Tag: Jon Stewart

Spot the African Country

Spot the African Country

Trevor Noah, one of the newest correspondents on “The Daily Show,” hails from South Africa.

As a South African now living in the U.S., he wants to set the record straight about Africa.

Noah invited his new boss and their viewers to see a different side of Africa by playing a game.

Between rampant racial inequality and Ebola outbreaks, South African comedian Trevor Noah admits he hesitated to visit a country as underdeveloped as America.

Rant of the week: Jon Stewart – Florida Haters

Florida Haters

Rant if the Week: Jon Stewart – We Can’t Breathe

We Can’t Breathe

Rant of the Week: Jon Stewar – ISIS Age


Rant of the Week: Jon Stewart: Bullets Points Over Benghazi

Bullets Points Over Benghazi


Rant of the Week: Jon Stewart: Back to the Torture

Back to the Torture


Portrait Accomplished


Why aren’t these people in jail? One word answer: Obama

Rant of the Week: Sam Bee, “I Watch Morning Joe”

Sam Bee, “I Watch Morning Joe”

Rant of the Week: Jon Stewart: Romancing the Drone

Jon Stewart: Romancing the Drone

The Obama administration explores the legal ramifications of aerial citizen reduction programs.

Romancing the Drone – The Last Rulebender

Senator Carl Levin stages an intervention for American drone policy, but the Obama administration refuses to admit it has a problem

NYC’s Mayor Meets Jon Stewart

New York City’s rookie Mayor Bill de Blasio sat down with Jon Stewart to get a lesson on how real New Yorkers eat pizza and discuss his plans for the future of NYC. But not before Jon and the gang take the mayor to school over snow removal.

The Best F#@king News Team Ever surveys the snowy domain of a mayor hell-bent on making New York City unlivable for the rich.

Exclusive – Bill de Blasio Extended Interview Pt. 1

In this exclusive, unedited interview, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio discusses stepping into Mayor Bloomberg’s tiny shoes and his controversial pizza-eating tendencies.

Exclusive – Bill de Blasio Extended Interview Pt. 2

In this exclusive, unedited interview, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio weighs in on horse carriages, stop-and-frisk policies and fears of liberal chaos.

Exclusive – Bill de Blasio Extended Interview Pt. 3

In this exclusive, unedited interview, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio defends his plan raise money for universal pre-K access.

The mayor quipped at one point that he is getting a lot of experience with snow removal but he wished it would stop so he could learn something else. We wish it would stop, too. NYC is expecting another 2 – 3 inches of the cold white stuff Sunday.

Rant of the Week: Jon Stewart: State of the Union

Jon Stewart: State of the Union

President Obama uses lessons learned from passive-aggressive Jewish mothers in his 2014 State of the Union address.

The 2014 State of the Union – Republicans Respond

Joe Biden does his thing, and Republican politicians react to President Obama’s State of the Union talking points.  

Band of Blockers

Republicans uninterested in bipartisanship decry President Obama’s lack of bipartisanship, and one Congressman gives a NY1 reporter the traditional Staten Island goodbye.

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