Category: News

Bag Me With A Spoon

Ok, so we now know what was going on at the Army/Navy Game, a stupid drinking prank the Corporatist Media is calling “The Circle Game” and Malcolm Nance (Jedi Master who’s been in the Navy and knows a thing or two) calls “Made You Look”. Back in the dorm it was “Bagged” and when your …

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Holiday Cartnoon

Not the Kirk Cameron Movie You Think Or maybe it is. Oh, perhaps you’re curious what Maggie Mae thinks of Fireproof C’mon, you knew. Rabbit Hole Parable, a usually short fictitious story that illustrates a moral attitude or a religious principle. Usually.

A Nightmare Before ek’s mas

You DARE bribe Santa? I’m gonna shove coal so far up your stocking you’ll be coughing up diamonds. I’m already running late, and if I don’t complete my BRUTAL rampage… well, it just wouldn’t be ek’s mas.

More Fanfic

Hey, it’s only topical for a time. This is in no way a satire of certain entertainment organizations.


You people are not subtle at all. Non, je ne regrette rien. Le bon, le mauvais, c’est pareil. Je sais me proxénétisme.

Plan C With Revisions

When TMC and I are on a fact finding assignment (say, discovering who has the best Digby Scallops in Nova Scotia or what exactly is happening in the 3rd floor Ladies of the Five Fishermen) things frequently do not go quite according to agenda and we find ourselves re-evaluating our priorities and re-scheduling our activities. …

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They can do anything they like. Of course they can.

What’s today, my fine fellow? The Reason for the Season ‘Gina


HE DROVE HIS GOLF CART ONTO A GREEN!!! Death is no justice. Tick Tock. Tick Tock. The Clock is laughing at you. The other Stephen Oh, actually the relief from that is the same as the Fairway- drop a Club length from the Hazard no closer to the Hole.

The Loser’s Club

I am not unaware of Stephen King. Like my cousin, the New York Times bestselling author (twice, and I’m not at all jealous), I find his popularity disappointing because I don’t think the writing especially mesmerizing (my cousin is better technically). I suppose they both appeal to particular audiences, Stephen to horror fans and my …

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From the Well

CSPAN because we’re nothing but neutral (not really, we’re so far Left Democrats don’t recognize us).

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