NFL 2012 AFC Championship- Ravens @ Patriots

I could drag this out but why bother?

The unfortunate thing about Throwball is that I saw enough last weekend to satisfy me for an entire season and make my picks.

The Ravens didn’t show anything against the Texans that leads me to believe there will be a surprising upset against the execrable Patsies who at least had the good grace to eliminate Tebowmentum from our national discourse.

I only hope the Ravens do sufficiently well to make the point crystal clear.

Pre-game hype happening on CBS right now.


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  1. somewhat amusing to watch them try and hype the horserace the same way they did just last night for the Primary.

  2. Flacco is much better than he looked last week.

  3. Idiots.

    At least pick the wind.

  4. 3 downs and punt will be fine for the Ravens.

  5. Punt.

  6. When do Pitchers and Catchers report?

  7. How about some for the band man?

  8. of principle, I can’t root for the Ravens.  The team that fled Cleveland. And to Baltimore no less, a city that knows what’s it’s like to lose a franchise. Still gets me steamed.

  9. Go TSHG!

  10. Oh, I take that back.


  11. Matches my suit, doesn’t strobe on TV.

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