Tag: TMC Meta

Rant of the Week: Jon Stewart – Caliphatication


Rant of the Week: Jon Stewart – Terms of Enrichment

Terms of Enrichment

Sen. Huckleberry Butchmeup has not read the deal but thinks it’s terrible because ___ . You fill in the blank. And he wants to be president?

Sen. Human Hybrid Turtle has no “better deal” than what was negotiated.  

Rant of the Week: John Oliver – Internet Harrassment

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Online Harassment

Rant of the week: Jon Stewart – Slandero Gigante

Sladero Gigante

How to Survive the “Apocalypse Dow”

Most of us didn’t even notice the New York Stock Exchange went “dark” for over four hours after a computer, or something, hiccuped. This isn’t something new and it probably won’t have nay impact on trades or the market itself. MSNBC host Rachel Maddow and her guest Kelly Evans, host of CNBC’s Closing Bell explain the past history of outages and the causes, mostly squirrels.

The new host of CBS’ “The Late Show,” Stephen Colbert, aka Supply Lord of The Afterscape, gives his reaction to the black out and how to survive “Apocalypse Dow.”

Get your survival kits and bulk supplies from Costco.

Rant of the Week: Jon Stewart – Democalypse 2016 – 10 Pounds of S**t in a Five-Pound Bag

Democalypse 2016 – 10 Pounds of S**t in a Five-Pound Bag

Now We are Five

When I was Five,

I was just alive.

Now We Are Six” A. A. Milne

The Stars Hollow Gazette has reached a milestone that many blogs never even get near.  We are five. Most blogs don’t last this long nor do most bloggers. This is my 6545th diary. Call me prolific, or, just someone who won’t shut up until you listen

I’ll try to make this brief. I started this site with my partner in “left wing, anarchist crime”, ek hornbeck, mostly as a place where we could vent and put our “stuff,” and it still is.

This site is also a tribute to Edger, without whom I never would have been able to put this together. He was a good friend and adviser. His passing left a huge hole in the Internet.

I also want to give a hearty thank you, to mishima, BobbyK, poligirl, triv33 and joe shikspack. You guys are terrific and have been one of the raison d’être for this site’s existence. Merci beaucoup.

We may not be the most viewed blog, but that was never the point. This is a place for those disenfranchised bloggers, readers, and commenters to come an express themselves. We are the far left. I was asked of this site was political shortly after we debuted. The answer to that was an unabashed YES.

If you are looking for a place to vent, express your frustrations with the political process, or just have something you want to say, this is the place. Pull up a bench and welcome to our park.  

Summer Solstice 2015

Once again we are halfway through the year. I was up at dawn as the last Spring thunderstorms passed through, I watched as the sky lightened through thick clouds to bid good bye. After making some coffee, I went into the yard to check the gardens for damage from the torrential rains that fell through the night. I wiped off the table and dried a chair. I watched the sky as the clouds thinned could already feel the air getting warmer. Summer is here.

Summer officially arrived at 12:38 PM as the Earth tilted towards the sun at its Northern maximum, the Tropic of Cancer then quickly began its journey back to the south.

It is a but a moment in time significant for so many cultures, religions and countries. Here in the US there are many cities that will light huge fires in public places to celebrate the longest day of the year, Midsummer. The fires will be lit in the fire pit in my yard. I’ll fix a dinner tonight with some of the newly harvested vegetable that are available at the local markets and seasoned with the herbs from my garden.

A Solstice Approaches, Unnoticed By James Caroll

ONCE, HUMANS were intimate with the cycles of nature, and never more than on the summer solstice. Vestiges of such awareness survive in White Nights and Midnight Sun festivals in far northern climes, and in neo-pagan adaptations of Midsummer celebrations, but contemporary people take little notice of the sun reaching its far point on the horizon. Tomorrow is the longest day of the year, the official start of the summer season, the fullest of light – yet we are apt to miss this phenomenon of Earth’s axial tilt, as we miss so much of what the natural world does in our surrounds.

In recent months, catastrophic weather events have dominated headlines as rarely before – earthquakes and tsunami in Asia; volcanic cloud in Europe; massive ice melts at the poles; tornadoes, floods, and fires in America. “Records are not just broken,” an atmospheric scientist said last week, “they are smashed.” Without getting into questions of causality, and without anthropomorphizing nature, we can still take these events as nature’s cri de coeur – as the degraded environment’s grabbing of human lapels to say, “Pay attention!”

Rant of the Week: Jon Stewart – Charleston Church Shooting

There are no jokes, just Jon doing what he does like no one else in the midst of a tragedy.

“I didn’t do my job today. I apologize,” Stewart said, after explaining how his primary daily duty is to mock the daily news. “I’ve got nothing for you in terms of jokes and sounds, because of what happened in South Carolina. Maybe if I wasn’t nearing the end of the run or this wasn’t such a common occurrence, maybe I could have pulled out of the spiral. But I didn’t. And so I honestly have nothing other than just sadness once again that we have to peer into the abyss of the depraved violence we do to each other and the nexus of a gaping racial wound that will not heal but we pretend doesn’t exist.

“I’m confident though that by acknowledging it – by staring into that and seeing it for what it is – we still won’t do jacksh-t,” Stewart continued. “Yeah. That’s us. That’s the part that blows my mind. I don’t want to get into the political argument […] what blows my mind is the disparity of response between when we think people that are foreign are going to kill us and us killing ourselves.” […]

“We invaded two countries and spent trillions of dollars and thousands of American lives and now fly unmanned death machines over five or six different countries, all to keep Americans safe. ‘We gotta do whatever we can – we’ll torture people. We gotta do whatever we can to keep Americans safe,'” Stewart said. “Nine people. Shot in a church. What are you going to do about that? ‘Hey, what are you going to do. Crazy is crazy is, right?’ That’s the part I cannot for the life of me wrap my head around. And you know it. You know it’s going to go down the same path.”

Stewart pointed out how the media has already shied away from calling the murders a “terrorist attack.”

“I heard someone on the news say, ‘Tragedy has visited the church.’ This wasn’t a tornado. This was racist,” Stewart said. “I hate to use the pun, but this one was black and white. There’s no nuance here. But we’re going to keep pretending. We are steeped in that culture in this country and we refuse to recognize it.” […]

“Nine people were shot in a black church by a white guy who hated them who wanted to start some kind of civil war,” Stewart said, before laying into South Carolina for still having the Confederate flag flying over its state capitol.

“The Confederate flag flies over South Carolina. And the roads are named for Confederate generals. And the white guy is the one who feels like his country is being taken away from him. We’re bringing it on ourselves,” Stewart said. “Al Qaeda, all those guys – ISIS. They’re not sh-t compared to the damage that we can apparently do to ourselves on a regular basis.”

Your Moment of Zen

Rant of the Week: Jon Stewart – Assault Swim

Assault Swim

Assault Swim – Progress in Community Policing

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