Karl Rove Gives Obama His Approval

(10 am. – promoted by ek hornbeck)

Just what every Democratic President wants the approval of Karl Rove, aka Turdblossom, for the Afghanistan War

Turdblossom Tweets:

Victory in Afghanistan requires two things: the right strategy and the resolve to see it through. http://bit.ly/da0JrQ

The link is to his op-ed in the Wall Street Journal and what he thinks is missing from Obama’s strategy in Afghanistan, “Victory” . LOL

Mr. Obama has acted impressively so far on Afghanistan. He changed strategy based on facts on the ground, increased our troops by tens of thousands, and picked exactly the right man to lead our military into battle.

The president has the right pieces in place. Now he needs to signal to the world that he believes in the cause with all his heart. Let’s hope he does.

As Glen Greenwald points out Karl  had 7 years to get achieve “victory” and is now “claiming with a straight face that he knows the key to “Victory in Afghanistan””.

Obama is so far down the rabbit hole that even Karl Rove is saying he’s doing a good job.


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  1. There is no “victory” in Afghanistan, never was.

  2. getting to stay there forever without being bankrupted and booted out.

  3. hasn’t weighed in on how to win wars.

    Our tea partying friends would tell us the only reason we lost Vietnam was because the hippies and liberal media didn’t love America enough. How we lost our resolve and gave up because our hands were tied with silly rules of engagement.

    I kid you not. I had a junior high history teacher who thought this way.

    Blind to the real lessons of Vietnam indeed.

      • on 07/30/2010 at 03:55

      I’m sure our brave fightin’ forces won’t mind dyin’ for a while longer if it helps Republicans in the election.

  4. then what exactly is bipartisanship?

    Other than a way to sink the ship?

    1. by the way… 😉

      1. I think that you upset someone. Priceless.

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