No Dancing XV

I haven’t DJed much since I started blogging, in fact well before.  It was always mostly a way to politic and show off and once I became capo di tutti that motivation faded.

But I’ve always used borrowed equipment and libraries.  My actual first gig as a DJ was as a volunteer at a party back in the days when I was too shy to do much except stand near the food table and feign fascinated interest in the contents.  My first platter (they say you never forget) was Eddy Grant’s Electric Avenue on 45 which I’d spin for you except people actually danced.

So I was hooked.

Since then I’ve played any number of tracks that sincerely puzzled my audience but what’s important is they made sense to me.  If I were still doing the DJ thing you might expect to hear something like this whether it emptied the floor or not.

Wake Me Up When September Ends

Some people don’t recognize themselves in a mirror.  Me?  I don’t own one.


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