
Sam Bee returned last night and had a lot to say.


After four years of holding it all in, Sam is finally free to torch all of her sick Trump burns.

It’s a Little Too Late For Republicans To Denounce Trump Pt. 1

After a violent far-right insurrection of the nation’s Capitol, many former Trump affiliates are finally saying “enough.” How brave! But before you make yourself ill trying to tweet a thank you to Mitch McConnell, remember, these people are NOT heroes!

It’s Just a Little Too Late For Republicans To Denounce Trump Pt. 2

After a violent far-right insurrection of the nation’s Capitol, many former Trump affiliates are finally saying “enough.” How brave! But before you make yourself ill trying to tweet a thank you to Mitch McConnell, remember, these people are NOT heroes!

t Shouldn’t Have Taken An Insurrection For Social Media To Block Trump

After allowing the president four years to post hateful, inflammatory, and downright false information across the internet, social media companies are finally taking action! Thank God they were able to step in before he caused any real damage….

Congratulations, Georgia!

Given the near-coup that occurred last week, it was difficult to find a moment to celebrate the monumental Senate wins of Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff! So let’s take a second to bask in the joy of Georgia electing its first black Senator, and first cute lil dork Senator.

TMC for ek hornbeck