A little bit of envy

You know, sometimes you run across a 6 foot tall white pooka of a sentence-

You can read about his gibberish at that last Media Matters link, but here is what fascinates me strangely, precisely because of its ubiquity to the point of banality for anyone who has been paying even glancing attention at right wing thought or what passes for same as it pertains to race lately, an observatory group that includes myself, a fact that is in no small part what has kept me from posting much in recent days, because it is all so inexpressibly wearying, dreadful, insipid, hateful, and fucked up, is this especial snippet of squalor squirted by Mr. Lord, a specimen whose credentials include a gig as a former assistant political fluffer for Zombie Ronald Reagan and assorted dusty, unattractive Pennsylvanian electoral fossils, and who is currently non-gainfully employed as a right-wing-crazy welfare recipient, and whose contemporary written work reveals him as an all-around unpleasant opinion-pustule so virulent that he roundly deserves to be sent to Hell with the task of diagramming this sentence and explaining precisely why it is grammatically correct to a gang of glue-huffing eighth-grade Republican byblows whose parents never loved them and who are also stupid and ugly, or else just Tucker Carlson.

Color me impressed.

Look, to be as close to the bone as may be sliced, “conservatives” have detected in their typical brutally nonsensical thud-thud-hack-chomp-burp fashion that there is a certain power, a certain magic, a certain force to the capacity to call someone a “racist” and make it stick, and as they can dully discern that the “call you racist” Ring is a One Ring to Rule them All, rhetorically related to the “Support this Stupid War Or You Hate America Ring,” which they already collected from the slack-jowled Dwarf-Lord twerps in their fucking Halls of Stone or Connecticut, namely a beardless and quite smackable Joe Lieberman, they covets it, this racism-detecting precious, they covets it, yesss; and while nobody likes Gollum, he’s more presentable than Dan Riehl, but what’s the essential difference, I axe you?

Well, I’ve wrestled with reality for 35 years Doctor and I’m happy to state I finally won out over it.


    1. If you have to defend yourself with a second article and the in the comments, you have lost the argument, badly.

      Wow, that is some sentence. The author needs to learn to breath while writing. 😉

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