless you count Grenada and Panama (two mighty and scary foes) only …

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Nice work if you can get it.

Now I think the Democratic Congressmen are missing an opportunity here. Not only are you getting a nice wining, dining, and shopping tour of Europe (only the best most secure hotels please) BUT you get a chance to come back to the Well of the House and report on how the Republican committee on Benghazi, …

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Storm Clouds for TPP

While I may re-hash the myriad reasons why the TPP is even worse than we thought and UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES should be approved, this particular piece is more directed at the prospects for it in a vote and there is some good news on that front (I don’t delight in reporting the negative stuff, it’s …

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