TDS/TCR (Senate Sexism)


All your base are belong to us

Casa de Waffle

The real news, as well as this week’s guests below.

This week’s guests-

The Daily Show

The Colbert Report

Kirsten Gillibrand is kind of a waste tonight in that she won’t be able to say anything about today’s New York State primary because the polls were not closed by taping time.  What I do expect Jon will quiz her about is the rampant sexism and misogyny in the U.S. Senate evidenced by the remarks by her ‘colleagues’ after the birth of her child.  Of course she is quite correct in her observation (as reported by Time Magazine) that the remarks about her weight would be “the one every women’s magazine would excerpt” not because of the sexism, but because it was about her physical appearance.

And this, ladies and gentlemen, is how we acculturate a sexist society.  Not just because there is a focus on how they look for women that would be utterly irrelevent for men, but that there are “women’s magazines” at all.  What does that mean?  I like to cook, I appreciate style, design, helpful household hints, and celebrity gossip as much as the next person (well, frankly, celebrity I’m mostly immune to).  Does this make me less masculine?  Certainly as a guy I’m as much if not more into attracting a sexual partner as anyone, but I don’t spend my time comparing my appearance to impossible fantasies or even my peers truth be told.

If charm, personality, and wit can’t intrigue how could we possibly spend our time together anyway?  You can only fuck so much.

I expect an equal, not a servant OR a master, and keep your damn hands off my stuff.  I may say it’s ok but I’m just lying to please you which is the fundamental basis of any good relationship.

Jason Segel will (if he’s smart) be talking about his new film Sex Tape instead of the ending to How I Met Your Mother which I’m given to understand was as empty and unsatisfying as The Sopranos, Moonlighting (they didn’t kiss), or Xena (Xena betrayed everything about her character AND they didn’t kiss).

I wouldn’t know, I never watched an episode.  ‘Tween comedies and cartoons for me.


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  1. At this point, probably

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