Prime Time

Well, since I’m skipping the night when I’d normally be getting dog therapy I thought I’d at least mention America’s Cutest Dog and World’s Ugliest Dog Competition on Animal Planet.  Frankly I’m highly suspicious of the motivations of both, I don’t think animals should be framed by human perceptions of beauty.

They drink out of toilets, how cute can they be?

Scary Movie is hard to get away from but I advise you to try.  History has The Lost Pyramid and Egypt: Engineering an Empire, both really good documentaries if you haven’t already seen them.


Boondocks, 2 Episodes.

SNL from 3/13/10, Jude Law, Pearl Jam.

GitS: SAC 2nd Gig, Fabricate Fog, Embarrassment.


  1. Mulder

  2. You and me baby we ain’t nothin’ but mammals

    So let’s do it like they do on the Discovery Channel

    Do it again now

    You and me baby we ain’t nothin’ but mammals

    So let’s do it like they do on the Discovery Channel


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