Tag: TMC Meta

Rant of the Week: Bill Maher – I Am Q

Rant of the Week: Seth Meyers – The Beach

Seth Meyers, host of NBC’s “The Late Show,” rants about why he hates the beach and just about everything associated with it, including a few things that aren’t. His rant is voiced over and annotated due to the inordinate amount of profanities Seth used and were not appropriated even for late night broadcast.

The Rant of the Week: Bill Maher – The Good Sex Economy

Friday night Bill Maher, host of “Real Time with Bill Maher.” hit back at his critics who went nuts over his wish for another recession to get rid of Donald Trump. He reiterated that economic recessions are survivable events; what Trump is doing to this country is not. He clearly stated: “Recessions are survivable events. …

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Summer Solstice 2018

The sun reached the Tropic of Cancer this morning at 6:07 AM ET and instantly started its return journey to the south. Summer is here at last. The sun here was blocked by the last of the spring showers that slipped through the north east during the night. As the morning wore on the sunshine …

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Rant of the Week: Stephen Colbert – Righteously Rips Jeff Sessions

This week it was reported that the trump administration has ripped 2000 children from their parents on the pretense that there is a law, written by Democrats, that “commands” them to do this inhumane act. There isn’t. This is a cruel Trump policy that Attorney General Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III tried to justify with a …

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Rant of the Week: Crass Dismissed

On his HBO show “Real Time,” Bill Maher warns that freedom of speech is under attack from both ends of the political spectrum.

Rant of the Week: Bill Maher – Conspiracy Weary

In his segment “New Rules” Bill Maher, host of HBO’s Real Time, argues that the Republicans embrace of conspiracy theories is a danger to our democracy.

Rant of the Week: Seth Meyers – “Spygate” and the “Taxi King”

Host of “Late Night” Seth Meyers takes a Closer Look at Donald Trump’s interference into a criminal investigation by peddling baseless conspiracy theories and his personal lawyer Michael Cohen’s relationship with Evgeny “Gene” Freidman, known as the “Taxi King.”

Rant of the Week: Bill Maher – New Rule: Married to the Mob

It’s like the salt of the earth people got mixed up with salt in the wound people>” Rant of the Week: Bill Maher – New Rule: Married to the Mob

Rant of the Week: Stephen Colbert – Profiles In Discourage: Blankenship’s ‘Cocaine Mitch’ Ad

If it’s any consolation to his low polling numbers, Don Blankenship is the first-ever politician to get two Late Show ‘Profiles in Discourage’ segment.

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