50 Shades of Kiss Me Kate

Certainly one of the most misogynistic, anti-feminist plays Shakespeare ever wrote (and there are some awful ones, Nymph, in thy orisons be all my sins remembered) the questions worth considering as you watch it are these (among others)-

Who wants a tamed Shrew anyway? Lou Grant hates spunk!

What makes you think you can change someone anyway? Torture? You’re a heartless bastard (as in so evil you’re parents have disowned you, nobody gives a damn whether they were married or not except Demographers and your Doctor).

Why does a Woman require the validation of a Man in any respect anyway? Not doing so doesn’t make them some kind of emasculating man-hating lesbian. First of all you’re not all that portly man in an Adult body, get over the fact they don’t want to rip off your clothes and rape you (however much you fantasize you couldn’t handle it twice in a row in real life). Second, I can in fact sympathize if you have gone to emasculating man-hating lesbianism as your default because I consider it a highly rational reaction to the present state of affairs and would be sorely tempted to adopt it myself (lesbianism is an impossible dream for me as I am so relentlessly male). There is not, however, in the Set Theory sense, a perfect union between the universe of emasculating man-hating lesbians and the universe of people who think Men are generally evil, stupid, and thoughtless people who should be viewed with suspicion and given simple tasks suitable for their chromosomal damage.

Taming of the Shrew, Stratford Festival On Film, Jul 16, 2020

I’ll point out it was a great hit that has been constantly adapted. Kate was played by a guy because acting was considered too close to sex work (not that there’s anything wrong with sex work, but acting is absolutely like that only less reputable and without Gypsies, Jews, and Queers there would be no Theater at all).

I’ll leave the full homosexual implications for the reader.

It’s also possible to consider it a subtle satire of Elizabeth, but that’s a harder A and requires more research and citations and a deeper than mere passing familiarity with Elizabethan Political Court Gossip.

My you were under-educated. First full Semester of High School Sophomore Shakespeare.