On Electing More Democrats

(2 pm. – promoted by ek hornbeck)

This diary is nothing more than my opinion. If you are looking for links to follow, you might as well stop reading now.

We’ve all seen opinions expressed by those who are convinced that by electing more Democrats, the problem with advancing liberal (or ‘progressive’) legislation would be solved. Those opinions are typically based upon the procedural hurdle in Congress: 60 votes in the Senate to enact cloture and 218 votes in the House for a majority. I’ll call these folks the majority-first group. I suppose that if it were simply a matter of achieving said majority, their premise might be valid. The passage of PPACA (health insurance reform) is often cited as an example of ‘landmark’ legislation under this scenario, although it would be disingenuous to label the legislation as liberal or even progressive. How many times were we led to believe by the President, the Speaker of the House, and the Majority Leader in the senate that the PPACA legislation would include a hugely popular public option, only to see it stripped so that we could get a ‘majority’ to vote for the bill?

The first mistake that the majority-first group make is their priority of electing any Democrat, justified by the mission to control Congress. It goes without saying that Nancy Pelosi is immensely more preferable to the likes of John Boehner, but at what long term expense? Should the Blue Dog coalition grow in number, stay the same, or shrink? How much more legislation can we expect to be watered down to the point of being just a tad better than useless? I don’t believe that by electing more of the same we will see any marked improvement.

The same majority-first group typically identifies themselves as ‘pragmatists’ and see incremental steps as the only method for ultimate success. While many in this group are quick to tout the major legislative achievements passed by this congress, they also begrudgingly admit that the legislation will need to be revisited down the road for corrections (and major corrections in some instances). How they plan to do that by electing the same center-right politicians over and over again is baffling to me. Welcome to the hamster wheel.

Another mistake that the self described pragmatists make is assuming that by reforming the Senate rules to allow for cloture with less than 60 senators, a liberal/progressive agenda will be advanced. This is nothing but a canard. While it is true that the 60 vote cloture rule is an obstacle to bringing a bill to the floor given the partisan makeup of Republicans in the current Senate, it is wishful thinking to believe that in a future senate more evenly divided, center-right senators (or bonafide liberals, depending on the issue) will suddenly feel the need to vote with their party. In a more traditional senate makeup, and one that may soon be forthcoming, it could potentially backfire and provide the Republicans with the votes necessary to derail pending liberal legislation. One only needs to reflect upon relatively recent legislation passed under a Republican controlled congress, and operating under the current rule, to see that it isn’t the rule that is the problem: it is the centrist Democrat senators that are the problem.

I would posit that electing a center-right Democrat is not advancing the liberal ideology any better than if a Republican were elected: in fact, it actually stymies the cause because the liberal message is stifled and credence is afforded to Republican-lite rhetoric. As a resident of a purple state, I can attest to this in watching the local Democrats dance to the conservative talking points. The average voter (not to mention the current president) assumes the liberal position to be out of the mainstream. In my opinion, the left would be better served by running very liberal candidates in red/purple states speaking to the virtues of the liberal position on all of the issues over and over again. It doesn’t matter if they lose contest after contest, and I would predict that the vote count would improve in each successive attempt. It’s called getting the message out; and that is an incremental strategy that I do support and believe will ultimately prove successful. I find it boggling that the people who advocate for immediate electoral gain are the same people that chastise the left for not being patient.

The majority-first crowd has come to label people like me as a purist. They have subscribed to the ‘perfect is the enemy of the good’ meme. I have no problem with their label, if they have no problem with me labeling them as the enemy of what could be perfect.

In conclusion, it is clear to me that simply voting for a Democrat does not constitute a movement toward liberal legislation. Sadly, there are those that put liberal policy gains aside and are solely concerned with seeing that the Democratic Party prevails in the election contests, hoping for the best, but then justifying their position if it turns out that the legislation produced is less than mediocre.  

Update w/POLL: Support Progressive Author and Historian- Paul Street!

(4 pm. – promoted by ek hornbeck)


Well, my first diary here, so please humor me, I will make errors!  This is a brief request to support a writer and historian who may be close to our own hearts in terms of real Progressive and Liberal politics. Some say he might be the next Howard Zinn.

The title of the book we’d be supporting is The Empire’s New Clothes: Barack Obama and the Real World of Power.

Paul has written many articles his most recent dealing with Wikileaks and whistle blowers: Revealing Moments: Obama, WikiLeaks, the “Good War” Myth, and Silly Liberal Faith in the Emperor  

Take a look at his website where you can view his articles and audio/video:

Paul Street.org  

From his Bio:


Paul Street

Paul Street is an independent radical-democratic policy researcher, journalist, historian, and speaker based in Iowa City, Iowa, and Chicago, Illinois.  He is the author of four books to date: Empire and Inequality: America and the World Since 9/11 (Boulder, CO: Paradigm, 2004); Segregated Schools: Educational Apartheid in the Post-Civil Rights Era(New York: Routledge, 2005); Racial Oppression in the Global Metropolis: a Living Black Chicago History (New York: Rowman & Littlefield, 2007); and (most recently) Barack Obama and the Future of American Politics.

Street’s essays, articles, reviews, and commentaries have appeared in numerous outlets, including the Chicago Tribune, Capital City Times, In These Times, Chicago History, Journal of American Ethnic History, Social History, Review of Educational, Pedagogy, and Cultural Studies, Dissent, Black Agenda Report, Dissident Voice, Black Commentator, Monthly Review, History News Network, Tom’sDispatch, AlterNet., and (above all) ZNet and Z Magazine. From the base of ZNet, Z Magazine, and Black Agenda Report, his essays are picked up and reproduced (often in numerous languages) across the planet/World Wide Web in venues too numerous to track and mention.

Pauls’s articles etc., on Z Space:

Paul on Z-space

Schedule of what cities Paul will be in on Facebook:

Kick ass book tour  

Follow on Twitter:

Paul on Twitter  

and of course on my blog:

Valadon’s Posterous

We usually help candidates, this time let’s help a great guy who helps to write history! TY!

Kickstart contribution site:


Book Tour Event: Busboys and Poets

Location: Busboys and Poets

Start: 06:30 PM Duration: 1:30

Repeats: once

PAUL STREET TALK AND BOOK SIGNING “The Empire’s New Clothes: Barack Obama and the Real World of Power” Monday, August 16th 6:30 to 8 PM Busboys and Poets 5th and K 1025 5th St. NW, WDC 20001 In the Cullen Room

RSVPs: 0

Address: 1025 5th street NW DC 20001 United States



Also look for events in NYC, NJ and MA as Paul extends his tour!

Choose One Lobster to Represent Neil Gorsuch on the All Dog Supreme Court

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Support Progressive Author and Historian- Paul Street!


Well, My first diary here, so please humor me, I will make errors!  This is a brief request to support a writer and historian who may be close to our own hearts in terms of real Progressive and Liberal politics. Some say he might be the next Howard Zinn.

The title of the book we’d be supporting is The Empire’s New Clothes: Barack Obama and the Real World of Power.

Paul has written many articles his most recent dealing with Wikileaks and whistle blowers: Revealing Moments: Obama, WikiLeaks, the “Good War” Myth, and Silly Liberal Faith in the Emperor  


Take a look at his website where you can view his articles and audio/video:

Paul Street.org  

From his Bio:

Paul Street is an independent radical-democratic policy researcher, journalist, historian, and speaker based in Iowa City, Iowa, and Chicago, Illinois.  He is the author of four books to date: Empire and Inequality: America and the World Since 9/11 (Boulder, CO: Paradigm, 2004); Segregated Schools: Educational Apartheid in the Post-Civil Rights Era(New York: Routledge, 2005); Racial Oppression in the Global Metropolis: a Living Black Chicago History (New York: Rowman & Littlefield, 2007); and (most recently) Barack Obama and the Future of American Politics.

Street’s essays, articles, reviews, and commentaries have appeared in numerous outlets, including the Chicago Tribune, Capital City Times, In These Times, Chicago History, Journal of American Ethnic History, Social History, Review of Educational, Pedagogy, and Cultural Studies, Dissent, Black Agenda Report, Dissident Voice, Black Commentator, Monthly Review, History News Network, Tom’sDispatch, AlterNet., and (above all) ZNet and Z Magazine. From the base of ZNet, Z Magazine, and Black Agenda Report, his essays are picked up and reproduced (often in numerous languages) across the planet/World Wide Web in venues too numerous to track and mention.


Paul Street

Pauls’s articles etc., on Z Space:

Paul on Z-space

Schedule of what cities Paul will be in on Facebook:

Kick ass book tour  

Follow on Twitter:

Paul on Twitter  

and of course on my blog:

Valadon’s Posterous

We usually help candidates, this time let’s help a great guy who helps to write history! TY!

Kickstart contribution site:

Pique the Geek 20100808: Automobiles Then and Now, Part One: Overview

(10 pm. – promoted by ek hornbeck)

With the near release of the Nissan Leaf and the Chevrolet Volt, both 100% electric driven automobiles, I thought that it would be appropriate to reflect on the history and technology of the automobile.  Actually, the Volt also has an internal combustion engine on board, but that engine runs a generator, so both of these cars are exclusively driven by electric motors.

The engine to generator concept is not at all new, as practically all big Diesel locomotives are driven that way.  There are significant advantages in using electric motors to propel vehicles, even if they are powered by on board generators.  We shall get to that in future.

This is the first part of a several (yet to be determined) part series.  This overview will look at the history of the automobile, the evolution of the car from very primitive beginnings to what we now have, and some speculation as to what the future holds.  Future installments will go into some detail about the different major systems in cars, how they originated, how they work, and how they have changed over the years in a more Geeky fashion than this overview.  Next time we shall discuss engines (or, for electric cars, motors).

Most authorities agree that the automobile originated in the 1880s in Germany, and also that Karl Benz designed and built the first commercially successful automobile in 1885, using a four stroke internal combustion engine.  However, others had demonstrated automobiles (as differentiated from locomotives, which run strictly on rails) as early as 1801 when the first steam powered road vehicle was demonstrated.  Also, in 1881 usable electric car was demonstrated in France, thus making the electric car older than the internal combustion engine one.

As a matter of fact, electric cars were very common around the turn of the 20th century, because they were simpler and more reliable than internal combustion ones.  However, internal combustion engines and other power train components improved significantly in the late 1910s so that electric cars were little produced after 1920.  The biggest problem at the time for electric automobiles was their limited range because of physical limitations of the battery packs.  In 2010, the biggest problem for electric automobiles is their limited range because of the physical limitations of the battery packs.  The more things change, the more they remain the same.  In the 1900s, there were limited recharging stations even in large towns and none in rural areas.  This problem remains to this day, except rural areas have electricity.

Without getting too deep into Geeky detail that will come next week, it takes an overnight charge for the Leaf or the Volt to travel around 40 to 50 miles.  The Leaf claims to have a 100 mile range and requires 20 hours at 120 volts or 8 hours at 240 volts to recharge it.  Commercial “fast charge” filling stations require 30 minutes, but with damage to the battery pack, which weighs 660 pounds.  The Volt has a 375 pound battery pack and no fast charge option and is claimed to have a 40 mile range.  However, at that time the engine starts and runs the generator, both recharging the battery and powering the motor at the same time until the batteries are up to the designated charge state.  The difference is that with the Leaf, once you run down the batteries, you are stopped (for a minimum of 30 minutes if you happen to make it to a high voltage charging station), where with a Volt the engine starts and you keep going.

The first models of what are pretty much considered to be cars were three wheeled affairs, then Benz decided to add a second wheel in the front and that became practically universal.  A three wheeled automobile is technically much simpler to build, but the instability required the second from wheel.  The exact same thing happened a hundred years later when all terrain vehicles (ATVs) were introduced.  They were first three wheeled, but safety regulations soon required the forth one.

Early cars were often steered with a tillar on the single front wheel rather than a steering wheel, and some early four wheeled ones were steered that way as well.  The steering wheel was developed in the 1900s and soon became the standard method.  One reason is that a tillar is direct coupled to the wheels, so half a turn was all the travel that it had, requiring significant strength to operate and producing huge changes in direction for just a small movement.  Steering wheels can be geared to the wheels, so less effort is required and smoother steering results.

From the very first, automobiles were designed to run from diverse power sources (but only one source in a given vehicle).  Steam, gasoline, alcohol, Diesel fuel, and battery power have all been used.  In the first couple of decades of the 20th century, all of these methods were being built.  As a matter of fact, the Stanley Steamer had better take off power than most other designs, but required that coal or wood be put in the firebox from time to time, making it inconvenient to say the least.  Liquid fuels in internal combustion engines became the fuels of choice for a plethora of reasons.

First, liquid fuels are extremely energy dense, so a reasonable amount will carry you a long way.  For example, in my 1998 Windstar with a 20 gallon fill up, I can go over four hundred miles.  20 gallons of gasoline weighs about 125 pounds, much less than the battery packs on either the Volt or the Leaf.  Second, liquid fuels are actually quite cheap (I wrote an installment wherein I showed that, adjusted for inflation, the cost of gasoline is quite comparable to that in 1964).  Third, they are easy to handle, easy to transport, easy to dispense, and easy to meter into the intake ports of an engine.  Forth, the infrastructure for manufacturing and distributing liquid fuels was easier to develop than others.

Petroleum won out over alcohol because it was at the time (and is still, by many accounts) cheaper to produce than alcohol.  It offers another couple of advantages as well.  Both gasoline and Diesel fuel are more energy dense than alcohol for one, and does not soak water from the atmosphere like alcohol does.  As a matter of fact, vehicles designed to run on E85 (85% alcohol, 15% gasoline) are specially designed to avoid the corrosive effects of alcohol to fuel systems.  Alcohol, however, does have excellent anti-knock properties, and we shall discuss that more next time.

The shape of automobiles has changed dramatically since invention.  The first ones were based on the horse drawn carriage, hence the name horseless carriage, through high center of gravity cars, then streamlined, and now to the low center of gravity, highly aerodynamic vehicles of today.  As the center of gravity got closer to the road, stability increased.  I know from personal experience that the Model “T” Ford was extremely easy to turn over (I never did turn it over, but I came close several times).  I guess I should admit that it was a 1919 Model “T” Ford on which I learnt to drive.  No, I am not that old, but my father and I restored one when I was little and he taught me to drive it when I was 13.

Other then the recent changes in power sources, the most significant change in the automobile is safety.  Mercedes-Benz has long been an innovator in this area, pioneering the crush zone construction that reduces driver and passenger impact energy during a collision.  Seat belts were a big innovation (remember when they were called safety belts?), followed by the shoulder belt.  I maintain that is absolutely nuts to operate a vehicle without wearing belts.  About the same time of seat belts came the padded dashboard, reducing injury from impact with it.  Until then, most dashboards were metal and/or wood.  Next came air bags (that do not use air at all) in the front, and now side curtain air bags.  By the way, it is an urban myth that the convertible went out of production in the United States because of rollover regulations.  This is not true, although the expense of building convertibles that would meet the standards was pretty high.  With better technology, convertibles are back.

Materials of construction have evolved tremendously over the years, from the wooden, steel, and cast iron ones early on to fiberglass bodies of Corvettes, to aluminum engine blocks, to the substitution of lots of plastic for previously metal parts.  Most of these changes have been for the better, but some of the early plastic substitutions were inferior to the metal pieces that they replaced.  With better resins, this problem is largely solved and modern polymers are in many cases much better than the metal ones that they replaced.

Whilst I am not a futurist, here is where I see the automobile headed for the near term.  First, the trends will be towards smaller, more efficient cars because of costs involved in driving them.  More hybrids and electric cars will be produced, but battery technology is still not where it needs to be.  The lithium used in batteries is also a problem, since that is not a lot of lithium.  Fortunately, it can be recycled.  The total electric car will not be feasible until power packs (I hesitate to use the word battery, since batteries might not be the answer) are developed.  Less and less steel will be used, being replaced with lighter materials even if they cost more.  The internal combustion engine will be used for a long time to come, but I suspect it will be more like the Volt, being used to drive a generator.

I am not sure that we will ever do away with the automobile completely (and I include SUVs, pickup trucks, and vans in this category) simply because they fulfill a purpose not available with mass transit, especially in a nation as spread apart as the United States.  However, I do see a day when alternatives are better than they are now.  Not having cars is not withing the realm of reality in our lifetimes, and probably not even in that of our grandchildren (I do not have any, yet).  Nor do I see the day of the George Jetson flying car for many a day to come.  We have enough trouble driving in three dimensions (counting time, since timing is critical to safe driving), let alone four.  We have enough trouble looking front, rear, right, and left and adding up and down would overwhelm even the best of drivers if the number of cars on the road were now in the air.

Well, you have done it again.  You have wasted another perfectly good set of photons reading this low horsepower excuse for a post.  And even though Mike Huckabee will have Tommy Chong on his extremely right wing Fox “News” Channel show and treat him with respect after he reads this, I always learn much more than I could ever pretend to teach writing this series.  WOW!  Huck must have read my mind, because he did just have Chong on his show and treated him with respect.  Good one Huckabee for that!  Thus, please keep comments, tips, recommendations, questions, and corrections coming.  Remember, no science or technology subject is off topic here.

I will hang around for Comment Time until comments dry up, and shall return tomorrow around Rachel for Review Time if you miss commenting tonight.  Thanks for your input.

Warmest regards,


Crossposted at Dailykos.com and at Docudharma.com  

Too short to quote.

Greenspan, Rubin, and Herbert Hoover

Robert Reich

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Herbert Hoover’s disciples are making noises even as America moves closer towards a double dip recession

Prime Time

Haven’t I told you TV has jumped the Shark?

Can it be time for Throwball again?  Cinncinati @ Dallas and the only interesting question about it is if Keith still has his gig.

Something, Something, Something… Dark Side.


Yahoo TV Listings

Evening Edition

Evening Edition is an Open Thread

From Yahoo News Top Stories

1 US urges focus on clean-up, sea damage after BP spill

by Kerry Sheridan, AFP

Sun Aug 8, 12:46 pm ET

WASHINGTON (AFP) – US officials on Sunday urged further study of the damage done to the environment by BP’s broken well, and said clean-up efforts must continue despite claims that much of the oil had vanished from the Gulf of Mexico.

“I think what we need to understand is there’s a lot of oil that’s been taken care of. There’s a lot of oil that’s still out there,” said Coast Guard Admiral Thad Allen on CNN.

“You need to keep a steady hand at the tiller here, keep this cleanup going,” he said, describing it as a “catastrophe for the people of the Gulf” and calling for a close study of the damage done to the environment.

2 Afghan police probe foreign medic killings

by Claire Truscott, AFP

6 mins ago

KABUL (AFP) – Police on Sunday were investigating the killing of eight foreign medics, including six Americans, shot dead in remote northern Afghanistan, as US authorities flew the bodies back to the capital.

The bullet-riddled bodies of five men, all Americans, and three women, an American, a German and a Briton, were found in the northeastern province of Badakhshan on Friday, according to the provincial police chief.

Two Afghans were also killed in the attack and one survived.

3 Moscow chokes under smog as travellers trapped

by Stuart Williams, AFP

1 hr 1 min ago

MOSCOW (AFP) – Thousands of air travellers were stranded Sunday as Moscow choked in the worst smog in living memory from spreading wildfires that threatened a second Russian nuclear facility.

Iconic buildings like the Kremlin towers and the city’s wedding-cake Stalin-era skyscrapers were obscured by the acrid smoke, while Saint Petersburg and neighbouring Finland were also starting to feel the effects.

The wildfires have sparked a major crisis in western Russia, killing 52 people and sending authorities scrambling to protect strategic sites, including the country’s main nuclear research facilities.

4 Actress, agent set to challenge Campbell diamonds testimony


Sun Aug 8, 12:28 pm ET

THE HAGUE (AFP) – Supermodel Naomi Campbell’s testimony at Charles Taylor’s war crimes trial is likely to be challenged on Monday when a Hollywood film star and a modelling agent take the stand.

Both Mia Farrow and Carole White are liable to contradict Campbell when they take the stand at the “blood diamonds” trial of the former Liberian president at the Special Court for Sierra Leone in The Hague.

Court documents suggest that White will testify that Campbell knew in advance she would get diamonds from Taylor after a dinner in South Africa in 1997 — and that she seemed disappointed with the “pebbles” she had received.

5 Third spacewalk needed to fix station cooling system: NASA


Sat Aug 7, 7:57 pm ET

WASHINGTON (AFP) – Astronauts need to conduct an extra, third spacewalk outside the International Space Station after their efforts Saturday to repair a failed cooling system on the orbiter fell short, NASA said.

“I really think we’re going to end up with three EVAs,” or extra vehicular activities, ISS manager Michael Suffredini said after US astronauts completed a first spacewalk in which they ran into trouble trying to unhook and remove the busted module that has caused the cooling problem.

A second spacewalk has already been scheduled for no earlier than Wednesday, but NASA said it was clear that a third walk was now needed.

6 Washington vows no slack-off in Gulf oil cleanup

By Todd Eastham, Reuters

59 mins ago

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The government vowed on Sunday that operations to completely clean up BP’s Gulf of Mexico oil spill and compensate those affected would not slacken off despite the success in halting the leak.

Some Gulf Coast beaches and fisheries were reopening after the world’s worst offshore oil accident, as optimism grew for a final kill of the blown-out BP well this month, the top U.S. spill response official said on Sunday news shows.

But in comments aimed at reassuring anxious Gulf Coast residents worried about their future livelihoods, response chief retired Coast Guard Admiral Thad Allen, and White House Energy Adviser Carol Browner, acknowledged that much still remained to be done to restore the oil-hit coastal region.

7 Group denies Afghan Taliban claims over dead workers

By Paul Tait, Reuters

2 hrs 33 mins ago

KABUL (Reuters) – An international Christian aid group denied on Sunday Taliban accusations that its team of foreign medical workers killed in Afghanistan’s remote northeast had been proselytizing.

The bodies of 10 medical aid workers, eight foreigners and two Afghans, were flown by helicopter from Badakshan province back to Kabul on Sunday, the U.S. embassy in the Afghan capital said, confirming that six of the dead were American.

The International Assistance Mission (IAM) had said the victims were members of its 12-strong eye care team that had been working in Badakshan and neighboring Nuristan.

8 BlackBerry in bid to address Saudi security concerns

By Souhail Karam and Diana Elias, Reuters

Sun Aug 8, 12:11 pm ET

RIYADH/KUWAIT (Reuters) – BlackBerry maker and Saudi mobile firms are testing three servers to send communications and data through Saudi Arabia before Canada to address Riyadh’s concerns over security, a Saudi official said on Sunday.

Pressed by security authorities, the Saudi telecom regulator has given the kingdom’s three mobile carriers until Monday to fulfill unspecified requirements before it proceeds with a threat to shut down the BlackBerry’s Messenger.

The ban was meant to be enacted on Friday and would have affected some 700,000 users in the kingdom.

9 Afghanistan says to "deal with" security firms

By Sayed Salahuddin, Reuters

Sun Aug 8, 8:46 am ET

KABUL (Reuters) – Afghan security forces will be more than capable of safeguarding the country, the government said on Sunday, repeating in some of its strongest criticism yet that troublesome Western private security units should be disbanded.

Siyamak Herawi, a spokesman for Afghan President Hamid Karzai, said the push to scrap firms employing tens of thousands of private security guards was linked to Karzai’s 2014 timetable for Afghan forces to take over all security and operational responsibilities from U.S. and NATO-led forces.

“The government wants to deal thoroughly with the companies and now that the capacity of the Afghan government is gradually increasing those entities in need of security individuals can use organized and educated Afghan soldiers,” Herawi told Reuters.

10 Gulf seafood industry tries to shake an oily image

By MARY FOSTER and BRIAN SKOLOFF, Associated Press Writers

2 hrs 18 mins ago

NEW ORLEANS – Those who rely on the Gulf of Mexico’s rich fishing grounds say there’s a new crisis brewing – convincing skeptical consumers that the seafood they harvest and sell is safe to eat.

The Gulf’s fisheries are beginning to reopen more than three months after the oil began gushing from the sea floor, but those in the seafood industry say that doesn’t mean everything has returned to normal.

“We have a huge perception problem,” said Ewell Smith, director of the Louisiana Seafood Promotion and Marketing Board. “We have lost markets across the country, and some of them may be lost for good.”

11 Gulf shrimpers pray for good season amid oil spill

By KEVIN McGILL, Associated Press Writers

44 mins ago

THERIOT, La. – Docked boats were bedecked with fluttering red, white and blue streamers and rainbows of balloons in a bayou-country, pre-shrimp season tradition known as the “Blessing of the Boats.”

On the menu? Heaping trays of barbecued chicken, smoked sausage and potato salad – but no crabs or shrimp.

Blame the BP oil spill. The company has plugged the leak and announced Sunday that cement sealing the busted oil well in the Gulf of Mexico had hardened, clearing the path for the final phase of drilling a relief well.

12 Victims of Afghan massacre gave years of service

KRISTEN WYATT and ROBERT H. REID, Associated Press Writers

14 mins ago

KABUL, Afghanistan – One gave up a lucrative practice to give free dental care to children who had never seen a toothbrush. Others had devoted whole decades of their lives to helping the Afghan people through war and deprivation.

The years of service ended in a hail of bullets in a remote valley of a land that members of the medical team had learned to love.

The bodies of the 10 slain volunteers – six Americans, two Afghans, a German and a Briton – were flown Sunday back to Kabul by helicopter, even as friends and family bitterly rejected Taliban claims the group had tried to convert Afghans to Christianity.

13 Slain doctors brought medical care to Afghanistan

By KRISTEN WYATT, Associated Press Writer

1 hr 26 mins ago

DENVER – Members of a medical team gunned down in Afghanistan brought some of the first toothbrushes and eyeglasses villagers had ever seen and spent no time talking about religion as they provided medical care, friends and aid organizations said Sunday.

Dr. Thomas Grams, 51, quit his dental practice in Durango, Colo., four years ago to work full-time giving impoverished children free dental care in Nepal and Afghanistan, said Katy Shaw of Global Dental Relief, a Denver-based group that sends teams of dentists around the globe. He was killed Thursday, Shaw said, along with five other Americans, two Afghans, one German and a Briton.

“The kids had never seen toothbrushes, and Tom brought thousands of them,” said Khris Nedam, head of the Kids 4 Afghan Kids in Livonia, Mich., which builds schools and wells in Afghanistan. “He trained them how to brush their teeth, and you should’ve seen the way they smiled after they learned to brush their teeth.”

14 AP source: Ousted HP CEO settles with accuser

By JORDAN ROBERTSON, AP Technology Writer

46 mins ago

SAN FRANCISCO – Ousted Hewlett-Packard Co. CEO Mark Hurd has settled allegations of sexual harassment lodged against him by a female contract worker for HP, a person with knowledge of the case told The Associated Press.

The harassment accusation set off a chain of events that led to the discovery of allegedly falsified expense reports for dinners Hurd had with the woman and culminated in Hurd’s forced resignation Friday from the world’s largest technology company.

The person familiar with the case told the AP late Satuday that Hurd agreed to pay the woman but would not reveal the size of the payment. The deal was reached Thursday, a day before Hurd’s resignation. The settlement was between Hurd and his accuser and did not involve a payment from HP, this person said.

15 Forced to retire, some take Social Security early

By MATT SEDENSKY, Associated Press Writer

Sun Aug 8, 12:30 pm ET

MIAMI – Paul Skidmore’s office is shuttered, his job gone, his 18-month job search fruitless and his unemployment benefits exhausted. So at 63, he plans to file this week for Social Security benefits, three years earlier than planned.

“All I want to do is work,” said Skidmore, of Finksburg, Md., who was an insurance claims adjuster for 37 years before his company downsized and closed his office last year. “And nobody will hire me.”

It is one of the most striking fallouts from the bad economy: Social Security is facing its first-ever shortfall this year as a wave of people like Skidmore opt to collect payments before their full retirement age. Adding to the strain on the trust are reduced tax collections sapped by the country’s historic unemployment – still at 9.5 percent.

16 Far from ground zero, opponents fight new mosques

TRAVIS LOLLER, Associated Press Writer

26 mins ago

MURFREESBORO, Tenn. – Muslims trying to build houses of worship in the nation’s heartland, far from the heated fight in New York over plans for a mosque near ground zero, are running into opponents even more hostile and aggressive.

Foes of proposed mosques have deployed dogs to intimidate Muslims holding prayer services and spray painted “Not Welcome” on a construction sign, then later ripped it apart.

The 13-story, $100 million Islamic center that could soon rise two blocks from the site of the Sept. 11 attacks would dwarf the proposals elsewhere, yet the smaller projects in local communities are stoking a sharper kind of fear and anger than has showed up in New York.

17 Afghan commission: Civilian deaths up in 2010

HEIDI VOGT and RAHIM FAIEZ, Associated Press Writers

47 mins ago

KABUL, Afghanistan – Civilian war deaths in the first seven months of 2010 rose by 6 percent over the same period last year, Afghanistan’s human rights commission said Sunday. The modest increase suggested that U.S. and NATO efforts to hold down civilian casualties were having some success.

Also Sunday, the bodies of 10 members of a medical team – six Americans, two Afghans, one German and a Briton – were flown to Kabul from the northern province of Badakhshan, where they were gunned down three days ago at the end of a humanitarian mission. The Taliban claimed responsibility and accused the group of spying and seeking to convert Muslims to Christianity.

The Taliban and their allies were responsible for 68 percent of the at least 1,325 civilian deaths recorded by the Afghan Independent Human Rights Commission, the organization said in a report. Twenty-three percent were ascribed to NATO or Afghan government forces.

18 Former enemies US, Vietnam now military mates

By MARGIE MASON, Associated Press Writer

Sun Aug 8, 8:56 am ET

ABOARD THE USS GEORGE WASHINGTON – Cold War enemies the United States and Vietnam demonstrated their blossoming military relations Sunday as a U.S. nuclear supercarrier cruised in waters off the Southeast Asian nation’s coast – sending a message that China is not the region’s only big player.

The visit comes 35 years after the Vietnam War as Washington and Hanoi are cozying up in a number of areas, from negotiating a controversial deal to share civilian nuclear fuel and technology to agreeing that China needs to work with its neighbors to resolve territorial claims in the South China Sea.

The USS George Washington’s stop is officially billed as a commemoration of last month’s 15th anniversary of normalized diplomatic relations between the former foes. But the timing also reflects Washington’s heightened interest in maintaining security and stability in the Asia-Pacific amid tensions following the sinking of a South Korean warship in March, which killed 46 sailors. North Korea has been blamed for the attack, but has vehemently denied any involvement.

19 Medicare’s private eyes let fraud cases get cold

By RICARDO ALONSO-ZALDIVAR, Associated Press Writer

Sun Aug 8, 9:07 am ET

WASHINGTON – They don’t seem that interested in hot pursuit. It took private sleuths hired by Medicare an average of six months last year to refer fraud cases to law enforcement.

According to congressional investigators, the exact average was 178 days. By that time, many cases go cold, making it difficult to catch perpetrators, much less recover money for taxpayers.

A recent inspector general report also raised questions about the contractors, who play an important role in Medicare’s overall effort to combat fraud.

20 AP Interview: WikiLeaks to publish new documents

Associated Press

Sun Aug 8, 6:01 am ET

BERLIN – The online whistle-blower WikiLeaks said it will continue to publish more secret files from governments around the world despite U.S. demands to cancel plans to release classified military documents.

“I can assure you that we will keep publishing documents – that’s what we do,” a WikiLeaks spokesman, who says he goes by the name Daniel Schmitt in order to protect his identity, told The Associated Press in an interview Saturday.

Schmitt said he could not comment on any specific documents but asserted that the publication of classified documents about the Afghanistan war directly contributed to the public’s understanding of the conflict.

21 3 women on high court: Historic but impact unclear

By MARK SHERMAN, Associated Press Writer

Sun Aug 8, 1:34 am ET

WASHINGTON – At least once a term for 13 years, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg recalled, some lawyer arguing before the Supreme Court would mistake her for Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, or vice versa.

No matter that Brooklyn-born Ginsburg and O’Connor, raised on a ranch in Arizona, look and sound nothing alike.

The confusion arose because, even at the dawn of the 21st century, women on the court were “one- or two-at-a-time curiosities,” Ginsburg said.

22 Bahrain says no plans to ban BlackBerry services

By ADAM SCHRECK, AP Business Writer

12 mins ago

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates – Bahrain’s foreign minister said Sunday the country has no plans to follow its Persian Gulf neighbors in banning some BlackBerry services because security fears do not outweigh the technological benefits.

His comments come as device maker Research in Motion Ltd. is facing opposition by a number of countries around the world, including Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates in the Gulf, to the way its encrypted e-mail and messenger services are managed.

Bahrain’s Sheik Khaled bin Ahmed Al Khalifa told The Associated Press the handheld devices raise legitimate concerns, but that his nation has decided that banning some of the phones’ features is “not a way of dealing with it.”

23 Beer warehouse shooter long complained of racism

By JOHN CHRISTOFFERSEN, Associated Press Writer

Sat Aug 7, 10:43 pm ET

NEW HAVEN, Conn. – To those closest to him, Omar Thornton was caring, quiet and soft-spoken. He was excited to land a well-paying job at a beer delivery company a few years ago and his longtime girlfriend says they talked of marrying and having children.

But underneath, Thornton seethed with a sense of racial injustice for years that culminated in a shooting rampage Tuesday in which the Connecticut man killed eight and wounded two others at his job at Hartford Distributors in Manchester before killing himself.

“I know what pushed him over the edge was all the racial stuff that was happening at work,” said his girlfriend, Kristi Hannah.

24 Difficult task to lower risk of workplace violence

By BEN DOBBIN, Associated Press Writer

1 hr 37 mins ago

Criminologists call it murder by proxy – rampages by employees who go after their boss, supervisors and even co-workers they link to the source of their outrage. The message is: Look who’s doing the firing now.

These eruptions of workplace violence often occur in similarly brutal ways. But experts say they rarely come with a warning, making them hard to stop.

Employers can reduce the risk of on-the-job attacks, especially in cases where employees are about to get axed; if there have been signs of distress or aggression, they can move the conversation away from the main work space or have security present. Patdown searches and the use of metal detectors are also options for some companies but have the drawback of raising tension.

25 US immigrant’s dream ends with genocide allegation

By LYNNE TUOHY, Associated Press Writer

1 hr 18 mins ago

CONCORD, N.H. – Beatrice Munyenyezi brought her three daughters to the United States from war-ravaged Rwanda in 1998 and focused on the American Dream: private schooling for her girls, a home with a swimming pool, a sport utility vehicle.

Before long, she had a $13-an-hour job at Manchester’s Housing Authority in New Hampshire, her children were enrolled in Catholic school, and she was on her way to financing a comfortable American lifestyle through mortgages, loans and credit cards.

Now the 40-year-old mother sits behind bars, held without bond while she awaits trial on federal citizenship fraud charges for allegedly lying about involvement in the 1994 Rwandan genocide, when at least 500,000 ethnic Tutsis and moderate Hutus were killed.

26 Immigration issue boosts Brewer in Arizona race

By PAUL DAVENPORT, Associated Press Writer

Sun Aug 8, 1:36 pm ET

PHOENIX – As the year began, Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer faced a competitive field of fellow Republicans who wanted her job, with some GOP critics sensing she was particularly vulnerable as she sought voter approval of a sales tax increase she’d proposed to shore up the state budget.

All of that began to change in April, when she signed a tough new state law cracking down on illegal immigrants, which soon put Arizona at the heart of a rabid national debate on immigration. Now, with Arizona’s Aug. 24 GOP primary just two weeks away, not only she is riding high, but she can confidently boast of an enviable reputation among conservatives across the country.

“She essentially flipped the whole election,” said Matthew Jette, the only candidate still actively campaigning against Brewer. “She was pretty much dead last, except if you count me.”

27 Years later, politicians tripping over ‘trackers’

By KRISTEN WYATT, Associated Press Writer

Sun Aug 8, 1:35 pm ET

DENVER – They’re as common at campaign stops as colorful banners: hand-held cameras wielded by politicians’ opponents to catch them making a stupid mistake.

So how come candidates keep getting tripped up by “trackers” who record their every move?

Trackers have been credited for spoiling campaigns from Virginia to Nevada. And this year, amateur video clips could make the difference in Colorado’s hotly contested GOP Senate primary on Tuesday.

28 Marine accused of killing colleague to go on trial

By KEVIN MAURER, Associated Press Writer

Sun Aug 8, 12:37 pm ET

JACKSONVILLE, N.C. – Investigators said Marine Cpl. Cesar Laurean had an obvious motive to kill his pregnant Marine colleague: She accused him of raping her and fathering her unborn baby.

However, Naval investigators said they have no physical evidence or eyewitnesses to corroborate Lance Cpl. Maria Lauterbach’s claims, and Laurean denied they ever had sexual contact. It will be up to a jury to decide what happened when Laurean goes on trial Tuesday in Goldsboro on first-degree murder and a litany of other charges.

Onslow County District Attorney Dewey Hudson has said the case is one of the most perplexing he’s seen in three decades as a prosecutor. And the accounts of how Lauterbach died aren’t any less tricky. Her charred remains were found in a fire pit behind Laurean’s white, ranch-style home, which remains a curiosity for passers-by.

Rant of the Week: Jon Stewart

“I Give UP

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart
I Give Up – 9/11 Responders Bill
Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Tea Party

Voters Choice: “None of the Fucking Above”

Punting the Pundits

Punting the Punditsis an Open Thread. It is a selection of editorials and opinions from around the news medium and the internet blogs. The intent is to provide a forum for your reactions and opinions, not just to the opinions presented, but to what ever you find important.

The Sunday Talking Heads:

This Week with Christiane Amanpour:

Her guests this Sunday will be General Ray Odierno, the top commander in Iraq and General Peter Chiarelli, the general in charge of the U.S. Army’s efforts to reduce the epidemic of suicide among U.S. soldiers.

The Round Table will be George Packer of the New Yorker, Gillian Tett of the Financial Times, Politico’s John Harris, and Michael Gerson, Washington Post columnist and former Bush speech-writer. The topic will be Mr Packer’s piece this week in the New Yorker on the broken Senate, as well as, California’s gay marriage ban is ruled unconstitutional by a federal court; Republicans push to change the constitution to end birthright citizenship for the children of illegal immigrants; and Elena Kagan is confirmed by the Senate in a highly partisan vote.

Face the Nation with Bob Schieffer:

His guests will be Ret. Admiral Thad Allen, U.S. Coast Guard, David Boies, American Foundation for Legal Rights, Tony Perkins, Family Research Council, Dan Balz, The Washington Post and CBS News Chief Legal Correspondent Jan Crawford. Discussion will ne on What’s Next for the Gulf? and Same Sex Marriage Debate.

Chris Matthews:

The topics will be on Will Dems Have Votes To Kill Tax Cuts?, Will GOP Run Against Gay Marriage? and Will Hillary Clinton Bump Joe Biden From The 2012 Obama Ticket?

His guests will include Howard Fineman, Newsweek Senior Washington Correspondent, Erin Burnett, CNBC Anchor, Kelly O’Donnell, NBC News, Capitol Hill Correspondent and John Heilemann, New York Magazine, National Political Correspondent.

State of the Union with Candy Crowley:

Her guest will be Governors Bob McDonnell (R-VA) and Jennifer Granholm (D-MI) who will discuss their views on immigration, same-sex marriage, and health care. The second segment will include Admiral Thad Allen (Ret.), National Incident Commander discussing the recovery efforts in response to the oil catastrophe. Allen will also respond to this week’s NOAA report on what happened to the oil that spilled into the Gulf.

Fareed Zakaris: GPS:

Fareed will give his take on the controversy over the proposed cultural center at Ground Zero and the founding principle of freedom of religion in America.

He will have a one on one interview with Former Pakistani spy chief Hamid Gul to discuss allegations from the WikiLeaks documents that he conspired with terrorists to kill Allied soldiers and “set Kabul aflame”.

Then, the Foreign Minister of Serbia on whether war in the Balkans is possible again.

And finally a look at how Iran has America pinned to the mat.


Glenn Greenwald: What collapsing empire looks like

As we enter our ninth year of the War in Afghanistan with an escalated force, and continue to occupy Iraq indefinitely, and feed an endlessly growing Surveillance State, reports are emerging of the Deficit Commission hard at work planning how to cut Social Security, Medicare, and now even to freeze military pay.  But a new New York Times article today illustrates as vividly as anything else what a collapsing empire looks like, as it profiles just a few of the budget cuts which cities around the country are being forced to make.  This is a sampling of what one finds:


Plenty of businesses and governments furloughed workers this year, but Hawaii went further — it furloughed its schoolchildren. Public schools across the state closed on 17 Fridays during the past school year to save money, giving students the shortest academic year in the nation.

   Many transit systems have cut service to make ends meet, but Clayton County, Ga., a suburb of Atlanta, decided to cut all the way, and shut down its entire public bus system. Its last buses ran on March 31, stranding 8,400 daily riders.

   Even public safety has not been immune to the budget ax. In Colorado Springs, the downturn will be remembered, quite literally, as a dark age: the city switched off a third of its 24,512 streetlights to save money on electricity, while trimming its police force and auctioning off its police helicopters.

(emphasis Mr. Greenwald’s)

Dana Milbank: The right wing mantra: If at first you don’t secede . . .

Vacationing on North Carolina’s Outer Banks this week, I’ve been thinking about how different things will be here when the South secedes from the Union.

The Confederates, I anticipate, will order Elizabeth’s Café & Winery to banish the Maine lobster tomato caprese in favor of fried catfish. The lattes at Duck’s Cottage will likely be nullified and replaced by sweet tea. Inevitably, the Sanderling spa will be ordered to discontinue its Vinyasa yoga classes and instead open a shooting range.

Happily, there is as yet no sign of imminent hostilities at the seaside; Escalades with Jersey plates continue to ply Highway 12 unmolested by rebel artillery. But you wouldn’t know things were so calm from the words spoken by Republican primary candidates lately. Here in the South, they have been campaigning under a bizarre theory: nothing succeeds like secession.

Frank Rich: How to Lose an Election Without Really Trying

COULD George W. Bush be a kind of Gipper-in-reverse and win yet one more for the Democrats? Clearly this White House sees him as the gift that will keep on giving. The 2010 campaign against the Bush administration is in full cry, with President Obama leading the charge. The Republicans are “betting on amnesia,” he confidently told the claque at a recent fund-raiser. “They don’t have a single idea that’s different from George Bush’s ideas.” It’s now the incessant party line.

Sounds plausible, but it’s Obama who’s on the wrong side of that bet, to his own political peril.

Betting on amnesia is almost always a winning, not a losing, wager in America. Angry demonstrators at health care town-hall meetings didn’t remember that Medicare is a government program, and fewer and fewer voters of both parties recall that the widely loathed TARP was a Bush administration creation supported by the G.O.P. Congressional leadership. So many Republicans don’t know Obama is a natural citizen – 41 percent in a poll last week – that we must (charitably) assume some of them have forgotten that Hawaii was granted statehood. The G.O.P. chairman is sufficiently afflicted with amnesia that he matter-of-factly regaled an audience with the counterfactual observation that the war in Afghanistan, Bush’s immediate response to 9/11, began under Obama.

Matthew Yglesias: Anchor babies, the Ground Zero mosque and other scapegoats

Politics always seems to get a bit off-kilter when the temperature goes up. But instead of the familiar silly-season stuff of years past — made-up scandals and who-cares gossip — the past two summers have been filled with vitriol. Last year we had town halls gone wild,  fueled by the threat of death panels pulling the plug on Grandma. This year, us-vs.-them controversies are proliferating, linked by a surge in xenophobia. This is our summer of fear.

So far, the summer of fear has featured a charge, led by Newt Gingrich, Sarah Palin and former New York congressman Rick Lazio, to block the construction of the Cordoba House Islamic cultural center (which is to include a mosque) a few blocks from the site of the World Trade Center. Meanwhile, with frightening speed, we’ve gone from discussing the prospects for comprehensive immigration reform to watching congressional Republicans call for hearings to reconsider the 14th Amendment’s guarantee of citizenship to anyone born in the United States.

Carlos Lozado: How did Christina Romer do as an Obama economic adviser? Ask Christina Romer.

So, how do we assess the performance of Christina Romer, who is stepping down after 19 months as the chair of President Obama’s Council of Economic Advisers  to return to the University of California at Berkeley? It just so happens that one person particularly qualified to judge CEA chair Christina Romer is, well, professor Christina Romer.

David Callahan: As the green economy grows, the ‘dirty rich’ are fading away

So the blown-out oil well in the gulf  has finally stopped gushing, plugged with heavy mud and awaiting the ultimate “kill” by a relief well. Yet, even with the largest oil spill in the nation’s history in the background, what seems to have been killed much more quickly is Washington’s will to take meaningful action on the environment. After axing climate-change legislation in late July, the Senate is now taking up a modest energy bill — and even that effort may go nowhere.

Hopes for a pivotal BP-driven eco-moment — remember President Obama’s call in June for a new “national mission”  to get America off fossil fuels? — have dissipated, seemingly confirming the common view that powerful energy firms, and corporate America more broadly, stand as the sworn enemies of any bold new environmental rules and that they have the clout to get their way.

The Week In Review 8/1 – 7

226 Stories served.  32 per day.

This is actually the hardest diary to execute, and yet perhaps the most valuable because it lets you track story trends over time.  It should be a Sunday morning feature.

Economy- 44

Sunday 8/1 3

Monday 8/2 3

Tuesday 8/3 7

Wednesday 8/4 7

Thursday 8/5 11

Friday 8/6 8

Saturday 8/7 5

Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Iran- 30

Sunday 8/1 3

Monday 8/2 5

Tuesday 8/3 8

Wednesday 8/4 3

Thursday 8/5 5

Friday 8/6 2

Saturday 8/7 4

International- 42

Sunday 8/1 5

Monday 8/2 5

Tuesday 8/3 1

Wednesday 8/4 8

Thursday 8/5 9

Friday 8/6 8

Saturday 8/7 6

National- 62

Sunday 8/1 7

Monday 8/2 8

Tuesday 8/3 12

Wednesday 8/4 8

Thursday 8/5 9

Friday 8/6 16

Saturday 8/7 8

Gulf Oil Blowout Disaster- 29

Sunday 8/1 5

Monday 8/2 6

Tuesday 8/3 5

Wednesday 8/4 5

Thursday 8/5 3

Friday 8/6 3

Saturday 8/7 2

Science- 10

Sunday 8/1 3

Monday 8/2 2

Tuesday 8/3 1

Thursday 8/5 1

Friday 8/6 1

Saturday 8/7 2

Sports- 8

Sunday 8/1 3

Monday 8/2 3

Thursday 8/5 2

Arts/Fashion- 1

Sunday 8/1 1

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