Category: Environment

Sunday Train: Washington State Labor Council support Steel Interstate Feasibility Study

Sunday Train has long supported the Steel Interstate concept … but Sunday Train is “merely” an online activity composed of my online blogging in various forums and your discussion in various forums. However, since 2013, I have also been involved in the advocacy of the Steel Interstate concept in a more direct collaboration organized by …

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Spoiled Cherries Atop an Arsenic Sundae

From Uncle Charlie. Need I say more.   This Lawsuit Against Rick Snyder Over the Flint Water Crisis Is Brilliant Let us return this week to the great state of Michigan, where people are still wondering why their tap water looks like a Vulcan’s blood and what Rick Snyder, their narcoleptic governor, is doing about it. …

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Getting the Pb Out Of Flint’s Water

MSNBC host Rachel Maddow has not dropped the ball on the contaminated water crisis in Flint, Michigan. Her report on the poisoning of the residents when their water supply was switched, showed explicitly how responsibility for the tragedy falls to Republican Governor Rick Snyder and his radical, anti-democratic policies. Bryn Mickle, Flint Journal/MLive editor, talks …

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How Lead Got Into the Flint Michigan Water Supply

MSNBC host Rachel Maddow reports on the poisoning of Flint, Michigan residents when their water supply was switched, and shows explicitly how responsibility for the tragedy falls to Governor Rick Snyder and his radical, anti-democratic policies. Flint toxic water tragedy points directly to Michigan Gov. Snyder Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha, a pediatrician with Hurley Children’s Hospital …

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Climate Change Accord: Wrong Track?

While world leaders pat themselves on the back for approving, what is being called, a historic climate agreement, some climate scientists and activists believe it fall far short of what is needed to stop global warming. It’s astonishing how matter-of-fact most of the world is about paragraphs like this one — Glenn Greenwald …

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