Author's posts
Apr 26 2019
Emissions From Cows
And by Cows I mean Republicans and by Emissions I mean burps because Cows are Ruminants and don’t technically fart though their burps contain a fair amount of Methane, an extremely potent Greenhouse Gas. Cody’s Showdy Why does this matter so much to Unindicted Co-Conspirator Bottomless Pinocchio? Let us remind ourselves of the magnificent repast …
Apr 26 2019
Do you know what horrors lie behind that wall? No Then you go first. Do you want to live forever? ek hornbeck’s #1 rule for surviving the Intertubz (it’s a series of trucks you know)- YOU ARE NOT YOUR AVATAR! What is best in life? Crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear …
Apr 25 2019
Petticoat Junction
For obvious reasons. Come ride the little train that is rolling down the tracks to the junction. Forget about your cares, it is time to relax at the junction. Lotsa curves, you bet Even more, when you get To the junction There’s a little hotel called the Shady Rest at the junction. It is run …
Apr 24 2019
The Neo Liberal Failure of Barack Obama
I don’t think Barack Obama was a particularly good President. Among other policies I disagree with are- Failure to prosecute War Crimes and the continuation of War Criminal activities (Rectal Feeding? Anal Rape!) by the United States Government (how’d that closing Guantánamo thing work out for you?). Failure to advance Universal Health Care (at the …
Apr 24 2019
The New Drug Cartels
A little upfront disclosure first. I’m generally inclined more to transparency and treatment than prohibition. I’ve taken drugs, lots of different ones, and some were good for my head and others not so much. There are also drugs that are ridiculously dangerous, Fentanyl for example. Despite being overhyped prohibitionist propaganda, those stories you read about …
Apr 24 2019
The Theater Experience We’ve come a long way since popcorn littered lecture hall chairs and sticky concrete floors, my local Bijou is carpeted throughout and boasts one screening room with swiveling tilting Barcaloungers (yes they recline and have footrests) as well as passable Cafe Tables for your $4 Soda and $6 Hot Dog (pricier options …
Apr 23 2019
Republicanism Root and Branch
People talk as if Unindicted Co-Conspirator Bottomless Pinocchio represents some kind of nadir for the Republican Party, that he is an abberration and eventually normalcy (whatever that is) will prevail and our situation will revert to the mean which for Versailles Villagers is a D.C. where big Daddy Republicans are keeping our taxes safe from …
Apr 23 2019
What Have We Learned?
Basically nothing. People are stupid. Well, we’ve learned that the wireless router in North Lake is busted (or maybe not)- I’ve just picked up a fault in the AE35 unit. It’s going to go 100% failure in 72 hours. … Well HAL, I’m damned if I can find anything wrong with it. Yes, it’s puzzling. …
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