Tag: Cartnoon


lindybeige thinks we’re exceptional.


Seemed like a good idea at the time.


So this is Boreal Forest, Les Stroud’s first video. It really kind of establishes him and what he’s all about. He’s from Canada so this is the kind of natural environment where he learned his Bushcraft.


The Pastry War


Spooky Stuff! Oddly enough, Electroshock and Lobotomy are still accepted Psychiatric procedures even though they have a whole raft of drugs that do the same thing. I’ve been driving this route for 15 years. I’ve brought them out here to get that stuff, and I’ve drove them home after they had it. It changes them… …

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Gor is about the most horrible, misogynistic, racist Science Fiction Series (Horseclans is a close Second) I ever bought 20 Volumes of because I’m also a completeist. The Gor series repeatedly depicts men abducting and physically and sexually brutalizing women, who grow to enjoy their submissive state. According to The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction, Norman’s …

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You know, Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead and Zack Morris is still Trash.


You know, if you’re going to live in Acela (BoWash Corridor after we’ve seceded from the U.S. and join Canada) you’re going to have to be a little more cosmopolitan.


Here’s something Les was working on before we went into Social Distancing mode, so it’s not quite as paranoid as it looks in context. These were tools he was preparing for a 2021 PBS series and he promises some more. I am not a hard core Prepper or a Zombie Apocalypse Nutter. I frequently shop …

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Look, Stars Hollow sucks too. Hey! Not New Haven. Not New Haven either.

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