State of the Union

I’m grouchy about 2 things.  First and foremost I’ll be missing the Phineas and Ferb Time Warped series for about the 3rd time.  Secondly, Barack Obama has broken so many false populist promises that watching him talk is not just unconvincing, it’s physically painful.

The most optimistic estimates are that he’ll play some variation on his Osawatomie, Kansas speach which was frankly feckless and weak.  The usual suspects- Klein, Bernstein, DeLong, Sargent are all making the same tired old excuses for inaction at best and Republican policies as the norm.

It’s noteworthy that there has been less leakage of the prepared text which I suspect is due more to the collapse of his sellout to the Banksters on mortgage fraud and robo-signing than his and Holder’s fanatical prosecution of whistle blowers and journalists instead of war criminals and thieves.  The gang that couldn’t shoot straight screws up again, unless you prefer to call them simply evil which certainly matches the facts.

dday has the best preview I was able to find.  In addition to Warren Buffet’s secretary as a poster child for tax reform, he’ll also have Admiral William McRaven of the Bin Laden kill team, and Steve Jobs’ wife.

Not quite sure what she’s meant to illustrate unless it’s the efficiency of working people to death in overseas sweat shops.

I expect there will also be a full throated denial of science in defense of fracking and global warming from the president who had no problem denying women access to Plan B contraception and supporting the Stupak amendment.

If you don’t have access to a TV CSPAN will be starting its coverage at 8 pm with ceremonial entries.  They’ll also have the Republican response from Mitch Daniels who today attempted to strip Union rights from workers.

They should all be fired and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.


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  1. Bin Laden won’t be rushing the podium tonight.

  2. or the tears of angels.

  3. White House Accused of Deliberately Underestimating BP Oil Spill Data

    By: David Dayen Tuesday January 24, 2012 6:21 am

  4. that would be great, if it were true.

  5. HunterDK Hunter

    I’m sorry, but I can imagine Richard Nixon giving this speech. That’s how far we’ve fallen.

  6. all the chemicals they used.  What made you change your mind?

  7. Damn lucky.

    Mr. O:  What have you learned about how lucky the millions of other 55-year-olds have been?

  8. China is refurbishing the “Bay Bridge” hmmm

  9. Who needs the EPA.

  10. public land?

  11. I’ll believe it when I see it.

  12. So glad you finally noticed… during your election year.

  13. Way to go!

  14. What about the points.

  15. about the oil in your water. Finally something I believe in this thing.

  16. Even the Dems didn’t buy that one.

  17. A big mistake.

  18. two years — except by making the rates so high that you can’t afford them.

  19. The Buffet Rule.

  20. Except we won’t prosecute you when you break the law.

  21. Except we won’t prosecute you when you break the law.

  22. I told you- no better November 8th.

  23. And who will have the last word on that?  Holder?

  24. Have you no idea, Mr. O, that healthcare insurance rate hikes wipe out that $40 “gain?”

  25. guest in the box.

    And the person who wrote in how much the 40 bucks means to them.

  26. Unfortunately, he needs to learn how to be a leader.

  27. Whoop.

  28. nobody clapped but plenty laughed. That was the best joke of the night in their eyes

  29. and “American built to last.”

  30. November 8th, more of the same.

  31. You betcha.  You lie.  But you’re not alone.  Most of you do.

  32. Write it your own damn self, send it on to Reid and Pelosi.

  33. Talk to the Dems who didn’t make that happen.  Oops, too late.

  34. Eternal War!

  35. I wonder if Mitt will be as good a Democrat as this guy is a Republican?

  36. You ought to know.  You’ve been campaigning for months.

  37. Bomb Bomb Iran

  38. Different from McCain how?

  39. Sadly, we know.  That was one of your FIRST biggest mistakes.

  40. I’m here but only for a few. Lot’s of stuff going on.I not only need a longer day, I need to be two people

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