Tag: ek Politics

I have a pair, and three of these.

“Yeah son. That’s called a Full House.” Really? Is it good? Trevor Stephen Seth If you only watch one… For the record a Full House is the 3rd highest ranked hand in Poker (without wild cards which I advise using in copious quantities if you want to make money off of rubes because it creates …

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Matt Bai Is (a terrible human being)*

* A Racist! I’m not sure that I want that turning up at the top of the Google but it’s true enough and you are now free to justifiably accuse me of cowardice in this instance. He grew up an Alex Keaton Reaganaut in about the whitest town in Connecticut (which is saying quite a …

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Waffle House Rules!

You know, Joe Micklewhite (or Junior as we like to call him) is in every movie ever. No wonder he got on the Queen’s List. Regular readers recognize I’m a sucker for scattered smothered, chunked, covered, capped, and Country (please, no peppered- I’m terribly allergic) with an egg over on top. Moscow Mitch is not …

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A Thin Hand

In addition to a lot of unbelievable things about me I know many games and am fairly decent at most of them (Golf? I don’t take that seriously at all.). Among them is Canasta, a card game so complicated it requires at least 2 decks. First of all, now you know what the second deck …

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Corrupt all the way down.

In The New Republic Alex Pareene makes the same argument I frequently do, which is focusing merely on the Criminal aspects of the Unindicted Co-Conspirator Bottomless Pinocchio’s RICO Gang misses the larger Criminality and Corruption of the Republican Party RICO Gang. “I don’t know anything about ‘Five Families’ and ‘Our Thing’ but those Gambinos are …

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We should be more outraged.

“Seth takes a closer look at the House voting to rein in President Trump’s war powers as it becomes increasingly clear his administration lied to justify an unconstitutional act of war.” I’ll also point out Justice Robert H. Jackson at Nuremberg thought Aggressive Warfare the root of all War Crimes, particularly those of the Nazis. …

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Got Golden Fingers

Dr. Hook and the Medicine Show Hey, Ray, hey, Sugar, tell them who we are… Well, we’re big rock singers We got golden fingers And we’re loved everywhere we go…(That sounds like us) We sing about beauty and we sing about truth At ten thousand dollars a show…(Right) We take all kinds of pills that …

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Late Breaking News From the Boar War!

No, not the Boer War. That would be really late breaking. The War Against Feral Hogs!

Time to throw some Paper Towels

I find myself needing to remind people all the time- PUERTO RICANS ARE UNITED STATES CITIZENS AND THEY ARE EUROPEAN WHITE! They happen to speak Spanish is all, it’s no different than speaking French or Italian. Puerto Rico is 3,515 square miles. Connecticut is 4,849 square miles. Puerto Rico has 3,193,694 residents. Connecticut has 3,572,665 …

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An Unfortunate Confluence

You can’t deny that the 2 biggest news stories of recent weeks are the Ukraine Bribery/Extortion Scandal and the United States’ Assassination of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani. Now I certainly don’t mean to imply that there is any but coincidental connection between them (well, except for Unindicted Co-conspirator Bottomless Pinocchio) but I found this both …

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