Author's posts

Times Tesla Test Drive

So I happen to have a very old, very fast car that I rarely use.  It’s unreliable and can leave you inconveniently stranded at your destination, unable to return home.  It’s hard to drive because of the performance suspension and to get in and out of because of the configuration (it’s nickname is ‘The Flying Penis’).  While the mileage doesn’t suck it’s nothing to brag about and there is no cargo space at all.

On the other hand it still goes like stink and provided you’ve assured yourself a suitable stretch of road is enforcement free it’s a blast at high speeds.

These are not uncommon traits in a vehicle like this, mine is in fact relatively civilized.

What’s surprising about a piece like John Broder’s is that someone who should know better about the inherent unruliness of this type of automobile complains with particular pettiness and spite about the Tesla Model S.

Now I happen to think the computer logs prove Broder a pants on fire prevaricating liar and his apologists credulous fools grasping at straws (to say nothing of his own feeble attempts to avoid Judith Millerdom), but this is not the first time.

So what motivates this vitriol against electric cars?

Well, range is a problem.  Until I read up on this I had no idea it was so limited- around 40 miles for the Volt in pure electric mode, 73 for the Leaf.  Perfectly fine for errands, not so much for trips.

But I think that more fundamentally it’s God, Guns, and Gays.

Gasoline is a dinosaur in more ways than one.  Either it disappears or we do.  Turn Left Racing is the most popular spectator sport in the U.S. (Throwball has better TV ratings).  It feeds the populist fantasy that with a little more practice or firepower you too can be a hero for people so down and out their solace is the fact that at least they’re not a ____ and there will be pie in the sky by and by, by and by, on the big rock candy mountain.  Were your life that miserable and you a little less cynical you’d cling to it too.

But it’s all an illusion, magical thinking and distractions.  The big stories today are Danica Patrick’s love life and Daytona Pole.

More measured accounts-

My Las Vegas Convention- A Happy Story

(originally in orange Sat Jun 17, 2006 at 07:01 PM PDT)

Can you handle the truth?  How about a good story?

If you are a regular reader you may know that I was State Co-ordinator of my meatspace club.  You may not know I was engaged.

Yes I know, hard to believe anyone can stand ek for 5 minutes in a row, let alone want to spend the rest of their life with me.  But it was true.  She loved me.  A lot.

When we met I told her I was a practicing politician on the make, and what I wanted more than anything was to be King.  And then I was.

The National club was having a little get together in Vegas and as Incoming King I had to get there a day early for my special super secret training.  There was training for spouses too, not that we would have traveled separately anyway.

Part of being ek is procrastinating to the very last second, and then packing everything- kitchen sink included.  By the time we reached the airport for our evening red eye I had already been up for 24 hours.  It was a great disappointment to me that all the restaurants, bars, and gift shops were closed.  And our flight was delayed so I was really looking forward to my bag of peanuts on the plane.

Three cramped hours later in Vegas it is still midnight, my love was dragging and so was I, but-

When you’re on the make, you make things happen.  My political handlers were there to greet me in the lobby.  They had super, super secret training which I found out basically consisted of adjourning early and heading for the bar to trade lies.  They wanted me to circulate and make contacts.

Well, you have to make your marks.

I checked in, took my sweetie to our room and said goodnight.  Not the best goodnight I’ve ever given, but I was still a little cranky.  When I got all respectable again, I went back down to meet and greet.

Just as I was calling the whole thing a stupid waste of time, the delegation from my largest local rolls in.  I had to be nice to them, and they had to be nice to me.  Even so I was genuinely flattered that they invited me out to $1.99 breakfast with them.  It was Vegas, it was a good breakfast.

The sun comes up early on my birthday and I had all that super secret training to get through (mostly meeting the club’s corporate sponsors) so I went back to my room and got respectable yet again, woke up my honey and we went off to get trained.

I’ve already told you the valuable information I got.  My fiance got 4 hours of “you will never see him again” and totally embarrassed me (or so people say) by not sucking it up stoically but wailing “I love him so much”.  And she did, even when we broke up.

We had an awkward lunch together that consisted mostly of salad.  Two more hours of propaganda and we were free.

Well kind of.  In one of those coincidences that happens only in real life, her brother from California was also in Vegas, finishing up a business meeting.  We had about an hour of overlap before he had to jet out.

Wait, it gets better.  When we got back to the room there was a cake from room service.  Emily, my mom, didn’t forget my birthday (even though I was born in the age of epidurals) and had sent me the most expensive cake she never got to eat.  It was good, chocolate with chocolate icing and raspberry filling and some fresh raspberries on top.

Did I say I was wicked?  No rest for.  The one thing my sweetheart wanted to see in Vegas was the Hard Rock Hotel.  Now.  My problem was the incoming chief of the whole shebang was holding a party at 6 pm.  Attendance mandatory.

Incoming chief?  It was a contested race, the other guy could have won.  Who says this isn’t about politics?

Sure honey, we have an hour.  Let’s go.

Got my Hard Rock pin to go in my collection, got my complimentary shot glass.  Put a whole buck of slots on my Hard Rock card which still sits in my wallet to remind me of my misspent youth.  Let’s go.

She was not happy, being hustled around.  I was not happy to do it, but you make your marks.   The chosen one had rented the Grand Ballroom at the top of the Hotel and we arrived breathless and cranky at 5:59.  The line was not long and at 6:05 the other couple left.

At 6:06 the doors opened on this ballroom that occupied the entire floor.  The view was spectacular, all up and down the Strip.  There were 2 Champagne Fountains and 2 Chocolate Dippers.  There were buffet tables and carving stations.  THERE WAS AN OPEN BAR!  Four of them, it’s a fun club.

So basically there were 20 people there.  And me.  And my sweetheart.  All sweaty and flushed and tired, our credentials flopping around our necks.

Remember the scene in the Wizard of Oz where Dorothy and company go down the hall?  It was kind of like that, only bigger and longer.  At the end of (no kidding) about a quarter of a mile was the DJ.  We wandered up and said hi and he said- “So is there anything you want to hear?”  I let her pick the song.  It was slow and sappy and we grabbed each other and spun around, alone on acres of dance floor, on top of the world.

After a while some other people showed up so we could ditch, can’t leave a party before it’s started- that would be rude.  We went back to our room and said goodnight again.  I was much better this time, and after an hour or 2 I got respectable, this time in my tux (I own one, cheaper than real clothes) so I could go back to the party and kiss the ring.

It’s all about kissing the ring.

This was a totally different scene.  Though the opposition candidate would come as close as anyone in the previous 10 years to defeating the chosen one, he had totally moved his lame ass party to one corner of the ballroom at the invitation of the magnanimous eventual victor and everyone was doing group shots to ease the sting of their inevitable defeat.  The rest of the place was crowded with people looking for free booze and food (did I mention it’s a fun club?).

I kissed both rings.  It was easy, they were both standing together, the one who would be King and the one who would get a paid staff position as his consolation prize.  No more phoney they than my wishing them both good luck even though I had my marching orders.  And when the time came to convince my delegation to vote for the chosen one, my eloquence changed 60/40 challenger to 80/20 chosen, invoking our block vote rule and sparing us any loss of face as a state.

I was grabbed by a fellow classmate, a state King on the make for the top and dragooned into a conga line of Incoming Kings that he led from bar to bar in the ballroom, bullying his way to the front of the line and buying us all free drinks.

But enough of that is certainly enough and besides I had work to do.  One of the things they teach you in super secret training is to cultivate your base.  In this case that meant post cards to every local officer who was not able to attend.  I stopped at the gift shop in the lobby and picked up the post cards (an assortment, can’t have people comparing notes) and a bottle of Champagne (how do you avoid a hangover for 7 days?  Stay drunk for 6).  You can’t wait to do this because they have to arrive before you return.

When I went in the room my sweetheart woke up, saw the Champagne and said, “Oh, is that for us?”  Sure darling.  I opened it, poured us both a glass.  She took one sip, we kissed, and then she mumbled, “G’night” and rolled away.

So my plan worked perfectly.  About 4 am I was out of cards and out of Champagne so I headed to the lobby again, mostly hoping I could hook up with my breakfast buddies from the day before.  And I did.

Nothing like a good breakfast to energize you.  All the basic food groups, grease and salt and sugar and caffeine, and a mutual game of ring kissing with new friends was a great way to pass the time.  Soon I had to let them pick up my tab and move on.  I went back to my room, showered, changed, wrote my honey a note (because I was in training all day and she was done and had no agenda), and gently shook her awake.  We had a nice chat and then it was time for me to go.

Gotta make your marks.

Now I know what you’re saying- ek you’ve been up for 72 hours.  You should be dead.  Not true, I had a whole 2 hours of sleep on the plane.  And I had meetings, close your eyes, pretend to pay attention, and you can snooze 15 minutes out of every 20.  In great need of chemical stimulation, at the break I bummed my very last cigarette so far- a Merit Light King.

At 3 pm the torture was over and I didn’t have a mark to make until 6.  I went back to my room, hooked up with my sweetie (she had rolled out around 10 and spent a few hours shopping and having lunch with friends), and loosened my tie and napped.  She got many, many ‘candid’ snapshots.

And at 6 we loaded up on the bus for ‘Old Las Vegas’ where there was a big street party.  Thank goodness for busses, I was able to get a half hour head start on my nap on the way home.

When I woke up at 4 am I was hungry.  My fiance was immovable.  I wrote her a note and snuck off to have breakfast.

So that was Las Vegas for a micro-politician on the make.

It went on for a week like that, we actually spent a fair amount of time together after the initial 3 days, shows, restaurants, endless meetings at the Convention Center.

I pause here to pass along a great lesson she gave me.  The most important I took away from Las Vegas.

The food at the Convention Center was terrible.  The first day we got 2 Plastic Pizzas for lunch.  They were about the size of hockey pucks and tasted about the same too.  The second day the Outgoing King gave me a wink and a nod and we joined the Kool Kidz across the street for a lunch that was at least edible.

Afterwards at the light she held my arm and while everyone else went ahead we missed it.  When she turned to me she was as angry as I’ve ever seen her and she said- “Don’t you ever do that again!”


“How do you think those people feel?”, and she pointed at the Convention Center.

She was absolutely right.

You can be King or you can lead.

Lead- be the first and have people follow you.

If you want to be a leader, you have to lead.  You have to be the first.  The first person to pick up a sack and clean up the garbage.  The first person to volunteer to make the phone calls.  The first person to have a hot dog and quip- “What, no Rat?  Only Glue?”

We never crossed the street again, making polite excuses and throwing away styrofoam boxes filled with styrofoam at the same table as everyone else.  As time progressed there were more and more ‘Puffs’ and less Paris Gellers, but we stayed to the bitter end.

Thank you darling, I will never forget.

Some of you may be curious about our break up at this point, but it’s really very simple.  I was a Captain, but she was not the Enterprise and that was what she desperately wanted.  She loved me with a single minded focus I did not share. She was unhappy when I spoke with another woman, or another man, or spent any time away from her.  For my part I couldn’t live up to her expectations- I am after all shallow and one dimensional, I’ve never pushed a noun against a verb except to blow something up.

Since then I’ve never been with anyone else, not that I’ve worried about it- my ego is self sustaining.  I understand she is marrying her 2nd grade crush this summer.  Good for her.  I hope he makes her happy, she deserves it.

I will always remember dancing alone with her in a ballroom in the sky over Vegas.

When an Auction said Michael

The Beat Poetry stylings of Marco Rubio.

Unfortunately I can’t find the close captioning button anymore, but it appears that there were at least 2 versions of this famous work of art (much like the young Mona Lisa).  Here’s a sample captured by TheMomCat (Full Transcript below the fold).

When an auction said Michael — Mr. into in the field were severely dollar and authorities and its analysis thousands. Carefully to that a President Obama political — — assume among not.

If panel to general Norton on this week — sort of dollar and on the home and number — equally ethically counts. — — that this government umbrella title beating him to — I’m at the body in the homeless in August to pay thugs and be — and asked what’s the Hamas you’ve got the April not because I was — — of them. I’ll get paneling and soaps.

Seem fun in — sort of students. And the postal — Caledonia owns him but — and wonder what about the — democratic them psyche in the Palestinians. Have Christiane.

Olympic athlete dormant podium I think that our top bottom Scioscia system — on the — my — this year but some aren’t getting enough — You don’t know Hamas known couple that went — — — but it was a thousand isn’t exception on board — today — — pick us and Oman and god alone us about us — this Llosa. He get dole said Romano didn’t that it shall dollop of deals are you out of town labels on so stunning to speak how — the — — On the bottom of my adios to felony insists. The outer space.

We invited me out of marquis woke up one penny out I don’t know what absolutely that’s — percent of the sequels hopelessly — — — A you know what I concept but that a classmate — me by — — — under the bar man in in my — a headache MI data. — and editing it — they use better than they out of the home around the mosque and what can. Now hold on the — CME gotten swings.

(h/t TiaRachel and the crew at The Daily Show/The Colbert Report and of course Stephen and his writers)

Friday Night at the Movies

I have a sneaking suspicion my endorsement of films by featuring them here is resulting in difficulties.  Here’s one I won’t be sorry to see go.

State of the Union Open Thread

To tell you the truth, I don’t know why anyone is watching the Washington (Hollywood for the Ugly) Oscars when there are cute doggies on display.

Maybe you just hate dogs.

In any event you will hope (foolishly and in vain) that they don’t say anything too destructive, evil, and stupid.

The space below is provided so you don’t have to kill any more Chinese Walmart slaves through damaging your TV during any of the more egregiously wrong-headed and mendacious moments by venting your frustration in soothing pixels of insight instead of poorly aimed remotes.

Or, you know, kicking your dog.

The 137th Westminster Kennel Club Show: Day Two

Tonight’s event is the last of 2 days of judging and includes 3 Group Finals and Best in Show.

Last night’s results-

It is broadcast live on USA starting at 8 pm with a repeat at 8 am.

Some links-

One of two new breeds this year, the (Jack) Russell Terrier, makes it’s debut tonight in the Terrier Group.

The Group Finals tonight are-

Brittany Setter (English) Spaniel (English Cocker)
Pointer Setter (Gordon) Spaniel (English Springer)
Pointer (German Shorthaired) Setter (Irish) Spaniel (Field)
Pointer (German Wirehaired) Setter (Irish Red and White) Spaniel (Irish Water)
Retriever (Chesapeake Bay) Spaniel (American Water) Spaniel (Sussex)
Retriever (Curly-Coated) Spaniel (Boykin) Spaniel (Welsh Springer)
Retriever (Flat-Coated) Spaniel (Clumber) Spinone Italiano
Retriever (Golden) Spaniel (Cocker) A.S.C.O.B. Vizsla
Retriever (Labrador) Spaniel (Cocker) Black Weimaraner
Retriever (Nova Scotia Duck Tolling) Spaniel (Cocker) Parti-Color Wirehaired Pointing Griffon
Akita German Pinscher Newfoundland
Alaskan Malamute Giant Schnauzer Portuguese Water Dog
Anatolian Shepherd Dog Great Dane Rottweiler
Bernese Mountain Dog Great Pyrenees Samoyed
Black Russian Terrier Greater Swiss Mountain Dog Siberian Husky
Boxer Komondor St Bernard
Bullmastiff Kuvasz Standard Schnauzer
Cane Corso Leonberger Tibetan Mastiff
Doberman Pinscher Mastiff
Dogue de Bordeaux Neapolitan Mastiff
Airedale Terrier Fox Terrier (Smooth) Norwich Terrier
American Staffordshire Terrier Fox Terrier (Wire) Parson Russell Terrier
Australian Terrier Glen of Imaal Terrier Russell Terrier
Bedlington Terrier Irish Terrier Scottish Terrier
Border Terrier Kerry Blue Terrier Sealyham Terrier
Bull Terrier (Colored) Lakeland Terrier Skye Terrier
Bull Terrier (White) Manchester Terrier (Standard) Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier
Cairn Terrier Miniature Bull Terrier Staffordshire Bull Terrier
Cesky Terrier (new for 2012) Miniature Schnauzer Welsh Terrier
Dandie Dinmont Terrier Norfolk Terrier West Highland White Terrier

Because… Defense!

The 137th Westminster Kennel Club Show: Day One

Paden doesn’t seem to care about anything, except he does. You just can never tell what it’s going to be. Let me tell you about your friend Paden. A long time ago, me, Paden, Tyree, and a couple of other fellas did a lot of riding together. On business, and business was pretty good. We moved around a lot, the way you have to in that line of work. Somewhere along the way, we picked up this dog. One of us took to feeding it, so it followed us everywhere. Well, one day we’re leaving this little Missouri town, in kind of a hurry with a bunch of the locals hot on our tail. Somehow this dog got tied up with Tyree’s horse. Tyree went flyin’. Well, Tyree was pretty mad when he got up, and, being Tyree, he shot the dog. Didn’t kill him, though. The next thing you know, Paden’s down off his horse, and he’s holdin’ this dog, sayin’ we should go on without him. I thought he was kidding, except he wasn’t. Tyree was ready to plug ’em both – all this with the posse ridin’ down on us. I thought we were pals after all that riding we did together. All of a sudden he’s worried about some mutt. Well, we did like he asked. We left him, and he went to jail for a dog. You want to hear the funny part? Paden didn’t even like that damn dog.

It evened out in the end. They locked me up; the dog sprung me.

Tonight’s event is the first of 2 days of judging.  It is broadcast live on CNBC starting at 8 pm with a repeat at 11 pm immediately following and again at 8 am on USA.  Tomorrow’s Groups which will be folowed by Best In Show on USA at 8 pm with a repeat at 8 am Wednesday.

Some links-

The Group Finals tonight are-

Afghan Hound Borzoi Otterhound
American English Coonhound Dachshund (Longhaired) Petits Bassets Griffons Vendeen
American Foxhound Dachshund (Smooth) Pharaoh Hound
Basenji Dachshund (Wirehaired) Plott
Basset Hound English Foxhound Redbone Coonhound
Beagle, 13 In. Greyhound Rhodesian Ridgeback
Beagle, 15 In. Harrier Saluki
Black and Tan Coonhound Ibizan Hound Scottish Deerhound
Bloodhound Irish Wolfhound * Treeing Walker Coonhound
Bluetick Coonhound Norwegian Elkhound Whippet
Affenpinscher Havanese Pomeranian
Brussels Griffon Italian Greyhound Poodle (Toy)
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Japanese Chin Pug
Chihuahua (Long Coat) Maltese Shih Tzu
Chihuahua (Smooth Coat) Manchester Terrier (Toy) Silky Terrier
Chinese Crested Miniature Pinscher Toy Fox Terrier
English Toy Spaniel (B&PC) Papillon Yorkshire Terrier
English Toy Spaniel (KC&R) Pekingese
American Eskimo Dog Finnish Spitz Poodle (Standard)
Bichons Frise French Bulldog Schipperke
Boston Terrier Keeshond Shiba Inu
Bulldog Lhasa Apso Tibetan Spaniel
Chinese Shar-Pei Löwchen Tibetan Terrier
Chow Chow Norwegian Lundehund Xoloitzcuintli
Dalmatian Poodle (Miniature)
Australian Cattle Dog Briard Norwegian Buhund
Australian Shepherd Canaan Dog Old English Sheepdog
Bearded Collie Cardigan Welsh Corgi Pembroke Welsh Corgi
Beauceron Collie (Rough) Polish Lowland Sheepdog
Belgian Malinois Collie (Smooth) Puli
Belgian Sheepdog * Entlebucher Mountain Dog Pyrenean Shepherd
Belgian Tervuren * Finnish Lapphund Shetland Sheepdog
Border Collie German Shepherd Dog Swedish Vallhund
Bouviers des Flandres Icelandic Sheepdog

Not much to be fair and balanced about

Just Powers

Why the White Paper Is So Terrifying

By Stephen Marche, Esquire

at 10:24AM, Feb 6, 2013

The administration’s white paper on targeted killings, which was released yesterday, has provoked some intense and entirely justified expressions of fear and loathing. There was Tom Junod’s piece on this site, which outright accused Obama of coveting kingship, and there was Ta-Nehisi Coates over at The Atlantic, who found an apt comparison with Orwell’s work on language and totalitarianism. Both are great pieces, and terrifying enough.

Where are we going to find a better description of what the Obama administration is doing with their legal defense of targeted killing? They have made the president into a sovereign. Their language hides this basic fact: The president now gets to decide when the law doesn’t apply. The vague terminology in the white paper – “imminent threat” and “national self-defense” – is intended to be meaningless. Threat and self-defense can be defined in any way the president likes. He gets to choose.

There are no exceptions under the law. There are no sovereigns. There is equality under the law and that’s it. Nobody gets to decide who doesn’t have rights under the Constitution. What’s so terrifying about this white paper is that it’s unconstitutional, not in the sense that it violates any particular tenet of the American Constitution, but in that it doesn’t respect the premise of there being a Constitution in the first place. The whole idea of having a Constitution is that no individual gets to decide what’s an exception to it.

What is so extraordinary about this moment in American life is that tens of millions of people are ferociously defending the Second Amendment, and throw the name of the Constitution around like it’s sacred, and yet they utter not one peep when its basic principles are shaken to their foundation. And let’s be honest about why the right doesn’t attack Obama for this outrageous violation of the founding principles of the country: They don’t want to look weak, and they think that it only affects people they don’t mind seeing die anyway. As for the idea that Al-Qaeda is so much of a threat that it requires extraordinary extensions of the president’s powers, I can only say that the United States didn’t need a sovereign while facing the Nazis or Communist Russia, both of which were infinitely more resourceful and threatening than a bunch of camel-humpers living in remote caves in the most desolate places on earth. Rome didn’t need a sovereign for five hundred years, while facing half a dozen truly existential threats. We all know how that turned out. At least they knew when they had an emperor. They had a ceremony and everything. Obama just has a white paper.

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