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Creative Schools MOU – Let SEA Members VOTE, Jonathan!

Table of Contents:

I. Quick History of the Creative Schools Approach Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) pushed by Jonathan Knapp in Dec. 2011 to Jan. 2012.

II. A Perspective on the implications of this MOU.

III. A Printable Petition  


I. Quick History of the Creative Schools Approach Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) pushed by Jonathan Knapp in Dec. 2011 to Jan. 2012.

Tues. 6 Dec. an SEA email had a draft of MOU in it, but, no warning in the subject line about this issue.

Thurs. 8 Dec. SEA sent out an email with MOU stuff in it, subject “Exhibit A”.  

Mon. 12 Dec. The SEA RA votes to not vote until the Jan. RA.

3 Jan an email from SEA with the FIRST mention of “Creative Approach Schools” – and a week later on 10 Jan they sent out an update.

In Jan. the SEA RA approved the MOU.

15 Feb. 2012 the school board approves the MOU.……

5 March 2012 City Council member Tim Burgess weighs in the CAS MOU on Publicola.…

In July the MOU is declared illegal.…


II. A Perspective on the implications of this MOU.

This MOU is extremely dangerous for teachers, and even though there was an SEA vote affirming it last January, that document was found illegal in court in July.

After careful study of both the MOU and its supporting documents, we find that, far from its advertised intent of allowing creative teaching, it instead is much more about abrogating important protections we have within the collective bargaining agreement.

One of the most egregious provisions requires all teachers who wish to retain their jobs at a “Creative Approach” schools to sign a kind of binding 3-year duration “loyalty oath”.

Failure to sign, even for a teacher with otherwise excellent evaluations, would result in displacement. Displacement in a district with many “Creative Approach” would would have to end in termination for many, as openings for displaced personnel shrinks.

There is at present a chance to stop this MOU in its present form if enough signatures of SEA represented folks are gathered, quickly.

SEA leadership intends that the new version of this MOU not come up for any new consideration of SEA membership, at any level.

To The Gates Of The 1%

The Great Teacher Bashing Tour continues in the great state of Washington. All kids will be saved when we have charters and evaluations that work as well as the evaluations of Wall Street bandits.


The teacher bashing onslaught soared to new heights in September 2010 with the release of “Waiting For Stuporman”. 1 September day, I was privileged to get home from work & be channel surfing & see my Ex-Boss, (7 clicks removed) Bill Gates, sitting on Oprah’s couch with Michelle Rhee, while the 3 of them ooh-ed and ahh-ed over this little piece of propaganda.

Below is a leaflet I distribute at ed deform events, and at sundry other local Seattle community events. I enjoy leafleting.  I enjoy telling people I’m leafletting because I’m prejudiced:

I’m prejudiced against well paid managers, AND

I’m prejudiced against well paid CON$ultant$, because as members of the 1% and as agents of the 1%, their greatest skills are blaming us working stiffs for problems we didn’t create –

I’ve been teaching high school math for over 6 years now,

I actually worked at Microsoft in Redmond as a low level support serf for 5 years,

I was a chef for 15 years, and spent 5 of those years cooking in fine dining in Boston (the Boston Four Seasons Hotel from ’85 to ’87).

I KNOW what high priced CON$sultant$ look like,

I KNOW how little they help my kids learn math, AND

I know how little they help kids at our school, AND

I know how little they help any kids in our district,

I’m prejudiced against well paid managers, AND

I’m prejudiced against well paid CON$ultant$, because as members of the 1% and as agents of the 1%, their greatest skills are blaming us working stiffs for problems we didn’t create –

Below is my leaflet.  

The Gate$ Of The 1%

The Great Teacher Bashing Baloney Tour continues tomorrow night in Seattle, Tues., 1 Nov. at our downtown public library.…

The teacher bashing onslaught soared to new heights in September 2010 with the release of Since “Waiting For Stuporman”. I was privelaged to watch the the acclaim of this propaganda from the classroom experts of Michelle Rhee, Bill Gates and Oprah over a year ago.

I enjoy leafleting against these Teacher Bashing Baloney Tours put on by the toadies of the 1%, and I enjoy telling people I’m leafletting because I’m predujiced –

I’ve been teaching high school math for over 6 years now,

I actually worked at Microsoft as a low level support serf for 5 years,

I was a chef for 15 years, and spent 5 of those years cooking in fine dining in Boston (the Boston Four Seasons Hotel from ’85 to ’87)

I KNOW what high priced CON$sultant$ look like,

I KNOW how little they help my kids learn math, AND

I know how little they help kids at our school, AND

I know how little they help any kids in our district,

I’m prejudiced against well paid managers, AND

I’m prejudiced against well paid CON$ultant$

because as members of the 1% and as agents of the 1%,

their greatest skills are blaming us working stiffs for problems we didn’t create –

Below is my Leaflet –  

Seattle Teachers – FIVE For FOUR – Thurs. 20 Oct.

Dear Seattle Teachers  and Seattle Education Advocates –

On Wed. 19 Oct the ballots go in the mail for the Seattle School Board election of Tues. 8 November.

WE each need to get 5 people WE know to vote for the FOUR challengers to the school board.

– Do YOU want to be on Strike in Sept. 2013 because the fellow travelers of Maria Goodloe-Johnson’s management by disruption, confusion and chaos have changed their tunes but NOT their behaviors?


–The more disruptions from downtown, the less we can help our kids.

–The more the school board is dancing to the tunes of education “reformers” who RARELY help us do our jobs better, the more disruptions from downtown.**

–The LESS we participate in elections, the more the school board dances and the more downtown disrupts.

— This really doesn’t require a mountain of degrees to figure out, because it is simple cause and effect.

Read the words of a Tacoma teacher who has taught at Lincoln High School for 21 years and who was on strike this year –


WE each need to get 5 people WE know to vote for the FOUR challengers to the school board.

We Got Taylor To The Thugs, We NEED Cee Lo To The Dems

For the unwashed among you, Cee Lo Green has had a hit “Fuck You”, which is about a girl dumping him for his lack of funds. Taylor Swift has had a hit “Mean”, where she tells off some mean meanie for being a meanie – it is very high school song.  

I’ve listened to pop music for decades – it tells us what is going on out there among the mob of us nobodies, kind of like how the highly priced painting of a campbell’s soup can tells us how outta touch our ‘elites’ are.

These 2 songs have been popular for months – and some of the excuse making for 0bummer’s LATEST $ell out just hit me the other day – blaming fascist pigs for being pigs while your ‘champions’ sell you out is … great for the well paid ‘champions’!