Tag: TMC Meta

Rant of the Week: Stephen Colbert – “Lordy”

Former FBI Director James Comey testimony on Thursday was watched by 19.5 million people and a million or so more streamed it on line. Needless to say, “Late Show” host Stephen Colbert had his way with the testimony Thursday night with the usual hilarious results.

Rant of the Week: Seth Meyers – We Were Warned

The host of “Late Night” Seth Meyers reminds us the Donald Trump warned us about what he would be like as president, a small, vindictive man with little interest in actually governing. Seth takes a look at the start of Trump’s nine day, five country tour that began Friday under a cloud of suspicion.

Rant of the Week: Seth Meyers – Firing James Comey

As expected Trump’s firing of James Comey last week has dominated. In two segments of A Closer Look, Seth Meyers, host of CBS’s “Late Night,” examined the fall out and Trump’s shifting story about why he did it.

What’s Cooking: Cinco de Mayo Quesadillas & Margaritas

Adapted from diary originally published on May 5, 2012, the 150th anniversary of defeat the French forces by the Mexican Army at the Battle of Puebla. It’s May and it’s getting warmer here in the northeast. Tomorrow is Cinquo de Mayo, the only battle that the Mexican army won in their war with the French. …

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What’s Cooking: Ham Bone

Republished from April 25, 2011 The holiday is over, besides the candy, you most likely have a refrigerator full of leftovers and one of them may be a ham bone. Don’t throw it out just yet, there is still another use for it, soup. Served with a salad and a hearty bread, these soups make …

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What’s Cooking: Baked Ham

Republished from Mar 29, 2013 Ham is salty. Whether its smoked or just fully cooked ham is salty. Since many people are trying to reduce the daily intake of salt, this is away to have your ham for Easter and eat your fill. I use chef Julia Child’s method to reduce the salt by boiling …

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Rant of the Week: Stephen Colbert – The WERD: Screw Unto Others

The WERD: Screw Unto Others

Rant of the Week: Seth Meyers – Trump’s Lies

“Late Night” host Seth Meyers takes a Closer Look at Donald Trump’s lies about wiretapping and health care>

Happy π Day

Today is Pi (π) Day, how could we live without it. So let’s celebrate π on it’s day 3.14. This year it’s even more special because today’s date is 3.14.15 matching the first five digits of the mathematical constant. The next Super Pie Day won’t happen for another 100 years. As you remember from grammar …

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Rant of the Week: Steven Colbert – Building Trump’s Wall

Trump still wants to build a wall along the southern border of the US, insisting that Mexico will pay for it. March 10 was the deadline for architects to submit their designs. Late Night host Stephen Colbert brought in a panel of experts, an architect, an engineer, an interior designer and a “concrete guy,” to …

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