Tag: TMC Meta

Rant of the Week: Bill Maher

Pot is the New Gay Marriage

It is the next civil rights issue that needs to fall.

Rant of the Week: Jon Stewart: Priorities USA

Priorities USA

The Obama administration believes in freedom of the press — just not freedom of speech for people who might talk to the press.

Priorities USA – Too Big to Jail

The Obama administration’s legal priorities tilt towards unusually harsh punishments for individuals whose crimes don’t seem to merit them.  

What Gaius Publius said.

Rant of the Week: Stephen Colbert, Asparagusgate


The House Judiciary Committee grills Attorney General Eric Holder, and Louie Gohmert accuses Holder of casting aspersions on his asparagus.

“How dare you cast aspersion on that man’s asparagus! What is next, sir? Libeling his lettuce? Questioning his quinoa? Arguing with his arugula? Repudiating his rutabaga?! Vilifying his vinaigrette before drizzling it on his scandal salad?”

Rant of the Week: Stephen Colbert, N.R.A.-vana

The Word – N.R.A.-vana

As grieving families start to win the emotional argument on gun control, Senator Rand Paul reminds America that gun owners have been the real victims.

Happy Birthday, Willie

Singer, song writer, poet, author and activist Willie Nelson is 80 today, or maybe tomorrow

The singer whose birthday is Monday or Tuesday – Nelson says April 29, the state of Texas claims April 30 – occupies a unique space in America’s cultural memory. A walking bag of contradictions, he wears his hair long in braids and has a penchant for pot smoking, yet remains arguably conservative country music’s greatest songwriter. He’s accepted by left and right, black and white and is instantly recognizable to a majority of Americans.

Like few other music stars, his image has grown to represent more than the notes he’s played or the lyrics he’s written. Like Elvis Presley, Johnny Cash or Frank Sinatra, he’s become a figurehead for a uniquely American way of thinking. He represents the outlaw and the maverick. If Elvis was all about the pelvis and the sexual revolution, Nelson is American independence: the raised middle finger tossed with a twinkle in the eye.

Willie’s activism has brought attention to such causes as small farmers, organizing Farm Aid in 1985 along with Neil Young and John Mellencamp that still raises money for small family farmers.

He is also the co-chair of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) advisory board that supports its legalization, regulation and taxation.

Willie’s activism doesn’t end there. He has support and invested in biodiesal, the better treatment for horses and the LGBT movement calling for the repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA).

In 2008, Willie was interviewed by Amy Goodman at Democracy Now!. Here is an excerpt from that hour long interview

“One person carrying a message can change the world.”

Happy Birthday, Willie, and many more.

Rant of the Week: Chris Hayes

Congress protects air travelers alone among sequester victims

Rant of the Week: Jon Stewart

Broken Bad

The Senate strikes down the Manchin-Toomey amendment, but protects a gun owner’s right to complete anonymity.

Broken Bad – Legislated Evil

The Senate is unwilling to infringe upon Constitutional freedoms through the power of legislation, except when it wants to.  

Rant of the Week: Jon Stewart

Empire of the Gun

The Senate preserves America’s right to sell weapons to international terrorists and drug lords.

Rant of the Week: Jon Stewart

The Lost Channel of Atlanta

Under the leadership of Jeff Zucker, CNN broadens the definition of news to include more goat holograms and murder dramas.

Rant of the Week: Bill Maher

Bill Maher Vs. The Pope – Round 2 (03.22.13)

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