Two More Bite the Dust

Senator Rand “Aqua Buddha” Paul announced that he was “suspending ” his bid for the Republican presidential nomination after a dismal fifth place showing and dwindling campaign funds. He will now concentrate on his Senate re-election which isn’t going to be easy.

This is the smart play. Senator Aqua Buddha moved heaven and earth to change Kentucky law in order to run simultaneously for re-election to the Senate and to be elected president. Now, he can concentrate on getting re-elected, which is no sure thing, either. The Democratic candidate is Jim Gray, the mayor of Lexington, who is going to be well-financed and is considered to be a very strong opponent.

Also gone from the race as of today is former Sen. Rick “Formaldehyde Fetus” Santorum. Not that too many noticed his departure from he field. On his way out the door, he endorsed Sen. Mario “Absentee Legislator” Rubio (R -FL).

Another one bites the dust
Another one bites the dust
And another one gone, and another one gone
Another one bites the dust
Hey, I’m gonna get you too
Another one bites the dust.


  1. Coffee Zombie Collective featuring Mustache TIM!

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