Rant of the Week: Rachel Maddow

Rachel Maddow calls out Politico for not reporting ‘real news’

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h/t Gaius Publius at AMERICAblog

And while Rachel is being polite, I don’t have to be. When Politico, in its own voice, writes: “The one-sided televised presidential lecture … has left a lingering distrust of Obama invitations” – well, it’s asserting for itself that the demonstrably false Republican spin-leaks are true. And they’re not.

Looks like the deeds of a right-wing water-carrier to me. But hey, that’s me, just watching the deeds. (By the way, for accuracy of attribution, the author of that phony story is Glenn Thrush. Someone to notice the next time you read his stuff. He’s the one with the squeeky-wet shoes.)

Olbermann did a terrific job in his Special Comment on Real News. Maddow has continued to carry the ball on that one all week, and this segment is one of her best.


  1. are the best!

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