Tag: Cartnoon


Seth: Meltdown? See, the thing about Tin Foil Hats is you have to soak them in urine to make them effective.


War, Racism, Genocide, and Football Absolutely as true as it was in 2017. It’s uncanny.


I’m sure you’ll be just fascinated to know what Mrs. Betty Bowers, America’s Best Christian, thinks about Impeachment. Ok Bradley, where is Deven Green? Oh. There. Do you know she’s Canadian!? Good Beer, Free Health Care, Legal Weed, and A&W with Cane Sugar! Still American. Two Continents, One Hemisphere. This weekend I shall be taking …

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Staten Island. Go figure. Of course only the sentimental hang in the City, Westchester and Tri-State. I’m sure the family living in the gated compound at the bottom of the street are fine upstanding “General Contractors” and “Bonded” just the way their business cards say. Lock our doors? Why bother? I’m smart! Not like everybody …

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So my great worked the Zone and toughed out some notable hardships including that time when the raisins in his table mate’s Oatmeal started moving. There was kind of like a ‘good luck’ ritual when you arrived. You flung your boater (or ‘Panama’ Hat) into the harbor on your arrival to signal a resolve to …

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As you might have surmised from my disquisitions on doornails I’m a sucker for ironmongery.


Clio’s an unrelenting mistress. Grover’s actually an admirable Democrat (as far as that goes), if not well or fondly remembered.


Perhaps a little late.


Entirely handy. Try driving in New Hampshire without them.


I’m sorry. As I’m sure you’ve gathered faithful readers, I disapprove of reality shows that don’t revolve around actual stuff like pushing dirt or cleaning up downstream of Tilapia farms (they actually have their own methods of clearing their pens, it’s no different from Lobsters really). I am sad/happy to report Sean Spicer is no …

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