Due to unexpected travel blogging will be slow, that is, unless Trump unexpected leaves office for whatever reason. We will resume regular posts in a day or two, so keep checking back. Meanwhile, have some music.
Tag: blogging
Feb 18 2011
So, You Want to Make Millions? Here’s How…
Crossposted at Daily Kos and Docudharma
Yes, friends, you too can start a blog (just as Art Fern would say it on the ‘Tonight Show’). Invite assorted celebrities to write for you. For nothing. Convince them that their brilliant ideas will be exposed to millions of readers. Add a bit of fluff to your blog a few months later on. Go on cable tv talk shows and make bombastic statements, preferably in a bad European accent. Create faux controversies. Add a few noted “journalists” to your payroll to give oneself a facade of respectability. Then, find a corporate sucker to believe in all your hype. Walk away with millions of dollars.
Easy enough, isn’t it? As Cartoonist Matt Bors predicted in 2009, “the future is grim”
Jan 29 2011
Egypt Explodes, US Video Media Gape
For the past five days, Egyptians have been in the streets protesting, calling for President Mubarak, who has served for thirty years, to step down. It is a very big story. Print media, understandably have trouble keeping up with it because so much is happening so quickly in so many places. Putting up a written story takes time, time to write, time to edit, time to post. Even if you’re lightning fast, print media (and the part of them that is on the Internet) aren’t built for this kind of speed. But what about television?
Nov 16 2010
Hello Cruel World or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Blogs
Crossposted at Daily Kos and Docudharma
How exhausting is blogging? That’s the $64,000 question for some as following a discouraging election, they seek solace in drifting away or, even, posting a GBCW diary. As a follow-up to this wonderful series — Welcome New Users — by LaughingPlanet and smileycreek, I add my voice addressing not just newbies on this (and other) blogs but, also, a bunch of oldies.
JekyllnHyde’s Tip #1:
and take a look at your computer keyboard first!
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