So you want a Debate do you?

Little Debbie’s Cloud Cakes v. Twinkies. Discuss!

Hah, fooled you. They’re exactly the same thing.

Of course you realize you’re a scab don’t you? The reason Hostess sold out was to break its Union.

Life is complicated, me not so much. I will nap and the electric video machine will tell me exactly what to think. Or I can watch Falcons at Saints (go Drew!). I may or may not be back with Stephen to gloat (he’s live tonight).

You expected something more fraught? I have TMC to handle the commentary. Hillary will win on points, The Donald on spin. The corrupt plastic media will not tolerate less than a horse race even if they have to put a broke down plug on roller skates and jam rockets up its ass.

Faith in voters? What gave you that impression? Still, it would take a miracle for Trump to squeeze out an electoral victory (how do you like that college now?).

I hope Republicans suffer a crushing defeat. They’re all bigoted traitors. The problem is Democrats think they need be just a trifle better to ensure victory from a captive electorate. The reason Obama and the Party refused to crush them in 2008 is they needed a foil to excuse their own corruption and criminality.

Cynical? Moi?! I will vote as I always do and no stinking Debate will change my mind.


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  1. Vent Hole

  2. I’m here to tabulate the lies.

    No drinking games as this could lead to alcohol poisoning and death.

    The bar has been set for both candidates; Low for Trump; High for Hillary.

    Another Trump scandal was exposed today by David Farenhold at the Washington Post: Trump directed $2.3 million owed to him to his tax-exempt foundation instead

    Can you imagine the media uproar if Hillery or Bill pulled this crap?

  3. Heh Van Jones with the line of the night on CNN: “He can’t just get credit for being the Most Improved Bigot.”

  4. Reading of the rules. Only Lester Holt knows what questions will be asked

  5. List of debates sponsors: not ine liquor company

  6. No clapping, booing, etc but the question is: Are vuvuzelas are OK to pull out at tonight’s debate?

    Love Twitter

  7. This says it all

  8. No cell phones. So no tweeting from Cuban. Damn

  9. lester Holt takes the stage and introduces the candidates

  10. First segment: achieving prosperity re: jobs

  11. Hillary answers first.

  12. Trump not answering the question on how to bring back the jobs that have left this country.

    Now he’s lying about Hillary not addressing the trade issues.

    Still not answering the question

  13. She’s getting under his skin

  14. Now Trump is lying about the debt. Obama reduced it

  15. Oh man she is really getting his goat now Talking about her accomplishments in the Senate.

    Trump yelling at her about Nafta and TPP

  16. The Donald is losing this. Now lying about Hillary’s tax cut and regulations

  17. OMG



  18. Hillary is wiping up the floor with Donald

    Now screaming about ISIS

  19. Now tring to say his trickle down will create jobs ROTFLMAO

  20. He’s now screaming

  21. Donald is now on his fourth glass of water

  22. Lester goes there: Trump’s Tax returns

    Trump lies about audit

  23. Trump will release tax returns when Hillary release 33,000 e-mails. Her e-mails have already been released

  24. This is a ting of beauty

  25. “You don’t learn that much from tax returns” says the guy who doesn’t want to show anyone his tax returns

  26. Now on an infomercial about his new hotel

  27. Moving on. Next segment: Race Relations in America

  28. Trump bragging about his police endorsements and bringing back law & order but not saying how.

    Touting unconstitutional stop & frisk which unconstitutional

  29. Hillary believes in community policing, criminal justice and prison reform

  30. Donald now lying about stop & frisk reducing crime in NYC. Says crime is up in NYC under DiBlasio – It’s not

  31. Trump and the birther issue that he kept pushing for 5 yrs even after Obama produced his birth certificate

  32. Next segmant: Cyber Security

  33. Trump again bragging about his endorsements

  34. Trump fat shaming hackers – pretty sure the person doing the cybering weighs 400 pounds and is on a bed.

    I object

  35. Trump now lying about Iraq withdrawal – Bush negotiated the withdrawal – Iraq government threws US out

  36. Hillary now correcting him with the FACTS

  37. “Take the oil.” This shit again? Really?

  38. Trump drinling water again after ranting about his temperament

  39. Hillary chastising Trump about his cavalier attitude about nuclear weapons

  40. It’s over. Poor Donald was not ready for Hillary

  41. Jordan Klepper goes with his gut on eggs.

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