NFL 2012 NFC Championship- Giants @ ‘9ers

I’m sorry for you left coasters, but LXVI is going to be an I-95 affair between New York and Boston.  If I can find it I’ll have some passages from The King’s Best Highway which I got for eksmas about how this vital artery of colonial communication led to our freedom from monarchical tyranny.

Or not.

FIVE TURNOVERS!  That’s what it took for the ‘9ers to eek the slimmest of victories over the Saints.  The Giants are not that mistake prone.


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  1. Was hard to concentrate and drive at the same time but it seemed like there were 5 turnovers between interceptions and downs in the last 3 minutes of that game.

  2. with a cup of coffee.

  3. Not as good as Firefox.

  4. Another show I don’t miss.

  5. You should Punt, it’s slippery.

  6. Time to pick up your game folks.

  7. Ferrari is a third rate team.

    I wouldn’t be bragging on them Cadillac.

  8. Personal foul

  9. Ball @ the 32.

  10. it hasn’t rained in SF for months, for the most part.  Near record low precipitation.  I was there at Christmas, and the hills were wierdly brown, very creepy-looking, and I grew up there.

    So, it figures that it would start raining now.  Oh, and ya—‘9-ers fan here.

    Hi momcat! Hi all!

  11. and no TV to watch the game at the moment. Thanks for keeping me in the loop.

  12. Delay of Game.

    Punt you Idiots!

  13. somewhere down field  

  14. more damned commercials

  15. Punt you fools.

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