Rant of the Week: Keith Olbermann

Keith Olbermann’s Worst Person’s Rant this Friday hit the mark. Keith take on the hypocrisy of Dr. Keith Ablow, “psychology pundit on the political whorehouse that is Fox News”, and his defense of Newt Gingrich’s lack of “Family Values.”

Worst Persons: Steve Beshear, Newt Gingrich and Keith Ablow


But the winner? On the Gingrichian theme. Dr. Keith Ablow – he used to have a talk show on TV, but recently has been reduced to co-authoring a book with “Lonesome Rhodes” Beck and being the psychology pundit on the political whorehouse that is Fox News.

And, he may have admitted the single dumbest thing yet said in this campaign. I mean, Rick Perry is embarrassed for this guy.

Ablow writes that – if you are coldly analytical about Gingrich being a serial marrier and philanderer – you will realize it would make him a great president. Quoting:

One, “three women have met Mr. Gingrich and been so moved by his emotional energy and intellect that they decided they wanted to spend the rest of theirs lives with him.”

Two, he writes, “Two of these women felt this way even though Mr. Gingrich is already married.”

Three, he writes, “One of them felt this way even though Mr. Gingrich was already married for the second time, was not exactly her equal in the looks department and had a wife (Marianne) who wanted to make his life without her as painful as possible.”

You left out four – he betrayed the first two, one of them while she was fighting cancer.

But wait, this gets worse.

Albow writes, “So, as far as I can tell, judging from the psychological data, we have only one real risk to America from his marital history. If Newt Gingrich were to become president, we would need to worry that another nation – perhaps a little younger than ours – would be so taken by Mr. Gingrich that it would seduce him into marrying it and becoming its president.

So what you are saying, Dr. Ablow, is that voters need to worry about whether or not Newt Gingrich is loyal to the United States of America?

Dr. Keith Ablow – I think you may be mispronouncing that last name, buddy – today’s “Worst Person” in the World.


    • on 01/22/2012 at 22:18

    who speaks just like him, only against Republicans.  

    What no one in the Republican Party is asking – and indeed, would be totally anathema to the GOP to ask – is what the hell moral credentials either of these stunning examples of disgrace can supply.  They’re both scumbags.  Complete, utter, garbage.  Romney is the kind of garbage that has a strangely orderly appearance to it despite being surrounded by muck, and a smell more of inorganic decay and rust rather than the more pungent odors around it.  He is a spotless emblem of the internal erosion of American civilization – a meritless wraith who lives a life of total comfort and indifference because he took over productive enterprises other people spent a lifetime building and turned them into nothing more than a quick cash payday for himself and a pink slip for so many others.


    And what of Herr Gingrich?  Oh yes, Newt – a piece of garbage so pungent and rank with the stench of rotting moral sewage you have to disinfect your TV screen after seeing him on C-Span.  No cold, metallic abstractions from this magnificent specimen of disease – just the God’s honest evil.  Inhuman malice and self-regard aged like wine – practically an expert sommelier in the cultivation and distribution of every form of bitterness, contempt, ignorance, mendacity, and entitled hauteur to which the vestigial tail of mankind that is the Southern conservative is so easily subject.  A man so vile even at first glance that 11-year-old me saw him on the news crowing about the 1994 Gingrich Devolution and said, “Wow, that guy’s an asshole.”  I didn’t know why he was an asshole at the time, but it doesn’t take much learning in the ways of the world to know the smell of what it creates.  Little did I know that first whiff was just the opening salvo in a hurricane of filth and lunacy.


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