Tag: Cartnoon


Virus Alert Christmas At Ground Zero This Is The Life

You Only Live Once

The Lonely Island Go Kindergarten Boombox Great Day Equal Rights Mona Lisa


Germs Foil Handy Perform This Way Tacky Holy Cow. It’s like looking in a mirror.


Totally different from Toilet Paper. You can usually find it if you use both hands.

Not a Rant

Because Lewis Black would never ever do that. I’d warn that it’s not safe for work, except you’re not at work. And no, I’m not obsessed with Toilet Paper, unless I run out.0


An ek hornbeck Production. I have expressed before my preferences for regularity and order and my expectation my audience shares that, thus my disappointment at not actually being as punctual as I would desire. My Therapist thinks it a manifestation of my obsessive compulsive desire for control over my environment. I have issues. This, what …

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I Am Not At All Kidding About Zombies

Night of the Living Dead is a 90 minute meditation on Race War as well as what do we owe each other, in an existential sense. I mean, you know you’re a Zombie so do you pull a Spock “Good of the many” and crawl off in a hole to die (I mean, until you …

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Let’s Talk About Kids

I find that if you marinate them in Mother’s Milk for at least 24 hours some of the gaminess is reduced. What? Sure you have to toss it out or feed it to your hogs.


I’m telling you, it’s the Doctor if you traveled back to 2008, 10ish, let me check my sonic… Definitely! You value the most foolish things. C’mon I got serious things to consider seriously.


I’m pretty sure I’ve posted this before but it seems much in the news recently.

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