Tag: TMC Meta

What’s Cooking: Potato Latkes

Hanukkah starts at sundown this evening, along with the lighting of the first candle and spinning dreidels, Potato Latkes are a must. Here is my favorite recipe Reposted from December 4, 2010 It isn’t Hanukkah without Potato Latkes, those wonderful, crispy pancakes of shredded potato and onion served with apple sauce. It’s lot easier than …

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Chanukah Song Part 4

Chanukah stars tonight at sundown. So here is Adam Sandler’s latest version of his Chanukak Song.

Just a Little Peace Song

A lot of you might not be too familiar with the Woody Guthrie song, My Peace, mostly because Woody never got to sing it. It was one of the many songs he wrote during his years of hospitalization for Huntington Disease, a neurodegenerative genetic disorder that affects muscle coordination and leads to mental decline and …

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The Remains of the Day

Let’s talk about those leftovers that by now you are sick of eating. Remembe I told you not to toss that turkey carcass? That’s because it becomes the base for not only soups but the base for risotto and other dishes. So, we’ll start with getting that carcass out of the frig and into a …

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What’s Cooking: Turkey Carving 101

I suspect that a lot of people will need to watch this. My condolences to the turkeys that were sacrificed to provide the feasts.  

Spatchcock Turkey

Something different and a really quick way to roast the turkey. Thanksgiving Files: Spatchcock Turkey: Sometimes the scariest part of the Thanksgiving Dinner is the worry that the turkey will not turn out properly – undercooked, overcooked, dry, flavorless – and ruin the whole meal. I’ve cooked in bags, roasted, braised, fried, deboned – about …

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What’s Cooking: Getting It Together for Thanksgiving

For those of you who haven’t realized Thursday is Thanksgiving Day, snap out of it! Time to get on the road, into the grocery store and but the bird. Unless it’s fresh, that is not a frozen boulder, it’s going to take 2 – 3 days to thaw in the refrigerator. If your brining, you’ll …

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An Anthology of Turkey Day Helpful Hints and Recipes

Republished from November 18, 2012 because it’s that time of year again. Over the last couple of years I’ve shared some of the recipes that I served at the annual Turkey Feast. There have also been diaries about cooking the bird, whether or not to stuff it and suggestions about what to drink that will …

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What’s Cooking: Fried Turkey

This is obviously for the more daring and adventurous cooks. Republished from November 23, 2010 for obvious timely reasons. By now you should have defrosted that frozen turkey and it should be resting comfortably in the back of you refrigerator. If you haven’t, getteth your butt to the grocery store and buy a fresh one …

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What’s Cooking: Turkey Technology

I can’t believe it’s that time already. Revised from November 20, 2010 for obvious timely reasons. I never went to cooking school or took home economics in high school, I was too busy blowing up the attic with my chemistry set. I did like to eat and eat stuff that tasted good and looked pretty, …

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