Around the Blogosphere

(6 pm. – promoted by ek hornbeck)

The main purpose our blogging is to communicate our ideas, opinions, and stories both fact and fiction. The best part about the the blogs is information that we might not find in our local news, even if we read it online. Sharing that information is important, especially if it educates, sparks conversation and new ideas. We have all found places that are our favorites that we read everyday, not everyone’s are the same. The Internet is a vast place. Unlike Punting the Pundits which focuses on opinion pieces mostly from the mainstream media and the larger news web sites, “Around the Blogosphere” will focus more on the medium to smaller blogs and articles written by some of the anonymous and not so anonymous writers and links to some of the smaller pieces that don’t make it to “Pundits” by Krugman, Baker, etc.

We encourage you to share your finds with us. It is important that we all stay as well informed as we can.

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This is an Open Thread.

Paul Krugman on austerity and the deficit at Conscience of a Liberal:

At naked capitalism, Yves Smith exposes the latest string of lies from our new Treasury Secratary:

At Corrente, lambert has another eye opener about the ObamaCare Clusterfuck:

and some thoughts on Hypermasculinity:

At Beat the Press, economist Dean Baker continues to document what is wrong with The Washington Post:

and the decline in working hours:

Contributor Harry at Crooked Timber asks:

Elise Gould at the Economic Policy Institute on the impact of health care costs:

Atrios pointed out this article at Think Progress:

And at Techdirt, Tim Cushing on the NYPD trashing civil liberties:

and from contributor Mike Masnick on just how low IP owners can go:


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