(2 pm. – promoted by ek hornbeck)

Comes pre-filled with shit, too….
Her title “Hard Choices” is a description of what she plans to do America when she takes over from obama and straps on his big hellfire missile….
WASHINGTON-After awaking from a restless sleep in the Presidential Bedroom, a disoriented and lightly perspiring President Barack Obama informed reporters early Tuesday morning that he had just had that weird sex dream about the entire nation again.
While Obama admitted that the frequency of his sex dreams involving himself and the nation has lately been uncommonly high, with the president claiming that he’s had dozens of such dreams ever since he was elected to his first term, the commander-in-chief told reporters that he saw nothing particularly unusual about his ongoing fantasies.“Everyone has dreams like these from time to time, so I don’t think it’s anything to worry about,” Obama said, adding that he used to have similarly sex-charged dreams about the entire citizenry of Illinois when he was serving as the state’s junior senator. “The mind works in strange ways, and I’m sure that there’s just some weird part of my subconscious that lusts after every single one of the people whom I govern over that manifests itself in these crazy, sexy dreams. So it’s no big deal.”

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stolen from an 80’s porn flick, she’s guaranteed to fcuk you. Royally.
Watch ’em line up at the polls in 2016 oooh-ing and aaah-ing and sweating and having stupiditygasms.
On the other hand… maybe her book’ll keep someone with a woodstove who’s too broke after years of obama to pay their electricity bill warm this winter…
policies was a brilliant move for the Republican wing of the Democratic Party. It became easy to frame opposition to Obama as racist, even within the Democratic Party. That immediately puts critics on the defensive because nobody wants to be called a racist. It incentivized faux accusations of bigotry so the accusers cold credential themselves as “anti-racism activists”. And it effectively changed the discussion from “Why should Democrats support neoliberal economic policies and neoconservative foreign policies?” to “You wouldn’t be expressing these concerns if a white guy were president.”
This strategy worked brilliantly in the last two election cycles and the wealthy elite that really choose the candidates in Democratic primaries can’t wait to recycle that strategy with Hillary. Sexism will be the new racism.