Pique the Geek 20110306: Fricking, Fracking, and Earthquakes

Hydraulic fracturing, also called hydrofracture or just fracking, is a commonly used method to increase the yield of fluid raw materials, usually petroleum or natural gas, from formations that are not “easy” extraction targets.  Easy targets are ones that the fluids dispersed in sands or very porous rock formation.  

Let us dispel a common myth right now:  oil and gas is almost NEVER found as big pools of those materials in large holes in the rock.  Almost without exception, and perhaps quite without exception, these materials are dispersed in some more or less porous rock or sand.    When you see pictures of underground reservoirs of gas or oil, you are really looking at the fluid as it is dispersed in the native matrix.

Sand and very “rotten” sandstone are easy matrices from which to extract the fluids.  Shale and hard sandstone are much more difficult matrices, and hydraulic fracturing is used to increase yields from such formations.

I begin this with a new tradition.  The arts are important, and I plan to begin and end my posts with some.  Since I do not have the technology to read poetry here, let us enjoy a very obscure cut by The Who, Mary-Anne with the Shaky Hands, the Hammond organ version.  Please enjoy it with me.  If anyone knows how to allow me to read poetry here, please comment or write to let me gain that skill.  Note that many of the stills here are of the extremely attractive Diana Rigg, Mrs. Peel from The Avengers.  Girls from the 1960s, Rigg or others, are extremely attractive.  I was born either too early or too late.  Perhaps it is they way they look, or the color of their hair, or if their eyes were clear and bright.  Well, that just provided a segue for next week’s Popular Culture, an expose about one of the best, and most short lived British bands, The Zombies.  Hardcore Zombie fans will recognize the joke.

A couple of days ago in central Arkansas, a 4.7 earthquake was experienced.  That region of the state is pretty “quiet” seismically (but not completely inactive), in a different geological zone from the seismically unstable New Madrid Fault Zone, which is in extreme northeastern Arkansas and southeastern Missouri.  The New Madrid Zone has been responsible for some of the most powerful earthquakes in the continental United States, but it is associated with a mantle hot spot.  In the early 1800s, earthquakes there were frequent and extremely strong, upwards of 8.2 or more.

Here is a link to a TeeVee news piece about it.  Note that the newsreader near the end of the piece is mistaken about the size of the 1811 temblor.  Unfortunately, the embed code was not available.

Now, a 4.7 earthquake may not sound like a bid deal, but in central Arkansas there are essentially no building codes for earthquake resistance.  You reading this in California may sort of chuckle about a 4.7, but one in Arkansas can be devastating.  Fortunately, this one had its epicenter in a rather sparsely inhabited region.

Such a large temblor in that region of Arkansas got me to thinking, as as The Geek is wont to do, rooting around for more information.  It turns out that one of the prime suspects for this earthquake is hydraulic fracturing.  Now, this is certainly not established yet, since the event was only a couple of days ago, either scientifically nor legally, but there was enough concern for the Arkansas Oil and Gas Commission to suspend the disposal of spent hydraulic fracturing liquids by deep well injection until more information is available.

Let us look into the hydraulic fracturing process a bit more closely.  First, it is informative to examine fluid (let us confine our discussion to natural gas, but the concept is quite general) extraction from underground reservoirs.  In a nutshell, a potential field is located, and one or more exploratory wells are drilled.  If those wells show that the location is likely to produce economically viable amounts of gas, then production wells are drilled.  In an “easy” field, the matrix containing the gas is very porous, usually loose sand or rotten sandstone or shale, as indicated in the introduction.

In that case, essentially all that has to be done is to drill a well, sink a casing as the drilling proceeds, and allow the natural pressure of the formation to push out the gas.  The casing is necessary to prevent the sand or rotten rock from closing off the drill bore.  After a while, the natural pressure equilibrates with the surface pressure, so pumps are often needed later in a rich well’s life, but the gas is still easy to pull to the surface.

In a “hard” well, the rocky matrix is much less permeable to fluid flow than sand or rotten rock.  Now, hard matrices may contain as much or even more gas than easy matrices, but because of the low permeability it does not “want” to release it at an appreciable rate.  To change the permeability, fluids are injected to break up the rock, to fracture it, so that it becomes more permeable, thus allowing the fluid to drain from it faster.

Before we continue, let us think for just a minute.  ANY underground formation, when deprived of the fluid that is part of its support, has less structural integrity than it has whilst the fluid was still there.  That is just physics.  On the other hand, a relatively stable formation, when having material ADDED to it, may become unstable if the offsetting forces are overcome with the added load.  It works both ways.  Now, rock is pretty hard to move, but porous structures are a little different.  We shall return to this later.

In hydraulic fracturing, liquids (usually) are injected under very high head pressures with powerful pumps (below the well casing) to cause the rock to separate along natural lines of weakness.  The result is that the effective surface area of the gas bearing rock is increased so that the flow of gas into the casing is increased, thus increasing the yield.  Economically, that is a good thing for the gas companies.

Normally the fluid used is mostly water, with a few additives.  The actual additives are proprietary in most cases, and often include disinfectants like bleach or caustic to decrease the populations of microbes, which often tend to form biofilms and clog up the works.  Sometimes other agents are added to the fluid, but my research for this piece indicates that they vary widely, and often depend on the particular company and even the engineer with a given company.  The end result is that some hydraulic fracturing fluids are quite innocuous, and some are quite toxic.  There is a very wide range.

Normally, after the fractures are induced, a slurry of what I call wedging agents (I believe that the industry term is proppants)are pumped into the fractures.  These agents are solids, and are intended to replace the high pressure water in the fractures.  If one thinks about it for a couple of seconds, the high pressure required to fracture the rock also keeps the gas from coming out of it.  The wedging agents, often spherical sand (it does not pack down like irregular sand does) or other proprietary materials hold the cracks open after the hydrostatic pressure from the high pressure pumps is released.  Now the gas has an easy pathway, through the wedging agents to the well casing.

So far, not so bad.  Actually, the wedging agents sort of help to prevent collapse of the formation since they occupy space.  My research has turned up few significant seismic events from the procedures as they go this far, but a few cases do indicate that some minor events, less than 3.0 MIGHT have to do with them.  The science is actually very spotty and poor right now.

It seems what happened in Arkansas was that the nature of the fluids used for hydraulic fracture came under the definition of a toxic waste, and could not just be discharged to the land or to waterways.  The companies were granted a permit for deep well injection, purportedly a way to isolate those materials in perpetuity by injecting them very much deeper into much more dense, but yet somewhat permeable strata.  This is where the hypothesis that earthquakes were caused by hydraulic fracturing comes into place.

This is just an hypothesis, and I am not sure that it is correct, but certainly should be considered.  It is not an hypothesis that I came up with on my own.

The idea is that the spent fracking fluids are injected very deep, and into perhaps stable, for the moment, formations.  Now, you can not inject water into solid rock, so there must be some space for it.  Good luck with the syringe and piece of granite!  LOL!  As a matter of fact, the injection wells are pumping the spent fluids, and lots of them, into a region near known fault zones.  I mentioned earlier that this region is fairly stable, but there have been small earthquakes in the vicinity off and on for decades.  Going back to the piece of granite analogy, either some faulting is necessary or some permeable region is required (or both) to give the fluids a place to go.

The thought is that as the fluid migrates into the fault areas, exerting pressure in already stressed regions.  This pressure reduces the friction betwixt the two parts of the existing fault, making it easier for movement to occur.  It remains to be proven scientifically that this is what is occurring in Arkansas, but there is some historical precedent.  A number of years ago a similar situation occurred in Texas, and after deep well injection was halted, the earthquakes subsided.  Now, coincidence does not require causality, but this is a subject that needs more study, and fast.

Now, please realize that these are only loose connexions.  The science is not very good, largely because lack of verifiable data.  But hydraulic fracturing is not anything new.  It has been used for over a century to separate the granite deposits from bedrock in North Carolina, but that is hardly a deep well application.  However, I suspect that when those slabs of granite separate a seismometer would record the event at 4.7.

It seems that our old friend, The Halliburton Corporation, was responsible for the initial large scale use of this technique.  Go figure.  However, they were far from the first to use it.  A USGS bulletin describes it for the granite recovery in 1910!  However, its use for gas and oil production enhancement seems to go back to around 1947 or so, and Halliburton commercialized it in a large way in 1949.  Thus, this is nothing new.

Oil and gas companies hold more seismic data than all government stores combined.  I believe that it would be very instructive if they were required to release ALL of their raw data for a real scientific examination.  I strongly suspect that we might get enough real data to examine the question in a scholarly manner, but I also do not expect them to do that because of “proprietary information”.  You know as well as I do that they have extreme interest in the seismic events, and how that they relate to enhanced product production.

I am not an expert in this field, but I have neither made any unequivocal comments about it, either.  I have reported the basic processes and also some of the unanswered questions.  Do I think that the injection of spent fluids caused the earthquake?  I think that it might be related to those events, but I am far from sure.  More research needs to be conducted, and much more close monitoring needs to be done.

I call for persons with much more expertise than I have to chime in and comment.  Please correct me where I may have been incorrect, and please illuminate in your comments better information.  If you have good scientific evidence and conclusions, please add them.  If you have only your speculations, please label them as such.  This is am important topic as natural gas becomes a more important domestic fuel.  Central Arkansas is a rich bed for it right now, and those folks do not need any more earthquakes.

Well, you have done it even again!  You have wasted many einsteins of perfectly good photons from around 400 nm to 800 nm (actually, more complicated than that, and the first one to tell me why wins The Geek recognition tonight) by reading this oily post.  And even though Mike Huckabee (my former Governor) now says that President Obama grew up in his clothes closet in Arkansas when he reads me say it, I ALWAYS learn much more than I could possibly ever hope to teach in writing this series.  Thus, please keep those comments, questions, corrections, and other thoughts coming.  This week, please keep better expertise than mine coming.

I shall stay around as long as comments justify tonight for Comment Time, and shall return tomorrow around 9:00 PM Eastern for Review Time.  Remember, the rules are that I can not look anything up for Comment Time, but am allowed to do so before Review Time.

In keeping with the new tradition, here is Sally Simpson from the seminal work by The Who, Tommy.

I do now know what has gotten into me this evening, with the affection for women from The Who.  I shall bring other things in future installments, but I do think that some art to liven up Pique the Geek is in order.  I would to have some Kipling here, in my own voice, but need instruction as to how to digitize sound and then the You Tube thing.

Warmest regards,


Crossposted at Antemedius.com, Dailykos.com, Docudharma.com, and Fireflydreaming.com.

from firefly-dreaming 6.3.1

(midnight. – promoted by ek hornbeck)

Regular Daily Features:

The Mighty Mighty Bosstones are brassing it up in Late Night Karaoke, mishima DJs


Six Brilliant Articles! from Six Different Places!! on Six Different Topics!!!

                Six Days a Week!!!    at Six in the Morning!!!!

Essays Featured Sunday, March 6th:

Youffraita tells of the Hominy Frittata Experiment

Sunday Open Thoughts are Blinding from Alma  Ria

slksfca shares some history in For Women’s History Month: Emmeline B. Wells

This edition of Sunday Bread, brought by Bill Egnor, is wholesome, yummy-delicious Pain Noir (French Style Black Bread)

join the conversation! come firefly-dreaming with me….

Prime Time

Well, a lot of premiers.  Amazing Race for one.  Animation Domination on Faux.  America’s Next Great Restaurant Series Premier (though if you’re stealing ideas from basic cable it’s a sign of weakness).  PBS has Ken Burns on Mark Twain (some of you wonder why I use ek hornbeck, that other one is already taken).

What you lookin’ at? You all a bunch of fuckin’ assholes. You know why? You don’t have the guts to be what you wanna be? You need people like me. You need people like me so you can point your fuckin’ fingers and say, “That’s the bad guy.” So… what that make you? Good? You’re not good. You just know how to hide, how to lie. Me, I don’t have that problem. Me, I always tell the truth. Even when I lie. So say good night to the bad guy! Come on. The last time you gonna see a bad guy like this again, let me tell you. Come on. Make way for the bad guy. There’s a bad guy comin’ through! Better get outta his way!

I never guess: it is an appalling habit, destructive to the logical faculty. A private study is an ideal place for observing facets of a man’s character. That the study belongs to you exclusively is evident from the dust: not even the maid is permitted here, else she would scarcely have ventured to let matters come to this pass.


Your separation from various societies is indicated by these blank spaces surrounding your diploma, clearly used at one time to display additional certificates. Now, what can it be that forces a man to remove these testimonials to his success? Why, only that he has ceased to affiliate himself with these various societies and hospitals and so forth, and why do this, having once troubled to join them all? It is possible that he became disenchanted with one or two of them, but NOT likely that his disillusionment extended to all. Rather, I postulate it is THEY who became disenchanted with YOU, doctor, and asked you to resign, from all of them. Why, I’ve no idea. But some position you have taken, evidently a medical one, has discredited you in their eyes.

Have I omitted anything of importance?

My sense of honor.

Oh, it is implied by the fact that you have removed the plaques from the societies to which you no longer belong. In the privacy of your study, only you would know the difference.

The clue obviously lies in the word “cheddar.” Let’s see now. Seven letters. Rearranged, they come to, let me see: “Rachedd.” “Dechdar.” “Drechad.” “Chaderd” – hello, chaderd! Unless I’m very much mistaken, chaderd is the Egyptian word meaning “to eat fat.” Now we’re getting somewhere!

Zap2it TV Listings, Yahoo TV Listings

Evening Edition

Evening Edition is an Open Thread

Now with 36 Top Stories.

From Yahoo News Top Stories

1 Clashes as Libya rebels deny counter-offensive report

by Samer al-Atrush, AFP

25 mins ago

LANUF, Libya (AFP) – An onslaught by Moamer Kadhafi’s army sparked UN calls for urgent access to the “injured and dying” on Sunday as a secret British mission to contact opposition forces ended in a diplomatic fiasco.

Rebel forces traded rocket and machine-gun fire with the army as they tried to advance westwards on the Kadhafi stronghold of Sirte, but were beaten back along a dusty desert highway after suffering heavy losses.

The rebels said they had been forced to pull back from the coastal hamlet of Bin Jawad, occupied on Saturday in an advance westward on Kadhafi’s home town, after clashes that doctors said left two dead and around 50 wounded.


2 Obama steers clear of ‘doctrine’ as Arab tumult rages

by Stephen Collinson, AFP

2 hrs 1 min ago

WASHINGTON (AFP) – As a wildfire of revolt whips through the Middle East and North Africa, the White House is embracing pragmatism and shying away from embroidering a grand “Obama doctrine” for a region in turmoil.

For a politician as fond of the grand gesture as President Barack Obama, the idea of an eponymous school of foreign policy thought might seem tempting.

After all, presidents have long etched their names in history with monumental doctrines, or clear prescriptions of principles rationalizing America’s posture to a treacherous world.

3 Police, pro-government activists block Algerian protest


Sat Mar 5, 4:23 pm ET

ALGIERS (AFP) – Algerian police and pro-government activists on Saturday foiled another attempt by opposition protesters to march in the capital Algiers to demand regime change.

A faction of the National Coordination for Change and Democracy (CNCD) had called the protest in three different parts of the city for 11:00 am (1000 GMT) in defiance of an official ban on demonstrating in Algiers.

But several dozen demonstrators found themselves quickly surrounded by police.

4 Yemen opposition vows to intensify protests

by Hammoud Mounassar, AFP

Sun Mar 6, 8:52 am ET

SANAA (AFP) – Yemen’s opposition movement vowed on Sunday to intensify protests against the regime of President Ali Abdullah Saleh, after the embattled leader refused to resign by the end of the year.

With violence gripping the strategic US ally on multiple fronts, the United States and Britain advised citizens to consider leaving the Arabian peninsula nation and warned against all but essential travel.

Mohammed Sabri, a leading member of the opposition Common Forum, vowed to step up anti-government demonstrations which have left at least 19 people dead since February 16, according to an AFP toll.

5 Karzai tells Petraeus Afghan apology ‘not enough’

by Shah Marai, AFP

Sun Mar 6, 10:26 am ET

KABUL (AFP) – Afghan President Hamid Karzai on Sunday told US General David Petraeus, the commander of international troops, that his apology after nine children died in a NATO air strike was “not enough”.

Hundreds of angry demonstrators also rallied in central Kabul over the deaths in an air raid by coalition helicopters in the eastern province of Kunar on Tuesday.

NATO’s International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) said the children — who were collecting firewood in the province’s Dar-e-Pech district when they were killed — were mistaken for rebels.

6 Afghan bomb kills 12 civilans

by Shah Marai, AFP

Sun Mar 6, 9:01 am ET

KABUL (AFP) – A roadside bomb ripped through a car in eastern Afghanistan on Sunday, killing 12 civilians, as hundreds of people protested angrily in Kabul over the deaths of nine children in a NATO air raid.

The Taliban-style home-made device struck the car in the province of Paktika, killing five children, two women and five men, the provincial administration said in a statement.

The victims were on their way from neighbouring Pakistan, it said, without giving further details.

7 Rio heads into Carnival climax: its famed parades

by Marc Burleigh, AFP

2 hrs 16 mins ago

RIO DE JANEIRO (AFP) – Rio Sunday was preparing to put on the climax to its Carnival celebrations: the extravagant and sensual parades famed the world over.

The processions, featuring near-naked dancing queens and spectacularly imaginative floats trailed by thousands of extras, were to run Sunday and Monday nights before a stadium audience of 70,000 and a worldwide broadcast audience.

In fact a competition, the two nights of parades are put on by Rio’s top dozen samba schools, which have worked for months to ready shows costing up to five million dollars.

8 China richest man says work key to easing poverty


1 hr 23 mins ago

BEIJING (AFP) – China’s richest man Sunday rejected criticism that the rich have done little to help the country’s millions of poor and said hard work was the key to lifting themselves out of poverty.

China has struggled to spread its wealth evenly among its 1.3 billion-strong population and the widening wealth gap is at the top of the agenda of the country’s annual parliamentary session which opened Saturday.

“The most important thing we can do is teach them (poor people) how to help themselves and help them get rich through hard work,” Zong Qinghou, the founder of China’s largest soft drinks maker Wahaha, told a news conference.

9 England win nail-biter, India top group at Cricket World Cup

by John Weaver, AFP

Sun Mar 6, 1:02 pm ET

NEW DELHI (AFP) – England revived their faltering World Cup hopes Sunday with a nail-biting six-run win over South Africa as India moved to the top of Group B with a five-wicket victory over battling Ireland.

Needing a win to get their campaign back on track after a shock defeat against minnows Ireland, England made a terrible start and were 15 for three before Jonathan Trott (52) and Ravi Bopara (60) staged a recovery.

Their score of 171 did not look enough as South Africa cruised to 63 without loss but the Proteas slipped from 124-3 to 127-7 and a late rally could not save them as they were all out for 165 in Chennai.

10 Japan FM ‘to resign’ over Korean’s gift

by Frank Zeller, AFP

Sun Mar 6, 7:27 am ET

TOKYO (AFP) – Japan’s centre-left government suffered a blow Sunday when its high-profile foreign minister reportedly said he would step down over a donations scandal that drew the ire of the conservative opposition.

Seiji Maehara, 48, has been widely seen as a likely successor to Prime Minister Naoto Kan, who has struggled in the face of support ratings below 20 percent and a split parliament that has threatened to derail his reform agenda.

The ambitious Maehara came into the firing line himself last week when he admitted he had accepted the equivalent of several hundred dollars in campaign donations in recent years from a Japanese-born woman of Korean ethnicity.

11 Kenya coffee eyes new golden era

by Jean-Marc Mojon, AFP

Sun Mar 6, 3:41 am ET

NAIROBI (AFP) – Kenyan coffee producers are hoping that soaring global prices will end years of neglect, that saw output drop fourfold, and herald a new golden age for what was once the country’s top export.

The arabica that grows in the volcanic soils of Kenya’s highlands is sought worldwide as a high quality bean used in the blends that fill the cups of the ever-growing global army of espresso connoisseurs.

Yet production has dwindled steadily in recent years to hit 36,000 tonnes last year, down from 130,000 tonnes in 1997.


12 Gaddafi launches counter-offensive on Libyan rebels

Maria Golovnina and Michael Georgy, Reuters

1 hr 43 mins ago

TRIPOLI (Reuters) – Troops loyal to Muammar Gaddafi launched counter-offensives against rebel-held towns on Sunday, increasing fears that Libya is heading for a civil war rather than the swift revolutions seen in Tunisia and Egypt.

The Gaddafi government proclaimed sweeping overnight victories over what it called terrorist bands.

But after what residents said was a day of fierce fighting with artillery, rockets and mortar bombs, rebel forces announced they had fought off Gaddafi’s forces in the towns of Zawiyah, to the immediate west of Tripoli, and Misrata to the east.

13 U.S. keeps oil reserves options open as gasoline surges

By Jackie Frank and Lewis Krauskopf, Reuters

1 hr 19 mins ago

WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) – The government reiterated on Sunday that it could tap its strategic oil reserves in order to safeguard economic growth as surging gasoline prices threaten to amp up pressure for action.

While longstanding U.S. policy is to release reserves only in the event of a significant and immediate supply shortage, some analysts say the Obama administration may feel compelled to try to tamp down prices that are being fueled both by outages in Libya as well as concerns over Middle East unrest.

Echoing comments made by a number of Obama officials over the past week, White House Chief of Staff William Daley told NBC television’s “Meet the Press” on Sunday: “We are looking at the options. The issue of the reserves is one we are considering.”

14 Top Democrat draws line in sand in budget fight

By Thomas Ferraro, Reuters

2 hrs 32 mins ago

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Assistant Senate Democratic leader Dick Durbin drew a line in the sand on Sunday in his party’s budget battle with Republicans, who are pushing deep spending cuts to trim the federal deficit.

Durbin, one of President Barack Obama’s top allies in Congress, said he opposed going beyond the $10.5 billion in domestic, non-defense discretionary spending cuts that Democrats have backed.

Republicans want $61 billion in spending reductions.

15 Knives and petrol bombs return to Cairo streets

By Tom Perry and Marwa Awad,

Sun Mar 6, 4:28 pm ET

CAIRO (Reuters) – Men in plain clothes armed with swords and petrol bombs attacked protesters in Cairo on Sunday night during a demonstration demanding reform of security services with a reputation for brutality, witnesses said.

Dozens of men wielding knives and machetes and hurling bricks and petrol bombs confronted protesters at the headquarters of Egypt’s state security, a force whose abuses fueled an uprising that toppled Hosni Mubarak, they said.

It appeared to be the first time armed men in plain clothes had deployed in force against reform activists in central Cairo since Mubarak was forced to step down and hand power to the military, which has charted a course to democratic elections.

16 Ireland aims to woo Europe with fiscal obedience

By Carmel Crimmins and Padraic Halpin, Reuters

Sun Mar 6, 1:09 pm ET

DUBLIN (Reuters) – Ireland’s new government will stick to the budget targets laid down in an 85 billion euro EU/IMF rescue package as it seeks to win European partners round to giving it easier terms on the loans.

Ireland’s prime minister in-waiting Enda Kenny is under huge pressure to persuade Europe’s paymaster Germany to cut the interest rate Brussels is charging and give Dublin more time to restructure its banks before a Europe-wide deal on the debt crisis is hammered out at summit on March 24-25.

The coalition agreement between Kenny’s center-right Fine Gael and the center-left Labour, clinched shortly after midnight and approved by both parties on Sunday, seems designed to curry favor with the fiscally conservative Germans and draws a veil over some of the anti-EU rhetoric deployed in the campaign.

17 U.S. apology for Afghan deaths "not enough": Karzai

By Hamid Shalizi and Jonathon Burch, Reuters

Sun Mar 6, 10:50 am ET

KABUL (Reuters) – Afghan President Hamid Karzai told General David Petraeus, the commander of U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan, on Sunday his apology for a foreign air strike that killed nine children last week was “not enough.”

At a meeting with his security advisers at which Petraeus was present, Karzai said civilian casualties by foreign troops were “no longer acceptable” to the Afghan government or to the Afghan people, Karzai’s palace said in a statement.

Civilian casualties caused by NATO-led and Afghan forces hunting insurgents have again become a major source of friction between Karzai and his Western backers.

18 Japan foreign minister quits in fresh blow to PM

By Linda Sieg and Yoko Kubota,

Sun Mar 6, 8:58 am ET

TOKYO (Reuters) – Japanese Foreign Minister Seiji Maehara resigned on Sunday to take responsibility for accepting donations from a foreign national, adding to unpopular Prime Minister Naoto Kan’s troubles as he battles to keep his own job.

Maehara, a security hawk who favors close ties with the United States and has criticized China’s defense build-up, had been seen as a key contender to succeed Kan if the prime minister bows to pressure to step down himself.

Maehara’s resignation deepens the impression of a government in disarray as Kan fights to keep his own Democratic Party (DPJ) from splintering and avoid calling a snap election while trying to enact budget bills in a deeply divided parliament.

19 White House considers tapping oil reserves

By Jackie Frank, Reuters

Sun Mar 6, 11:23 am ET

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – White House Chief of Staff William Daley said on Sunday the Obama administration was considering tapping into the U.S. strategic oil reserve as a way to help ease soaring oil prices.

Speaking on NBC television’s “Meet the Press,” Daley said: “We are looking at the options. The issue of the reserves is one we are considering. It is something that only is done — and has been done — in very rare occasions. There’s a bunch of factors that have to be looked at. And it is just not the price.”

“All matters have to be on the table when you see the difficulty coming out of this economic crisis we’re in and the fragility,” Daley added.

20 Sudan central bank governor resigns ahead of secession


Sun Mar 6, 1:23 pm ET

KHARTOUM (Reuters) – Sudan’s central bank governor Sabir Mohammad al-Hassan has resigned, the bank said on Sunday, four months ahead of the secession of its oil-producing south.

The departure of the long-serving governor is likely to cause dismay in a country facing the double challenge of an economic crisis and the imminent loss of about a quarter of its territory.

“The economic situation now is precarious and the country is moving toward secession,” former state minister of finance Abda al-Mahdi told Reuters.

21 Libyan rebels beat back attack on Misrata: residents

By Michael Georgy, Reuters

2 hrs 46 mins ago

TRIPOLI (Reuters) – Libyan rebels beat back the fiercest attack so far by Muammar Gaddafi’s forces on the town of Misrata, residents told Reuters on Sunday, and a doctor said at least 18 people were killed.

Government forces used tanks and artillery in what appeared to be their most concerted effort yet to retake the town, 200 km (125 miles) east of the capital Tripoli, but were pushed back by rebels fighting Gaddafi’s 41-year old rule.

“Today Misrata witnessed the toughest battle since the beginning of the revolution. Horrible attacks,” one resident, who did not want to give his name, told Reuters by phone.


22 Libya forces try to halt rebel move toward capital


Sun Mar 6, 5:33 pm ET

BIN JAWWAD, Libya – Forces loyal to Moammar Gadhafi, some in helicopter gunships, pounded opposition fighters with artillery, rockets and gunfire Sunday, dramatically escalating their counteroffensive to halt the rebels’ rapid advance toward the capital.

They also battled to loosen the grip of rebels on two cities close to Tripoli. But in at least one case, their tactics appeared to lead them into a trap.

Residents said pro-Gadhafi troops punched into the city of Misrata, 120 miles (200 kilometers) east of Tripoli, the capital, with mortars and tanks but were pushed out five hours later by rebel forces. The rebel commanders intentionally opened the way for government tanks to enter the city, then surrounded them and attacked with anti-aircraft guns and mortars, said Abdel Fatah al-Misrati, one of the rebels.

23 White House praises Muslims ahead of House hearing


1 hr 39 mins ago

STERLING, Va. – Muslim Americans are not part of the terrorism problem facing the U.S. – they are part of the solution, a top White House official said Sunday at a Washington-area mosque.

Deputy National Security Adviser Denis McDonough set the Obama administration’s tone for discussions as tensions escalate before the first in a series of congressional hearings on Islamic radicalization. The hearings, chaired by New York Republican Peter King, will focus on the level of cooperation from the Muslim community to help law enforcement combat radicalization.

The majority of the recent terror plots and attempts against the U.S. have involved people espousing a radical and violent view of Islam. Just a few weeks ago a college student from Saudi Arabia who studied chemical engineering in Texas was arrested after he bought explosive chemicals online. It was part of a plan to hide bomb materials inside dolls and baby carriages and blow up dams, nuclear plants or the Dallas home of former President George W. Bush.

24 New Egypt PM names most of new Cabinet

By SARAH EL DEEB, Associated Press

2 hrs 31 mins ago

CAIRO – Egypt’s prime minister-designate named a caretaker Cabinet on Sunday to help lead the country through reforms and toward free elections after the uprising that ousted President Hosni Mubarak.

The changes include new faces in the key foreign, interior and justice ministries – a decision expected to be met with the approval of the pro-reform groups that led an 18-day uprising that forced Mubarak to step down on Feb. 11.

Meanwhile, a rally outside the Interior Ministry in Cairo, which houses offices of the hated State Security agency, was violently broken up.

25 Farewells for 2 space crews and for Discovery

By MARCIA DUNN, AP Aerospace Writer

1 hr 2 mins ago

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. – The space shuttle and space station crews hugged goodbye Sunday after more than a week together, but saved their most heartfelt farewell for Discovery.

On its final voyage after nearly three decades, Discovery, the most traveled rocketship ever, will be retired following this week’s return to Earth.

The hatches between Discovery and the International Space Station were sealed Sunday afternoon, setting the stage for the shuttle’s departure first thing Monday.

26 Rio Carnival group looks to bounce back from fire

By JULIANA BARBASSA, Associated Press

Sun Mar 6, 6:17 pm ET

RIO DE JANEIRO – For 28 years, Gilma Cardoso Ferreira has saved for months before each Carnival to pay for the frilly, full-skirted outfit that transforms her, for one evening, from a retired public servant into one of the respected grande dames of Rio’s winningest samba group.

This year, however, Carnival almost didn’t happen for Ferreira and thousands of others who put on one of the world’s most spectacular shows: two nights of lavish parades that begin Sunday in Rio’s Sambadrome stadium and are watched by millions in Brazil and abroad.

A fire in early February ripped through warehouses where three elite samba groups were preparing for Carnival, incinerating more than 8,000 feather and glitter costumes and many of the massive, meticulously decorated floats.

27 Nevada mine death: Questions on called-off rescue

By MARTIN GRIFFITH, Associated Press

2 hrs 54 mins ago

RENO, Nev. – A father of five plunges deep into an abandoned mine shaft. Nearly 200 feet down, video images show he is injured but still breathing, trapped by debris.

The century-old shaft, though, is extremely unstable, its walls crumbling. As one rescuer tries to descend to reach the man, he is hit by a large rock, which splits his hard-hat. Other efforts yield more falling rocks and clear evidence: This is going to be a dangerous mission – maybe too dangerous.

The scenario unfolded underneath Nevada last week, when rescue teams were told to stand down in their bid to reach 28-year-old Devin Westenskow, even as they had evidence he was still alive.

28 After historic gains, are stocks nearing a bubble?


Sun Mar 6, 5:03 pm ET

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke fielded the usual questions about inflation, tax cuts and government debt during a trip to Congress last week. Then a new question popped up: Is the Fed creating another bubble in stock prices?

Bernanke told the Senate Banking Committee he saw “little evidence” that was happening. But he cautioned: “Of course, nobody can know for sure.”

That’s the problem with bubbles. You only know you’re in one when it pops.

29 Fashion world flocks to see Galliano collection

By JENNY BARCHFIELD, Associated Press

1 hr 3 mins ago

PARIS – Likely motivated by equal parts love and admiration and morbid curiosity, fashion insiders descended Sunday on a tony Paris townhouse to see what could very well be the last ever collection by John Galliano, the brilliant British designer whose undoing last week has shocked and horrified the industry.

Galliano’s longtime employer, luxury supernova Dior, fired him last Tuesday amid allegations he made anti-Semitic insults and after a video showing a drunk Galliano saying “I love Hitler” went viral on the Internet.

The saga, which has riveted the fashion world for the past ten days and cast a palpable pall over Paris’ ready-to-wear displays, also threw the future of the designer’s signature label into doubt. The John Galliano brand is owned by Dior parent company LVMH Moet Hennessy.

30 Romney, novice no more, focuses on Obama, economy

By LIZ “Sprinkles” SIDOTI, AP National Political Writer

Sun Mar 6, 1:54 pm ET

BARTLETT, N.H. – This time, Mitt Romney has a clear pitch: I’m the strongest Republican to challenge President Barack Obama on the country’s single biggest issue – the economy.

“He created a deeper recession, and delayed the recovery,” Romney said Saturday, previewing his campaign message before Republicans in this influential early nominating state.

“The consequence is soaring numbers of Americans enduring unemployment, foreclosures and bankruptcies. This is the Obama Misery Index, and it is at a record high.”

31 Gay legislators having impact in marriage debates

By DAVID CRARY, AP National Writer

Sun Mar 6, 5:11 pm ET

NEW YORK – Of America’s 7,382 state legislators, only 85 are openly gay or lesbian. They are, however, playing an outsized and often impassioned role when the agenda turns to recognizing same-sex couples with civil unions or full marriage rights.

In Hawaii and Illinois, gay state representatives were lead sponsors of civil union bills signed into law earlier this year. In Maryland and Rhode Island, gay lawmakers are co-sponsoring pending bills that would legalize same-sex marriage. In New York, a gay senator, Tom Duane, is preparing to be lead sponsor of a marriage bill in his chamber later this session.

“For my colleagues, knowing that I am not allowed to marry the person that I love and want to marry, that’s very powerful,” said Duane, a Democrat from Manhattan. “It’s more difficult for them to take for granted the right they have to marry when I don’t have it.”

32 NC, SC politely fight over presidential birthplace

By JEFFREY COLLINS, Associated Press

Sun Mar 6, 12:21 pm ET

THE WAXHAWS, Carolinas – South Carolina claims Andrew Jackson as its only president. But wait – on the grounds of the North Carolina capitol, a bronze statue of Jackson sits with two others as “Presidents North Carolina Gave the Nation.”

For a century, the two Carolinas have quarreled over which can claim to be the birthplace of the seventh American president.

Dueling monuments sit within miles of each other south of Charlotte, N.C. For decades, one high school in Lancaster County, S.C., and another in Union County, N.C., played a football game in which the winner got to claim Jackson for the next year. And don’t look to the White House for the answer: its website lists Jackson’s birthplace a “backwoods settlement in the Carolinas.”

33 Afghan president rejects US apology over killings

By PATRICK QUINN, Associated Press

Sun Mar 6, 12:13 pm ET

KABUL, Afghanistan – Afghanistan’s president on Sunday rejected a U.S. apology for the mistaken killing of nine Afghan boys in a NATO air attack and said civilian casualties are no longer acceptable.

According to a statement from his office, Hamid Karzai told Gen. David Petraeus, the top commander of coalition forces in Afghanistan, that expressing regret was not sufficient in last week’s killing of the boys, ages 12 and under, by coalition helicopters.

NATO has also apologized for the mistaken killings. Civilian casualties from coalition operations are a major source of strain in the already difficult relationship between Karzai’s government and the United States, and they generate widespread outrage among the population.

34 Supporters of Wisconsin anti-union bill hold rally

By SCOTT BAUER, Associated Press

2 hrs 21 mins ago

MADISON, Wis. – About 700 people rallied Sunday in support of Republican Gov. Scott Walker and his anti-union plan to balance the budget – a demonstration meant to counter three weeks of large anti-Walker protests in and around the state Capitol.

The rally was the culmination of a 10-stop bus tour sponsored by the conservative advocacy group Americans for Prosperity that started Thursday in Kenosha. It took place at the Aliant Energy Center in Madison, which is a couple of miles from the Capitol, where thousands of pro-union demonstrators rallied Saturday and Sunday.

Hundreds of pro-union counter-protesters lined up outside the arena entrance and parking lot carrying placards and chanting “Shame!” at the Walker supporters. The governor’s backers held their own signs with messages such as “I Stand with Walker” and “Dems Serve Unions not ‘The People.'”

35 Top Senate Democrat rejects GOP’s deep budget cuts

By DOUGLASS K. DANIEL, Associated Press

Sun Mar 6, 2:41 pm ET

WASHINGTON – A leading Democrat predicted Sunday that the Senate would reject House Republicans’ deep budget cuts, setting up tense negotiations and the need for another short-term spending measure to keep the government operating.

Illinois Sen. Dick Durbin, the No. 2 Democrat, contended that Republicans were unfairly and unwisely placing the burden of spending cuts on domestic programs.

“I’m willing to see more deficit reduction, but not out of domestic discretionary spending,” Durbin said.

36 To LOL, or not LOL? That is the question

By MARTHA IRVINE, AP National Writer

Sun Mar 6, 1:16 pm ET

CHICAGO – There was a time when LOL – “laughing out loud” – was so simple.

If I thought something in a casual online conversation was funny, I typed it. If I wanted to let someone know I was kidding in an e-mail or an instant message, same.

I might’ve even felt a little cool, using inside lingo that, at one time, was exclusive to the online world. (You know I’m not the only one who thought so.)

Rant of the Week: The Funnies

The last segment of this past Friday’s “The Last Word” with Lawrence O’Donnell had a collection of comments, cartoons and skits from comedians who put the top news stories into perspective.

The Week in Late Night Laughs

Top comment goes to Robin Williams for his take on Charlie Sheen’s antics:

When he did rehab at home, that’s like a self administered colostomy

March Meta Madness

Starting on the 15th I’m going to be liveblogging the NCAA Men’s and Women’s Basketball Tournaments.

Not to get whiny on you, but events like that suck a lot of energy and I’m already quite busy as you can see.

Ideally I’d like someone, or several someones, to step forward and take over some of the easier but more time consuming tasks.

Prime Time in particular takes way too long.  It’s not so much the links (though it typically has just as many as any Evening Edition), it’s finding the quotes.  After making the list I look at the movies (or shows in some cases) for ones I’m familiar with and know have some quotable moments.  After that it’s Google |imdb (film here) quote| which usually turns up the Internet Movie Database quote page and then slugging through them to find something funny or appropriate (not always the same thing).

You can waste a lot of time doing that.

Back in the deep dark mists of 8 months ago when TheMomCat and I were setting up The Stars Hollow Gazette my concept was that we needed content in the overnight period that would remain kind of current and self updating, and provide something of depth and interest (if you click the damn links) for the reader.  I think it’s certainly served that purpose admirably.

Now, of course, I have the daily digests from DocuDharma and firefly dreaming to extend our broadcast day and it’s not quite as critical as it was.

On some levels it’s really instructive to do.  I’m not really a Nexflix type and what I like about cable is that sometimes it presents you with something fresh and interesting that you wouldn’t have thought that you’d like.  Reading the links as I harvested has informed me of things about old favorites I didn’t know.  Sometimes I wish I was able to devote even more time to it.

But it doesn’t have to be done the way I do it either.  Let’s say you were a big fan of (shudder) American Idol and you wanted to do a series of liveblogs.  Well, that’s an ok direction I guess.  So would the Magnifico less is more approach.  At the very least I’d expect you might consider more closely the networks you like and find reliable sources of mindless blogging background noise entertainment.

In any event now is the time to organize for the future and that future includes my customary June “vacation” where I take constant mudbaths at my spa and the Internet is mostly unavailable.  What I’d like to do is transition to a system of rotating responsibility like we used to have with Overnight News Digest and What’s for Dinner.

So, play in on the 15th, if you want alternative programming you’ll have to make your own fun or click the links.

Zap2it TV Listings, Yahoo TV Listings

On This Day in History March 6

This is your morning Open Thread. Pour your favorite beverage and review the past and comment on the future.

Find the past “On This Day in History” here.

March 6 is the 65th day of the year (66th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 300 days remaining until the end of the year.

On this day in 1857, the US Supreme Court hands down its decision on Sanford v. Dred Scott, a case that intensified national divisions over the issue of slavery.

Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857), was a ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court that people of African descent imported into the United States and held as slaves (or their descendants, whether or not they were slaves) were not protected by the Constitution and could never be U.S. citizens. The court also held that the U.S. Congress had no authority to prohibit slavery in federal territories and that, because slaves were not citizens, they could not sue in court. Furthermore, the Court ruled that slaves, as chattels or private property, could not be taken away from their owners without due process. The Supreme Court’s decision was written by Chief Justice Roger B. Taney.

Although the Supreme Court has never overruled the Dred Scott case, the Court stated in the Slaughter-House Cases of 1873 that at least one part of it had already been overruled by the Fourteenth Amendment in 1868:

   The first observation we have to make on this clause is, that it puts at rest both the questions which we stated to have been the subject of differences of opinion. It declares that persons may be citizens of the United States without regard to their citizenship of a particular State, and it overturns the Dred Scott decision by making all persons born within the United States and subject to its jurisdiction citizens of the United States.

The Decision

The Supreme Court ruling was handed down on March 6, 1857, just two days after Buchanan’s inauguration. Chief Justice Taney delivered the opinion of the Court, with each of the concurring and dissenting Justices filing separate opinions. In total, six Justices agreed with the ruling; Samuel Nelson concurred with the ruling but not its reasoning, and Benjamin R. Curtis and John McLean dissented. The court misspelled Sanford’s name in the decision.

Opinion of the Court

The Court first had to decide whether it had jurisdiction. Article III, Section 2, Clause 1 of the U.S. Constitution provides that “the judicial Power shall extend… to Controversies… between Citizens of different States….” The Court held that Scott was not a “citizen of a state” within the meaning of the United States Constitution, as that term was understood at the time the Constitution was adopted, and therefore not able to bring suit in federal court. Furthermore, whether a person is a citizen of a state, for Article III purposes, was a question to be decided by the federal courts irrespective of any state’s definition of “citizen” under its own law.

Thus, whether Missouri recognized Scott as a citizen was irrelevant. Taney summed up,

   Consequently, no State, since the adoption of the Constitution, can by naturalizing an alien invest him with the rights and privileges secured to a citizen of a State under the Federal Government, although, so far as the State alone was concerned, he would undoubtedly be entitled to the rights of a citizen, and clothed with all the rights and immunities which the Constitution and laws of the State attached to that character.

This meant that

   no State can, by any act or law of its own, passed since the adoption of the Constitution, introduce a new member into the political community created by the Constitution of the United States.

The only relevant question, therefore, was whether, at the time the Constitution was ratified, Scott could have been considered a citizen of any state within the meaning of Article III. According to the Court, the authors of the Constitution had viewed all blacks as

   beings of an inferior order, and altogether unfit to associate with the white race, either in social or political relations, and so far inferior that they had no rights which the white man was bound to respect.

The Court also presented a parade of horribles argument as to the feared results of granting Mr. Scott’s petition:

   It would give to persons of the negro race, …the right to enter every other State whenever they pleased, …the full liberty of speech in public and in private upon all subjects upon which its own citizens might speak; to hold public meetings upon political affairs, and to keep and carry arms wherever they went.

Scott was not a citizen of Missouri, and the federal courts therefore lacked jurisdiction to hear the dispute.

Despite the conclusion that the Court lacked jurisdiction, however, it went on to hold (in what Republicans would label its “obiter dictum”) that Scott was not a free man, even though he had resided for a time in Minnesota (then called the Wisconsin Territory). The Court held that the provisions of the Missouri Compromise declaring it to be free territory were beyond Congress’s power to enact. The Court rested its decision on the grounds that Congress’s power to acquire territories and create governments within those territories was limited. They held that the Fifth Amendment barred any law that would deprive a slaveholder of his property, such as his slaves, because he had brought them into a free territory. The Court went on to state – although the issue was not before the Court – that the territorial legislatures had no power to ban slavery. The ruling also asserted that neither slaves “nor their descendants, were embraced in any of the other provisions of the Constitution” that protected non-citizens.

This was only the second time in United States history that the Supreme Court had found an act of Congress to be unconstitutional. (The first time was 54 years earlier in Marbury v. Madison).

 1454 – Thirteen Years’ War: Delegates of the Prussian Confederation pledge allegiance to King Casimir IV of Poland who agrees to commit his forces in aiding the Confederation’s struggle for independence from the Teutonic Knights.

1521 – Ferdinand Magellan arrives at Guam.

1788 – The First Fleet arrives at Norfolk Island in order to found a convict settlement.

1820 – The Missouri Compromise is signed into law by President James Monroe. The compromise allows Missouri to enter the Union as a slave state, but makes the rest of the northern part of the Louisiana Purchase territory slavery-free.

1834 – York, Upper Canada is incorporated as Toronto.

1836 – Texas Revolution: Battle of the Alamo – After a thirteen day siege by an army of 3,000 Mexican troops, the 187 Texas volunteers defending the Alamo are defeated and the fort is captured.

1840 – Baltimore College of Dental Surgery Opened, the first Dental school.

1857 – Supreme Court of the United States rules in the Dred Scott v. Sandford case.

1869 – Dmitri Mendeleev presents the first periodic table to the Russian Chemical Society.

1899 – Bayer registers aspirin as a trademark.

1921 – Portuguese Communist Party is founded as the Portuguese Section of the Communist International.

1945 – Cologne is captured by American Troops.

1946 – Ho Chi Minh signs an agreement with France which recognizes Vietnam as an autonomous state in the Indochinese Federation and the French Union.

1951 – The trial of Ethel and Julius Rosenberg begins.

1953 – Georgy Maksimilianovich Malenkov succeeds Joseph Stalin as Premier of the Soviet Union and First Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.

1964 – Nation of Islam’s Elijah Muhammad officially gives boxing champion Cassius Clay the name Muhammad Ali.

1964 – Constantine II becomes King of Greece.

1965 – Premier Tom Playford of South Australia loses power after 27 years in office.

1967 – Joseph Stalin’s daughter Svetlana Alliluyeva defects to the United States.

1970 – Blast at Weather Underground safe house in Greenwich Village kills three.

1975 – For the first time, ever, the Zapruder film of the assassination of John F. Kennedy was shown in motion to a national TV audience by Robert J. Groden and Dick Gregory.

1975 – Algiers Accord: Iran and Iraq announce a settlement of their border dispute.

1981 – After 19 years of presenting the CBS Evening News, Walter Cronkite signs off for the last time.

1983 – The first United States Football League game is played.

1987 – The British ferry MS Herald of Free Enterprise capsizes in about 90 seconds killing 193.

1988 – Three Provisional Irish Republican Army volunteers are killed by Special Air Service on the territory of Gibraltar in the conclusion of Operation Flavius.

1992 – Michelangelo computer virus begins to affect computers.

Holidays and observances

   * Alamo Day (Texas)

   * Christian Feast Day:

         o Chrodegang

         o Colette

         o Fridolin

         o Kyneburga, Kyneswide and Tibba

         o Marcian of Tortona

         o Olegarius

         o March 6 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics)

   * Commemoration of Perpetua and her companions, martyrs, Africa (Anglicanism)

   * Foundation Day, the founding of Norfolk Island in 1788. (Territory of Norfolk Island)

   * Independence Day, celebrates the independence of Ghana from the United Kingdom in 1957. (Ghana)

Punting the Pundits: Sunday Preview Edition

Punting the Punditsis an Open Thread. It is a selection of editorials and opinions from around the news medium and the internet blogs. The intent is to provide a forum for your reactions and opinions, not just to the opinions presented, but to what ever you find important.

Thanks to ek hornbeck, click on the link and you can access all the past “Punting the Pundits”.

The Sunday Talking Heads:

This Week with Christiane Amanpour: Ms. Amanpour will have an exclusive interview with Sen. John McCain about the revolt in Libya and why he thinks a “no-fly” zone should be enforced. Also a discussion withe guests Daily Beast and Newsweek Editor in Chief Tina Brown, Egyptian writer and activist Dr. Nawal El Saadawi, Zainab Salbi of Women to Women International and Sussan Tahmadebi of the International Civil Society Action Network for Women’s Rights, Peace and Security who will discuss how women are changing the Muslim world.

ABC News anchors Diane Sawyer, David Muir and Sharyn Alfonsi will discuss jobs and manufacturing in the US. The publisher and real-estate magnate Mort Zuckerman, Chrystia Freeland of Reuters and United Steelworkers President Leo Gerard will discuss how America can generate more jobs in a competitive global economy.

Face the Nation with Bob Schieffer:Mr, Schieffer’s guests are Sen. Mitch McConnell, Senate Minority Leader (R-KY), Sen. John Kerry, Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee (D-MA) and Tom Friedman, New York Times columnist.

The Chris Matthews Show: This week’s guests are Katty Kay, BBC Washington Correspondent, Rick Stengel, TIME Managing Editor, Howard Fineman, The Huffington Post Senior Political Editor and Norah O’Donnell, MSNBC Chief Washington Correspondent who will discuss these questions:

Is America Still Number One?

Will Establishment Republican Hopefuls For 2012 Pander To The Far Right?

Meet the Press with David Gregory: Mr. Gregory has two exclusive interviews with White House Chief of Staff Bill Daley and Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN). The round table guests will be Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson and New York Times columnist and author of the new book “The Social Animal,” David Brooks.

State of the Union with Candy Crowley: Sunday’s guests will include Stephen Hadley, the former U.S. National Security Adviser, and Dr. Ali Errishi, the former Libyan Immigration Minister to discuss Libya. Also, Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN) and former New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson (D) looking at potential 2012 contenders for the White House. Finally, Rep. Peter King, chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, has planned hearings on the radicalization of Muslims in America. He’ll join us to explain what he’s hoping to learn. Also joining us will be Rep. Keith Ellison, the first Muslim elected to Congress.

Fareed Zakaris: GPS: The schedule for this Sunday was not available at the time this diary was published.

The other Pundits are below the fold

Daphne Eviatar: Marines Say Bradley Manning Is Imprisoned Isolated and Naked ‘For His Own Good’

If the U.S. military is really concerned that a soldier in its custody might commit suicide, it would seem like a bad idea to keep him isolated in a prison cell for months and forcibly stripped naked for seven hours a day while under constant surveillance.

But that’s just what the Marines at the brig in Quantico, Virginia are apparently doing to Pfc. Bradley Manning, the Army intelligence analyst suspected of leaking secret government documents to Wikileaks.

According to his lawyer, David Coombs, Manning, who is in Maximum security and Prevention of Injury watch, was once again stripped naked on Thursday night. This is apparently part of a new regimen implemented earlier this week. Coombs said he was first stripped and left naked in his cell for seven hours on Wednesday, as the New York Times reported this morning.

First Lieutenant Brian Villard, a Marine spokesman, told the Times that the decision was “not punitive” and is in accordance with Brig rules. But, he added, it would be “inappropriate for me to explain it.”

Inappropriate, or impossible?

Dennis Kucinich: Is This Quantico or Abu Ghraib?

After initial allegations of mistreatment, I requested a visit with Private First Class Bradley Manning, the soldier accused of leaking classified information to WikiLeaks, to see for myself the conditions of his treatment.

Despite the fact that Manning has not been found guilty of any crime, his lawyer reports that he is in isolation 23 out of 24 hours every day, conditions which may violate his 8th Amendment protection from ‘cruel and unusual’ punishment. This treatment is in stark contrast to a presumption of innocence and raises questions of whether Pfc. Manning can be fit for trial.

Robert Reich: The Real News on Jobs

Are we making progress on the jobs front? The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports 192,000 new jobs in February (220,000 new jobs in the private sector and a drop in government employment), and a drop in the overall unemployment rate from 9 to 8.9 percent.

We’re heading in the right direction but far too slowly to make a real dent in unemployment. To get the unemployment rate down to 6 percent by 2014 we’d need over 300,000 new jobs a month, every month, between now and then.

Overall, the number of unemployed Americans — 13.7 million — is about the same as it was last month. The number working part time who’d rather be working full time — 8.3 million — is also about the same.

But to get to the most important trend you have to dig under the job numbers and look at what kind of new jobs are being created. That’s where the big problem lies.

Richard Simmons The Hypocrisy of Peter King

There’s a lot not to like about next week’s Congressional hearings into “Islamic Radicalization,” but one of its most appalling aspects is the naked hypocrisy of the hearing’s chairman, Republican Peter King of New York.

Until now, Rep. King has been best known for his very public support of the Irish Republican Army, which of course was internationally recognized as a terrorist organization. Despite the IRA’s long history of murder, violence and intimidation, King argued (until breaking with the group over it’s failure to support the US invasion of Iraq) that the IRA represented the “the legitimate voice of occupied Ireland.”

Six In The Morning

The Nerve Center of the Libyan Revolution

A Courthouse in Benghazi


By Clemens Höges in Benghazi, Libya  

The old general is crying, his cheeks trembling. His eyes are red from weeping. Then he buries his face in his hands. Brigadier General Abdulhadi Arafa is one of the most powerful men in Benghazi, in the entire rebel-held eastern part of Libya, in fact. The 64-year-old officer commands 2,000 members of a special-forces unit. And he did everything right a week and a half ago when, after 41 years of service, he decided to refuse to obey Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi.

When the revolt began, he ordered his officers to stay in their barracks, lock the gates and not take any action against the protesters. Their men were not to shoot at anyone unless they were shot at themselves.

Marine Le Pen more popular than President Sarkozy, says French poll

Far-right leader could gain a first-round election victory if the country were to go to the ballot box today

Kim WIllsher The Observer, Sunday 6 March 2011  

The leader of France’s far-right National Front party is more popular with voters than president Nicolas Sarkozy, an opinion poll has revealed.

Marine Le Pen would gain an unprecedented first-round election victory if the French were asked to vote for a new president today. France will go to the polls to elect a new president in May next year, but the results of the survey, published in Sunday’s Le Parisien newspaper and based on an opinion poll by the Harris Institute, come at a time when Sarkozy’s popularity continues to plummet.

The findings have revived the spectre of 2002 when Jean-Marie Le Pen- Marine’s father – knocked socialist candidate Lionel Jospin from the country’s opposition out of the presidential race in the first round before losing to Jacques Chirac.

Good news! The nations where women are on the march

To mark International Women’s Day, an IoS survey shows progress is being made  

By Susie Mesure Sunday, 6 March 2011

Women are capturing an increasing number of seats in parliaments around the world, anIndependent on Sunday survey to mark International Women’s Day has found. In places such as South Africa and Iceland, they are approaching parity with men, and in one country, Rwanda, they are actually in the majority.

While much remains to be done, not least in the UK where barely one in four MPs are women, governance experts this weekend hailed the advances that many countries have made, including some of the world’s least developed nations. Not that progress has been easy: even in the Nordic countries, where female representation in politics is at least twice as high as elsewhere, victory has been a long time coming.

‘Huda the executioner’ – Libya’s devil in female form

How pulling on a hanging man’s legs made Huda Ben Amer one of Colonel Gaddafi’s most trusted elite.

By Nick Meo, Benghazi 6:00AM GMT 06 Mar 2011

When Colonel Gaddafi hanged his first political opponent in Benghazi’s basketball stadium, thousands of schoolchildren and students were rounded up to watch a carefully choreographed, sadistic display of the regime’s version of justice.

They had been told they would see the trial of one of the Colonel’s enemies.

But instead a gallows was dramatically produced as the condemned man knelt in the middle of the basketball court, weeping and asking for his mother, hands bound behind his back.

Gold smuggling a way of life in east DRC

The tip-off led intelligence agents to an US jet loaded with half a tonne of gold, a Houston diamond merchant and a car chase that produced $6,8-million.


But since the February 5 bust on gold smuggling in the Democratic Republic of Congo, more than $5-million and 90kg of the gold have disappeared, according to official and banking sources who would not speak on the record for fear of reprisals.

The latest report about alleged gold smuggling stands out only because it has been made public, because of the huge amounts of gold and money involved, and because foreigners are being held. DRC’s Ministry of Mines estimates that about 80% of the country’s mineral production is smuggled out of the country, on planes, by road and by barge.

Young Mexican police chief Marisol Valles Garcia may seek US asylum

There are reports that the young female police chief is leaving Mexico to seek asylum in the US. The area has been marked by drug violence, including the murder of her predecessor.

By Garfield Miller / March 5, 2011  

. Crime-ridden Northern Mexico may have lost another resident to drug related activities. This loss could be more significant, however: Marisol Valles Garcia, the 20 year old single mother and police chief is rumored to have fled the city of Praxedis G. Guerrero amid mounting threats to her life

The  AFP is reporting relatives of Ms. Valles Garcia have said that the young police chief has left Mexico for the US to seek asylum. She has purportedly been receiving death threats from criminal gangs who wanted her to work for them.

. However, town officials are denying reports that Valles Garcia has fled her post. CBS is reporting that town Secretary Andres Morales told the El Paso Times that the police chief was taking personal leave to be with her child and would return on Monday.

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