Author's posts

‘It was Chick-amauga’

Don’t lie to me and say you never watched Bugs Bunny. Chickamauga was the bloody end of a Union Offensive by Bill Rosencranz into North Georgia in September of 1863, delivered at the hands of Braxton Bragg. It featured the second highest number of casualties to date after Gettysburg. It was made more shocking because …

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Sock Puppets

A Sock Puppet is an Avatar you create that is different from your usual one so you can feign approval and praise (normally accompanied by substantial Astro Turfing) for your main Avatar’s work or opinions OR so you can attack others without exposing your identity. Now I have several remaining Avatars still “active” on dK …

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The New Homeless

Not everyone has HBO money (not to mention 5 Wax Presidents, he raffled off Russell Crowe’s Jock to benefit the last Blockbuster).


Sawdust and Spotlights.

How much for the little girl?

$100,000. There is nothing funny about it. Afghan Contractor Handed Out Russian Cash to Kill Americans, Officials Say By Mujib Mashal, Eric Schmitt, Najim Rahim and Rukmini Callimachi, The New York Times July 1, 2020 Rahmatullah Azizi stands as a central piece of a puzzle rocking Washington, named in American intelligence reports and confirmed by …

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Fake News Media Hoax

Staff Sgt. Christopher Slutman, Sgt. Benjamin Hines, and Cpl. Robert Hendriks were escorting a convoy to Bagram Airbase in April of 2019 when a Car Bomb blew up as they passed and not only killed them but injured 3 other Soldiers and 2 Contractors (damn Mercs deserve what they get). As is SOP, an investigation …

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I shot a man in Reno, just to watch him die.

In Stars Hollow we’ve had quite a few Coronavirus deaths and some of my neighbors feel this is a disproportionate amount. Not really. We have Senior Housing and Convalescent and Long Term Care Facilities and they’re all Cesspools of Pus (Had to buy a Turntable Ladder Truck for the big ones. Fortunately Zoning keeps these …

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Not too early to think about your menu, especially if you’re going to do something elaborate like ‘Cue. Of course if you just want to scorch a steak and grill an ear of corn that’s fine too.

Night Sweats

I have nightmares. Of course they’re all about death because they always are and some are quite obvious like the ones I get of being swallowed when I sleep in a too soft bed, others are a little more esoteric like the one I have of a perfectly straight line that becomes more and more …

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Upper Class Twit Of The Year!

It’s a mite early but this will be hard to top. Ok, just so you understand who Dominic Raab is, he’s the Foreign Secretary of Great Britain. Because of our “Special Relationship” he is thoroughly familiar with all Internet tropes and memes. Raab betrays his ignorance of the origin and meaning of taking a knee …

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