Arise ye workers from your slumbers Arise ye prisoners of want For reason in revolt now thunders And at last ends the age of cant. Away with all your superstitions Servile masses arise, arise We’ll change henceforth the old tradition And spurn the dust to win the prize. So comrades, come rally No more deluded by reaction So comrades, come rally No saviour from on high delivers So comrades, come rally |
The Internationale is a famous socialist, communist, social-democratic and anarchist anthem. It is sung traditionally with the hand raised in a clenched fist salute.
Never mistake who I am and what I am all about.

Wherever we want to go, we go. That’s what a ship is, you know. It’s not just a keel and a hull and sails; that’s what a ship needs. Not what a ship is. What the Black Pearl really is, is freedom.