Dispatches From Hellpeckersville – Vote Hillary!

With apologies to The Gin Blossoms

Vote Hillary!
(to be sung to the tune of Hey Jealousy)
Hey the dirty hippies might be right
too bad it won’t win them the fight
you see the third-way rules the party now
we need to maintain that status quo!

And you losers just want stuff for free
no, it’s not just the GOP
come on, we sold you all out years ago
where else you gonna go?
Our corruption will bring this party down
ethics nowhere to be found
The platform’s gone it’s crumbled to the ground
it’s a disgrace
Vote Hillary!
Vote Hillary! Vote Hillary! Vote Hillary!

And there will be no school for you
and you will pay for health care too
the party needs the profits for our donors kids
taxes for the MIC!

Oh maybe we will throw a bone to you
It’s the very least that we could do
We’ve been getting by with that for years you know
what’s another term or two?

Our corruption will bring this party down
ethics nowhere to be found
The platform’s gone it’s crumbled to the ground
it’s a disgrace
Vote Hillary!
Vote Hillary! Vote Hillary! Vote Hillary!


  1. awesome sauce! perfect! 😀

    1. Nah! Not even up to my usual standards, but it just spilled out.

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