No More Football For Louisiana

As the GOP vulgar clown show heads to Kansas, Louisiana, Maine, and Kentucky on Saturday, MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow reviews the havoc wreaked on the states of Louisiana, Kansas, and Michigan by the poor governance of their Republican governors Bobby Jindal, Sam Brownback, and Rick Snyder, respectively, and notes that these states are next in the calendar of primary elections.

Bobby Jindal Is Going Around Offering Advice While the State He Just Left Falls Apart
Charles Pierce, Esquire Politics

“Bobby” Jindal, that warped piece of former presidential timber that you find out behind the garage after a hard rain, is out in the country again, giving us the benefit of his wisdom even though none of us actually asked for it.

“After seven years of the cool, weak and endlessly nuanced ‘no drama Obama,’ voters are looking for a strong leader who speaks in short, declarative sentences,” Jindal wrote. “Middle-class incomes are stagnant, and radical Islam is on the march across the Middle East. No wonder voters are responding to someone who promises to make America great again. You can draw a straight line between a president who dismisses domestic terrorist attacks as incidents of workplace violence and a candidate who wants to ban Muslims from entering the country…President Obama loves to construct straw men so he can contrast his heroic self against them. But Donald Trump needs no characterization; he is capable of being absurd on his own, no outside help required. Without President Obama, there is no Donald Trump. Mr. Trump often diagnoses the ills Mr. Obama has caused, but his prescriptions are just as often wrong. America deserves better.”

No, it’s no more coherent if you read it backwards. Meanwhile, as “Bobby” was composing this impassable tangle of sentences, down in Louisiana, Governor John Bel Edwards is trying to make sense out of the pile of rubble that Jindal left behind.

Gov. John Bel Edwards blasts Bobby Jindal, calling him “the most irresponsible governor who has ever governed Louisiana”
Will Santell, The Advocate

Gov. John Bel Edwards on Saturday denounced former Gov. Bobby Jindal and what he called a “not serious” spending cut plan approved last week by the House of Representatives.

Edwards, who has repeatedly blamed Jindal for the state’s $900 million shortfall and other budget problems, labeled his two-term Republican predecessor “the most irresponsible governor who has ever governed Louisiana.” Without naming Jindal, Edwards also said that for eight years “we pretended things were better than they were, that we could do more with less.”

The result, he said, is developments like Thursday’s decision by Moody’s Investors Service to downgrade Louisiana’s credit rating, which means it will cost more for the state to borrow.

“We should take this as a wake-up call,” the governor said in a 15-minute address. “We all live in the real world.”

The Democratic governor blasted Jindal after saying “some in the media and social media” have blamed him for the state’s financial crisis, including a $2 billion shortfall for the budget year that begins July 1.

These states should be a warning to anyone even remotely considering voting for a Republican for any office. It’s too high a price to pay


  1. Bobby Jindal is prepping for the rapture.

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