NFL 2012 NFC Championship- Giants @ ‘9ers

I’m sorry for you left coasters, but LXVI is going to be an I-95 affair between New York and Boston.  If I can find it I’ll have some passages from The King’s Best Highway which I got for eksmas about how this vital artery of colonial communication led to our freedom from monarchical tyranny.

Or not.

FIVE TURNOVERS!  That’s what it took for the ‘9ers to eek the slimmest of victories over the Saints.  The Giants are not that mistake prone.


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  1. I don’t want these 9ers to win but that was a beautiful run by the quarterback.  

  2. on both sides

  3. and into the endzone, Giants.

  4. ripped that ball out of his hands

  5. slips incomplete

  6. What’s with that?

  7. Anyone know the rules?

  8. Field goals don’t count on 1st possession

  9. Try Calvin Ball

    1.0. The following words in these rules are mostly freely interchangeable, the Primary Rule applies:








    1.1. All players must wear a Calvinball mask (See Calvinball Equipment – 2.1). No one may question the masks.

    1.2 Any player may declare a new rule at any point in the game. The player may do this audibly or silently depending on what zone (Refer to Rule 1.5) the player is in.

    1.3. A player may use the Calvinball (See Calvinball Equipment – 2.2) in any way the player see fits, whether it be to incur injury upon other players or to gain benefits for himself.

    1.4. Any penalty legislation may be in the form of pain, embarassment, or any degradation the rulee wishes to execute upon the other player.

    1.5 The Calvinball Field (See Calvinball Equipment – 2.3) should consist of areas, or zones, which are governed by a set of rules declared by players. Zones may be appear and disappear as often and wherever the player decides. For example, a corollary zone would enable a player to make a corollary (sub-rule) to any rule already made. Or a pernicious poem place would require the intruder to do what the name implies. Or an opposite zone would enable a player to declare reverse playibility on the others. (Remember, the player would declare this zone oppositely by not declaring it.)

    1.6 Flags (Calvinball Equipment 2.3) shall be named by players whom shall also assign the power and rules which shall govern that flag.

    1.7 Songs are an integral part of Calvinball and verses must be sung spontaneously through the game when randomly assigned events occur.

    1.8 Score may be kept or disregarded. In the event that score is kept, it shall have no bearing on the game nor shall it have any logical consistency to it. (Legal scores include ‘Q to 12’, ‘BW-109 to YU-34, and ‘Nosebleed to Pelvic Fracture’.)

  10. 160 TSHG 136 dK.

  11. bmaz

    Special overtime rules apply unless Baby Jesus is playing; then overtime shall consist of one 11 second play

  12. and more commercials

  13. sudden death overtime?  I forget whether the rules change in the playoffs.

  14. I can’t believe their luck.

    I was just cursing the offensive line thinking that if the Giants lose, the O line kept them from getting to the superbowl.

  15. inside field gaol range

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