Tag: Cartnoon


Flint. My people didn’t live there, they were too poor. Shack in farm country actually. Married up. Great Grandpa worked the Canal and invested early in Smuckers and Fischer Auto (He also bowled 300 at least twice, I have seen the scorecards and he would want me to mention that). Now, according to my relatives, …

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I have toyed in the past with the concept of monetizing content but I’ve come to realize that I’m much more interested in producing it despite the cries of “Get a job you bum.” Because I am an artist!


Ah. good times, simpler times.


Postulate 1-         You can never have enough Muppets. Postulate 2-         Trent Reznor is a God (not the God, a God). Conclusion (Full Lyrics)-


Look- Texting and “The Internet” are not the same except for the underlying technology being digital. You can have one without the other. It’s like boats and farms, they both use water. Ask me about my Winnowing Fan because I’m tired of carrying it and want to build a Temple to Poseidon, God of Horses. …

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Barnum/Bunkum Bible-Beating Bastards Why can’t you be Ben Franklin White like me? I walk down Main St. in Bridgeport sometimes (it’s a very real place, ask any of the family at Ocean Sea Grill where you can eat the fish and not just sleep with them) and tell people it was once the site of …

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Dol Bonner


I’ll point out ceremonial burial is one of the critical must have skills to advance in Sid Meier’s Civilization. Weird Sister


Ok, so I was wrong about Jenny Nicholson. I was right about traveling. Spider Reviews


Jenny Nicholson- Top 10 HallowSCREAM BOOvies GHOSTalgic Watchlist That does it for Jenny Nicholson for this season. Tomorrow is a travel day so posting might be light or non-existent.

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