Dispatches From Hellpeckersville-Milestones and Memorials

Tonight will be a short post, but meaningful to me, and anyone who knew Edger. With his memorial coming up, and our group growing by leaps and bounds I just wanted to take a moment to reflect.

I wonder if you knew your reach, my friend. I like to think you did, I like to think you know still, that you can see all the people you never met, but still affected, who miss you terribly.

I’m left to imagine what you would have said as the Snowden doc won the Oscar, or after the John Oliver interview, and I miss your dry wit in the group. And I know I’m far from alone in missing that.

Most of all, as we hit the milestone of 15 thousand members, I hope that you’d be proud of the job we’re doing, me and your friends who stepped up to help after the devastating loss of you.

I’ll end by saying thank you, Edger, for everything, but more than anything, what you always said to me: thank you for being you.


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