Tag: Cartnoon

Holiday Cartnoon

Not the Kirk Cameron Movie You Think Or maybe it is. Oh, perhaps you’re curious what Maggie Mae thinks of Fireproof C’mon, you knew. Rabbit Hole Parable, a usually short fictitious story that illustrates a moral attitude or a religious principle. Usually.


You people are not subtle at all. Non, je ne regrette rien. Le bon, le mauvais, c’est pareil. Je sais me proxénétisme.


HE DROVE HIS GOLF CART ONTO A GREEN!!! Death is no justice. Tick Tock. Tick Tock. The Clock is laughing at you. The other Stephen Oh, actually the relief from that is the same as the Fairway- drop a Club length from the Hazard no closer to the Hole.


Ok, so the main event dropped yesterday and preliminary reviews are that the material is “challenging” in the hard to figure out kind of way not the “Your entire Weltanschauung is WRONG!” one. Jenny recorded this before spoilers were available so it shouldn’t ruin your experience even if she turns out to be right.


Single Termers Every single one of them. You know, there’s a reason us elitist liberal types call Republicans Racist Bigoted Misogynous Morons. Because they’re stupid too, and more nuanced doesn’t register. KAGA guy for instance has been brainwashed into 1984 2 + 2 == 5 math (to be charitable, maybe he was born that dumb). …

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Got Your Flu Shot Yet? “It will kill.” Sorry, watch a lot of Forged In Fire.

Weekend Cartnoon

1972 but so cheesey you’ll think it’s much older. Holidays, more later.

No Joke

The crime is soliciting personal benefit for Government (or Institutional in the fiduciary sense) action. He’s admitted his guilt in public. Are you going to believe me or your lying eyes? Unindicted Co-conspirator Bottomless Pinocchio Public Domain Condoleezza Rice More Disney Golddiggers

Perseverance Porn

Hey, Google has monetized Cody. Not to be an influencer mind you, that would be so CB/Beta Basic. Good deeds never go unpunished. Not to be mistaken for a Cartnoon despite the time and tag. Remember, I am sponsored by a Patron like Mozart (or Salieri) so my Art is on public display because of …

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Not bragging, but 2 Channels each (2 UHF) of 4 Networks and 3 VHF Independents and bunch of other UHF that came and went (big fan of LIW when the wind was fair).

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