“Corporations Are Not People”

(4 pm. – promoted by ek hornbeck)

No, Governor Romney, corporations are not people. People have hearts, they have kids, they get jobs, they get sick, they cry, they dance. They live, they love, and they die. And that matters. That matters because we don’t run this country for corporations, we run it for people.

~Elizabeth Warren, Massachusetts Democratic candidate for the US Senate.

Full transcript of Ms. Warren’s speech can be read here. h/t Market Watch

Disclaimer: This is in no way an endorsement of any candidate. We at The Stars Hollow Gazette and Docudharma are neutral and encourage open discussion of all candidates and policies.


    • on 09/08/2012 at 23:53

    pst! how did f’king mitt get elected in my home state of MA? where I lived till I was 29 in ’89?

    well, ya see – there are 3 branches of the Dem party in MA.

    1. there are the kennedy ivy upper crusters who take care of their own – AND their clamoring minions looking for that seat on the martha’s vineyard yacht with Jackie & Walter… and the dupes of the clamoring minions.

    2. there are the inbred townies taking care of their own.

    3. there is the rest of us, regular working stiffs, trying to make a contribution in our communities, getting used by the first 2 groups so the first 2 groups can take care of their own.

    I know that if Warren is relying on the well paid yuppie scum of group #1 she’s probably toast, because those noblerer smarterer gooderer assholes ONLY know how to keep their sinecures, they OBVIOUSLY don’t know how to beat lying fascists. (pst, for the diaper pissers uncomfortable with my ad-hominey attacks … ever hear of Dukakis and Kerry? case closed. )

    best luck to her.


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