Tournament of Roses Parade

Today is the 122nd edition of the Tournament of Roses Parade known for its plant and flower covered floats (most of which are animated) and equestrian units.

I’ll charitably posit that it’s the plant and flower coverings and not the manure that earns it a spot in the Home and Garden channel line up (it’s also being covered on ABC and NBC).  If I sound a little bitter it’s because I’ve marched in a band behind horses of which there are also plently.

Bands that is.  This year we’ll have the displeasure of being subjected to flower zombie Ronnie on the occasion of his centenary.  The part of him that wasn’t senile was shallow, narcissistic, vapid, and evil.

I’ll try and keep up as best I can.  I’m working to finish up today’s TV and put together a Bowl Game Mania Open Thread so I can ditch out to a party this evening.  I’m skipping Evening Edition but TheMomCat may decide to put something together, I’m leaving it up to her.

So grab your hangover flapjacks and coffee and settle in.


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  1. Breakdown!

  2. getting extra air time because of breakdown

  3. Explains all the commercials.

    1. for added olfactory stimulation

  4. dances in street barely keeping up

  5. Pirates get a 4th movie because it was rated ARRGHHHHHH

  6. Cosette is helping me type. NOt

  7. Yuo, Paula Dean kind of parade

    1. My bad.

  8. 377


    1. The opening music couldn’t be muted fast enough

  9. Pac Man

  10. putting a damper on outdoor hockey. May mess with NBC’s programming tonite

    1. with the boots

    1. Macy’s is more of a commercial for Broadway and Macy’s

  11. with “Everything’s coming up roses”

  12. These guys do a crappier job every year.

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