Author's posts
Nov 17 2019
A song about suicide. Trigger alert, though you can listen and just enjoy it as I did for many years. As the site’s resident basket case of Anxiety and Depression let me assure you my nihilistic fantasies involve watching everything burn thus I can not rest but shall haunt you like a revenant so my …
Nov 15 2019
Still think it didn’t happen?
Look I’ll flat out say that I don’t respect Fareed Zakaria any more than I do most “Objective” Journalists, which is to say- “Not at all.” He isn’t objective, instead he’s promoting the same kind of Beltway Both-siderism they all do because they’re a bunch of selfish geedheads who either deludedly think they actually are …
Nov 14 2019
Impeachment Day 1: First Responses
(just a note: The original title was “First Responders”. After today’s events at Santa Clarita I decided to change it.) Some people may disagree but I contend that, at the moment, what is called “Late Night Talk”, with a few exceptions that remain firmly committed to a “no politics” approach, is the most important means …
Nov 14 2019
Peach Mint
Everyone’s favorite new flavor Prosperity Gospel A Month Late In fairness it probably got bumped a lot by “Breaking”. Veterans Day On Time!
Nov 12 2019
I’m sorry. As I’m sure you’ve gathered faithful readers, I disapprove of reality shows that don’t revolve around actual stuff like pushing dirt or cleaning up downstream of Tilapia farms (they actually have their own methods of clearing their pens, it’s no different from Lobsters really). I am sad/happy to report Sean Spicer is no …
Nov 11 2019
A Wall Street Parable
As all of you know a mere 144 Thousand will ascend to sit with Christ on Judgement Day and what better symbol of God’s own Righteousness than money. Lots and lots of it. Yeah, yeah eye of a needle Beatitudes bull crap. Gun Jesus wants you to kick ass and take names. Until 1957 “In …
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